Lady Gaga Rises, Lesbians Model, Crystal Chappell Goes Both Ways & Glambert Tops

Lady Gaga’s old friend, writer Brendan Sullivan, writes on “Lady Gaga Before She Was Famous” for  Esquire Magazine’s “Women” issue:

“We went around the corner to some shithole, and after we had a few drinks and her music hit me again, I told her that even though I had been to the bar a hundred times, I suddenly felt as if I were in a Lady Gaga song — it felt different because of her. And it was true. Her music is about doing, and it’s about possibility. It’s exciting. You can hear her belief that there’s much more to come — sex, love, money, fame, exhibitionism, success.”

It’s a gorgeously well-written piece accompanied by a bunch of old photos of Gaga with according anecdotes. Even in the past, she was laying a foundation for how she’d be talked about in the future:

On Saturdays we would sit on the floor of her bare Lower East Side apartment, drinking wine from pint glasses. I would read drafts of my novel to her while she lay on the floor, head in my lap. Every once in a while we’d take a Springsteen break. (She loves “Thunder Road.”) She would use the drafts as blank pages to write notes, workshopping her career plan.


Crystal Chappell of Days of Our Lives and the webseries Venice was in Colorado for HRC’s Mile High Gala, also attended by Real World DC’s Mike Manning. There she did an interview with OutFront Colorado where she once again confirmed that she is attracted to both men & women. Howevs, she is presently married to soap opera actor Michael Sabatino, sorry ladies!

MK: You are coming to Colorado as the special guest for HRC’s Mile High Gala, and many gay men and lesbians are huge fans of soap operas and of you. Why do you think that you are so popular with the LGBT community?
Crystal Chappell: I think it really began with the Otalia storyline on Guiding Light. It was a story that represented the gay and lesbian community, and at a time when there isn’t a lot of gay content out there. I think it really has a lot to do with the exposure of that story, and I have many, many gay friends and am a big supporter of equal rights. I am very grateful for the encouragement that the community gives me to keep moving forward.

MK: You play a lesbian character on Venice. What is that like for you as a straight woman and how did you prepare for your part?
Crystal Chappell: I did not have to do much to prepare. I am equally attracted to men and women and I like both genders, so it is not an issue for me. You are attracted to who you are attracted to and fall in love with who you fall in love with. This is who my character is – a gay woman. It wasn’t difficult to understand or portray her.

Crystal gave a similar answer in a TV Guide interview last year:

TVG: Alright, let’s send the Otalia fans into a tizzy — what’s been your gay experience in real life? I know you’re a human being first, but did you always have gay friends? Did you dabble/experiment? The fact that you have become a super-gay icon is not an easy feat to accomplish, but it’s clear you are a part of our community because you get us, much like Madonna.
CC: I’ve always had gay friends. To me, it’s a non-issue. I consider myself a very open and sexual person. Homo or hetero — it doesn’t matter; I’m available to life. I fell in love with my husband, but I could have easily fallen in love with a woman.

TVG: [Joking] OK, now I’m worried for Michael’s safety! [Seriously] Let’s talk about your kids, Jacob and Dylan. What do they know about the Otalia phenomenon and what have you taught them about homosexuality? I would venture to say that they are going to be pretty evolved adults when they grow up.
CC: Because we have such a large group of gay friends in our life, this is nothing new to them. But we did have to explain to them that gays can’t get married in the state of California. So they get it, but they know gays still have to fight for equality. As for Otalia, they treated it like any other love story I’ve played before. Listen, they were more traumatized by the fact that I ran Ava over with a car! [Laughs]

Tonight Showtime is offering a sneak peek of The Real L Word: Los Angeles after Nurse Jackie and The United States of Tara:

Each cast member will tease her own individual story — the good, bad and sometimes ugly — that will be revealed in the nine-episode season, which will premiere on Showtime on Sunday, June 20th at 10pm PT/ET. The series is sure to challenge stereotypes and prove, unequivocally, that lesbians can be every bit as glamorous, fashionable, fabulous and even as cutthroat as those hetero housewives.

Also,’s Nat Garcia recently did a photoshoot for Lucky Dog Leather and Bound Magazine, featuring The Real L Word‘s Tracy Ryerson as well as Jill Bennett and Cathy DeBuono of We Have to Stop Now.


At last, the videos of Adam performing at the GLAAD Awards have come along! Here’s Adam performing FEVER, and you can see him do Music Again here.:

Other videos of note: Constance McMillen talking about how we all have the right to bring our date to prom, Wanda Sykes accepting her award and Drew Barrymore accepting her award.

Adam Lambert also dropped in at G-A-Y in London to promote the May 3rd UK release of his album, For Your Entertainment. Glambert is proving to be huge draw overseas as well as domestically — What Do You Want From Me is #1 in Germany and his June 5 show at Starland Ballroom is one of the fastest sellouts in venue history.

On the April 24, Jonny Weir tweeted: I refuse to fit into a box that is predetermined for me. I am happy living my life as it comes to me. Let me enjoy it. I love everyone, and Adam wrote back Hallelujah. (We think that’s how it went).

MELISSA ETHERIDGE: The Eth talks to Babble about Fearless Love.

Babble: What advice do you have for moms who have less traditional families?

ME: Live fearlessly — for yourself and your children. Know that the love you have for your kids is the only fuel they need and the only thing that will protect them and yourself. Know that love is more powerful than anyone’s fear or anyone’s misunderstanding of your life and your happiness.”

RuPaul’s Drag Race two-and-a-half-hour finale extravaganza starts tonight at 9 on Logo! The season finale will be followed by an all-new episode of Untuckd and then an outrageous reunion special.

