• One Canadian’s Mission to Help GLBTQ Refugees Find a Kinder, Colder Home

    David Pepper is traveling around Canada to mobilize the LGBT community to sponsor people being persecuted because of their sexual orientation or gender expression.

  • South Africa Government Hears Out LGBT Activists On Corrective Rape

    A common practice in South Africa, corrective rape is an act of violence where lesbians are raped in order to “fix” them… as charming as that sounds, it is time to wave goodbye to that policy, for real this time.

  • Nepal Will Count its Transpeople, Court Gay Travelers (Especially Buddhists)

    Nepal is open for gay tourists and just announced it will add a transgender category to its Census. Nepal is deeply conservative. Other countries should feel embarrassed.

  • Even in Canada! Did Toronto F*ck Up Gay Pride?

    If you thought there wasn’t room for one more controversy to sweep Toronto, well, you were wrong. This officially marks the first time ever we haven’t wanted to move to Canada. Also: Judith Butler turns down an award, bisexuality gets surveyed, gay marriage in NY and the lives of gay youths.

  • Argentina Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage! Felicidades!

    Argentina’s legislature approved marriage rights for all citizens last night, after a hard-fought battle between the country’s president and the Catholic Church. It’s the first country in Latin America to do so.

  • American Gays Want (And Can’t Have) Rights Straight People Hate

    Hawaii’s governor vetoes civil unions bill, Today Show excludes gays from its Modern Weddings contest and a lesbian is denied the malpractice settlement from her deceased ex-wife — seems gays can’t get a break in the US these days. It’s okay though, because new studies show that straight people are married & have kids & they HATE IT. But also there’s the super-cute new issue of gay wedding mag EquallyWed… gawd, it’s so hard to choose a number one feeling today!

  • Malawi “Gay” Couple Pardoned, Ceding to U.N. & International Pressure (No Homo)

    GOOD NEWS! Following a meeting with U.N Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Malawi President Bingu wa Mutharika pardoned the “gay” couple who had been sentenced to 14 years of jail and hard labor, announcing, “I have done this on humanitarian grounds but this does not mean that I support this.” Also,

  • Uganda’s Bill to Punish Gays with Death Supported by Actual Human Americans

    Under Uganda’s anti-homosexuality bill, gays face life imprisonment at a minimum and often execution and the public is required to report gays or go to jail. Who are the Americans supporting Uganda’s Museveni legislation of evil? We break it all down for you. Also; should we settle for civil unions, the implications of Perry v. Schwarzenegger, another teacher-student lesbian sex scandal and “Who Do We Have to Blow to Get Gay Marriage in New York”?

  • Rwanda Votes on its Kill the Gays Bill, Zimbabwe Kicks the Gays Out of School

    Rwanda is voting on a “kill the gays” bill too, just like Uganda, which slipped under the radar ’til now. Zimbabwe kicks two girls out of school for lesbian activities, most New Yorkers are upset same-sex marriage didn’t pass, unearthed video footage of Matthew Shepard in a documentary, and what to do when your UK girlfriend’s American Visa expires.

  • Uganda is Takin’ it Back: Anti-Gay Bill Will Kill the Gays After All

    Uganda calls takebacks — killing gays will remain a piece of the anti-gay legislation after all. We look at other countries with similar laws and recent interviews with anti-gay leaders in Uganda. Also; GLSEN is counting the number of times you say “dyke” on twitter and we don’t understand why and an annoying columnist talks smack about the hot teacher makeout.