• Straddler On The Street: Cheryna

    Cheryna spoke about her cute cat and her cute girlfriend, being queer and Dominican, and her experiences at A-Camp. There’s also a funny story involving milkshakes and a policeman, plus a cute photograph of the cute cat.

  • Straddler On The Street: Amanda F.

    Amanda is a 24 year old student in veterinary medicine and comparative biomedical sciences at Cornell University who is both a cat researcher and a ball python handler!

  • Straddler On The Street: Grace from Best Day Project

    “…I questioned whether or not Autostraddle is a lesbian cult and if it isn’t, how I’m going to deal with my like peaking.” Want to know the context of this sentiment? You need to read this interview and meet Grace.

  • Straddler On The Street: Maile

    Maile first stole my heart when she said she’s been reading Autostraddle since she was “a wee closeted baby dyke” and she won me over when she told me she “continues to be a diehard fan.”

  • Straddler On The Street: Jillian

    Jillian made me want to run away to a farm. Specifically her farm, in Kansas. I think you might feel the same way once you’ve read this interview.

  • Straddler On The Street: Chloe

    Say hello to Chloe, our very first New Zealand Straddler, on this cheery Monday morning – though for her, it may already be tomorrow!

  • Straddler On The Street: Dhati

    This post includes an adorable photo of Dhati as a small child, along with some words of wisdom about coming out, not coming out, and crushing on Korean pop stars.

  • Straddler On The Street: Charrise

    Charrise is the Miami-based Straddler who organized the Audre Lorde documentary event we told you about last week, and today she’s chatting with us about law school, empowering youth and all of her favorite things.

  • Straddler On The Street: Ketzel

    Ketzel wrote to us and said she’d like to see more teenage queers in the media, so we went ahead and accepted her offer to interview her, a real live teenage queer. We chatted about how she’s choosing a college, feminism, her love of horseback riding and the biggest misconceptions grownups have about teens.

  • Straddler On The Street: Emily

    Emily lives in Canada and went to A-Camp 3.0, and she shared her feelings about being biracial, getting into roller derby, and having a cat named Barbra Streisand. Also it’s Canada Day so you basically need to shower her with love and maple leaves.

  • Straddler On The Street: Amanda K.B.

    Amanda tells us all about roller derby, her favorite love songs and the importance of supporting our queer youth.

  • Straddler On The Street: Jaime

    Meet Jaime, a born and bred Southerner and our very last Straddler of 2012. Jaime talks about many things including her love of New Orleans, teaching Southern lesbian literature and her “crankypants and utterly adorable” cat Stella.