OMG, TONIGHT!!!! IMPORTANT: Tune in to tonight for the massive ladyboy-fest that will be the Season 2 Finale of RuPaul’s Drag Race. From 8:30 pm to 10:15 pm ET Jon and I will be broadcasting live online from the Drag Race Finale event here in NYC. We’ll interview the 3 finalists, plus Pandora Boxx, Sahara Davenport and more!

And also during the finale tonight, you can join a Live-Blogging Finale Event at featuring Michelle Collins of, Tanner Stransky of Entertainment Weekly, Jarett Wieselman of the NY Post’s PopWrap blog, Rich Juzwiak of VH1 Blog, Tom and Lorenzo of Project Rungay and others!

Update on Lindsay Lohan’s album.
(@prophet blog)

Jill Sobule, the original pop star who “kissed a girl” back in 1995, has a new side project dedicated entirely to professing her love of bears. (@queer sighted)

Probs gay Freja Beha Erichsen shot a new campaign with VOV. (@design scene)

Emily Nussbaum on GLEE:
“For many viewers, the villainous cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester (Jane Lynch) has been the show’s breakout star. But Sue doesn’t interest me as much as Chris Colfer, who plays an effeminate boy named Kurt… There have been other gay-teen plots, including the beautiful lesbian romance on Once and Again, and Rickie Vasquez on My So-Called Life. But there’s something at once original and old-fashioned about Glee’s evocation of doomed drag-queen longing in a young boy’s body.” (@nymag)


Episode Five of Julie & Brandy in Your Box Office is UP! Watch it now & Share Your Feelings!!

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  1. Every once in a while we’d take a Springsteen break. (She loves “Thunder Road.”)

    UM. Springsteen breaks! YES! My whole life is a Springsteen break I think. And I already loved Gaga but this just put her on a whole new level for me. Because she loves the song that is tattooed on my arm and I didn’t know that!

    • i don’t know too many springsteen songs, but i fucking love thunder road. what does your tattoo say?

      • Thunder Road. It just says Thunder Road.

        A good fucking song to fucking love. Yes.

        This one time in San Jose, Bruce Springsteen told me it was a pretty tattoo and that he wanted to sign underneath it and draw a guitar. I let him, it seemed like the right thing to do. And then I end up front row in the pit for the concert and he pointed at me after the first line in Thunder Road and it was one of those holy fucking shit moments.

        I would make you a CD if that was a thing that would work over this forum. Actually two CDs. I would make you two. And it wouldn’t be enough. But at least you would know more than not too many of his songs and that would be a very good thing.

        • THE BOSS POINTED AT YOU? DURING “THUNDER ROAD”?! So amazing. Can I live vicariously through you…like, retroactively? Does that work?

          But yes, Springsteen breaks are entirely necessary. Bob Seger/Tom Petty breaks would also suffice for those who don’t love The Boss quite as much.

  2. Lady Gaga wrote “Fever” (the song Adam Lambert is performing), but you probs already know that.

  3. I LOVE Rupaul’s Drag Race. Rupaul is gorgeous and hilarious! I even got my (homo-awkward)mom watching it and bugging me about when the new episode is coming on. ‘Tranny Chaser’ is my jam and I really want to put it on my ringtone but that may get looks..Also Tatianna could be my wifeband. I want to procreate with him/her.

    • thanks for the correction! Because we publish about 5,000 words a day with an all-volunteer staff, these errors do happen.

      As for our friendship with Google, how do you think they got his name to begin with? It wasn’t organic knowledge. It was Google!

      But you know, sometimes we make mistakes or misread information, which is why it’s so awesome that smartasses like you roam the web correcting us rudely. It’s even better when people correct us kindly– as they so often do — but you know, beggers can’t be choosers as they say!

      (And to be honest google really isn’t our friend, but that’s another story for another day. Re: big brother)

    • Wow! That was so uncalled for. She hasn’t been anything but honest and genuine with her fans and in interviews.

    • Emily,

      You don’t know Crystal Chappell personally do you? if you don’t you have no right calling her a nutjob. Jealous much?

  4. RE: Emily Nussbaum on Glee – Completely agree. Kurt is basically the highlight of the show for me.

    p.s. who should I email about typos and broken links and whatnot when something is done by “the team”?

    • if it’s a technical error then email tess at autostraddle dot com. if it’s an error in the actual content, like typos and broken links, email sarah at autostraddle dot com.

  5. I really like the Lady Gaga piece by Esquire. “She didn’t dream of fame. She announced it.” And I have to admit, say what you want about Adam Lambert’s music (it’s growing on me), but the guy has style.

  6. True story: I don’t usually listen to the radio or watch TV or leave my cave for any reason, so for a really long time I was sure that Katy Perry song I kept seeing mentioned was a Jill Sobule cover.

    S: why am i looking at naked photos of katy perry
    i feel gross
    me: i don’t know who that is
    S: that singer
    of that song
    S: i kissed a girl
    you know
    c lick it
    why am i laughing
    me: the country song
    S: NO
    the pop song
    me: pervert
    is it a pop song now
    it used to be a country song
    S: what

    I still have not heard this song.

  7. I love hearing how Gaga was mapping out her plan for world domination by scratching thoughts on the backs of her friend’s rough drafts and hanging in dive bars.

    And damn but Adam is killing it overseas. Just when I thought I couldn’t love Europeans any more.

    Vids are up of him on a UK morning show, being awesome. I am also a new fan of his dancer with the shoulder-feather-scarf-cape thingy. She’s almost as pretty as Adam LOL, who is srsly blowing me away in that second vid performing the song shunned by American radio now that they OH NOES associate it with boyz kissing and a little harmless faux fellash. Loving the new hott little dance routine!

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