Also.Also.Also: The USWNT Really Said “F*ck You. Pay Me.”

Well, I had insomnia on Wednesday night and let me tell you what — it was awful!

I hope you’re Thursday is better rested than what mine will surely be. And also that you eat a cookie or that the cute person you’ve been crushing on does something extra cute on social media today. Or, why not both!

Queer as in F*ck You

D E M O C R A C Y! 9% of Democratic Primary Voters so Far Are LGBT.

And I can’t believe I even have to say this, buuuut… Dear White Lesbians: You Are Not Studs

When a Haircut Is More Than Just a Haircut: Black L.G.B.T. New Yorkers are using social media to find barbershops that double as safe spaces.

New York State Will Allow Transgender Minors to Amend Their Birth Certificates

Grassroots Groups Help LGBTQ People Survive — and Thrive — in Appalachia

Chelsea Manning has been hospitalized after a suicide attempt on Wednesday. Sending real love.

Canada Introduces Bill To Ban ‘Gay Conversion’ Therapy Nationwide. If the legislation passes, Canada would become the fourth country in the world to make the medically denounced practice illegal.

Saw This, Thought of You

It’s Time to Talk About Wolf Girls. (This essay is actually from last July, but listen OK, everyone around the Autostraddle beltway can’t seem to stop talking about their damn wolves lately! Wolf Girls — the Horse Girls of queer culture.)

Nicole's malamute rescue dog

This beautiful goofball Malamute-mix rescue belongs to our A+ Membership Director, Nicole.

WNBA star Maya Moore sat out two seasons to help prove innocence of man behind bars. Now, his conviction has been officially been overturned.

Dolly Parton Wants to Celebrate Her 75th Birthday by Posing for Playboy

Why Americans Can’t Quit Girl Scout Cookies

In Celebration Of Being The Third Wheel

On Tuesday we talked about US Soccer Federation filing court documents in the USWNT’s ongoing equal pay trial that contained the sexist logic, “the job of a [men’s national team player] carries more responsibility within US Soccer than the job of a [women’s national team] player.”  After four World Cup titles — compared to the men’s whomping ZERO — I was pretty fucking pissed. It turns out the USWNT were pissed too, last night they took the field with their warm up jerseys turned inside out so that the US Soccer crest was hidden… but not those well-earned four stars.😉

And if you’re looking to show some solidarity, in a BOSS move, today the U.S. Women’s National Team Players Association started selling the inside-out jerseys as T-shirts for fans.

OK. I’ve been putting this off long enough, let’s talk Coronavirus: The World Health Organization has officially declared the virus a worldwide pandemic, there’s a new Trump travel ban that of course doesn’t make sense, the NBA is suspending their season (this will be the first time I can’t watch the NBA finals in June and I already don’t know what to do with myself), and Tom Hanks tested positive for the virus. Here’s some other smart things that I’d like you to think about:

  • “What you do now shouldn’t just be about mitigating your personal risk, but everyone else’s. How would you alter your behavior if someone you loved or lived with was at high risk of becoming seriously sick or dying? What if you behaved that way, even if you don’t love or live with someone in that position?” — Yes, You Actually Can Do Something About The Coronavirus by Anne Helen Peterson for Buzzfeed News
  • Keep it Simple! WASH YOUR HANDS! Cut Out the Racism! Why Pandemics Activate Xenophobia

Political Snacks

As much as elected officials and the 2020 presidential candidates talk about people behind bars, little is actually known about what incarcerated people think about politics. Most people in prison cannot vote, and pollsters don’t seek their opinions during election season.

So, how would we do it? Prisons are like black boxes where little information gets in and even less gets out. Surveying incarcerated people about their political views proved to be a logistical puzzle. Typical political polling organizations have the demographic data they need to make sure that they’re reaching a representative sample of people. And they can reach their prospects at home or on their cellphones. This isn’t the case for prisons… However, [they] tend to be less restrictive about snail mail and information on prison-based digital tablets.

From Slate, How We Pulled Off a Political Survey of Incarcerated America.

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Carmen Phillips

Carmen Phillips is Autostraddle's former editor in chief. She began at Autostraddle in 2017 as a freelance team writer and worked her way up through the company, eventually becoming the EIC from 2021-2024. A Black Puerto Rican feminist writer with a PhD in American Studies from New York University, Carmen specializes in writing about Blackness, race, queerness, politics, culture, and the many ways we find community and connection with each other.  During her time at Autostraddle, Carmen focused on pop culture, TV and film reviews, criticism, interviews, and news analysis. She claims many past homes, but left the largest parts of her heart in Detroit, Brooklyn, and Buffalo, NY. And there were several years in her early 20s when she earnestly slept with a copy of James Baldwin’s “Fire Next Time” under her pillow. To reach out, you can find Carmen on Twitter, Instagram, or her website.

Carmen has written 716 articles for us.


  1. I don’t wear a lot of sports apparel but petty lesbians might just change that.

  2. Just saw the news now that NHL also delayed their season & it will be only time before the MLB & the WNBA do too. At the moment the NCAA tourney will be played with no fans, minus the close family of the teams involved(so parents & siblings of the students & coaches family). This is going to hurt the staff of arenas & teams who get paid when a game is played. So far, only Mark Cuban has said he’d personally give arena staff a paycheck during the hiatus.

  3. Hmm, would you guys like a covid article or at least a guide on rtts and what #flattenthecurve has to do with democracy and the Golden Girls, or are you kind of fed up with the whole issue?
    I ought to be qualified enough to answer at least some questions, if there are any.
    Keep in mind that I‘m European, though, there are some things, I most certainly will not have an answer to.
    Also, if you’re a medical professional who wants them, I‘ve got a few cool links lying around, and I‘m also always game for some!
    Hit me up on twitter, and have a good night!

    • My office is swamped with patients calling in for advice on staying healthy. I am utterly fed up with whatever conspiracy theory crap they’re getting off facebook. Please spread some real medical documentation STAT!

      • You know, Snow, there isn’t just an infection running rampant, but there is also this void of information (in the US) that is really making people very, very scared and grasping at straws.
        It’s like they’re sent into battle, but it’s very foggy and all they can hear are the explosions around them.
        And it’s easier to assume some things rather than others.
        I’ll find something for you.

        • That void of information is also combined with the we’re trained from childhood to “suck it up” because attendance is important thing/sick leave isn’t a thing for many, and the awareness our healthcare system is a pile of expensive bullshit.

          People order a lyft or uber when they should be ordering an ambulance but that’s too expensive, especially when there’s going to an ER bill too.

          It’s like the perfect weather conditions for a hurricane or tornado.

    • Hey @amidola! Hope you’re managing ok in your new job at this crazy time.

      You had me at The Golden Girls, so yes to all of that! Our BC provincial health officer has been really great about communication (and getting lots of accolades for it) but I’d be really interested in wider perspectives.

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