Uganda’s “Kill The Gays” Bill “Essentially Dead”

After a tense week in which Uganda’s infamous “Kill The Gays” bill seemed to be defeated, then alive and kicking, it looks like the saga is finally over – for now. Uganda’s Parliament originally only conceded to rescheduling the vote until later in the week as a result of international pressure, and ultimately refused to remove the death penalty from the bill’s language. But it now appears that the vote that was rescheduled to Friday never occurred, and the bill has expired, effectively taking it off the table for the time being.

Obviously this news comes as a great relief, and there are reports of celebrations being planned by gay activists in Uganda, whose courage in the face of frightening violence by their government is deeply inspiring and also largely to be credited for any advances or social progress made for queer people in their country. Homosexuality is already illegal in Uganda, and has been since before this bill was ever introduced; protest and political activity by any gay activist in Uganda is dangerous, and their work is to be applauded.

The precise reason for the bill’s being allowed to expire hasn’t been given by the Ugandan Parliament; some online sources are still crediting international pressure and Western authorities, citing the fact that Avaaz gained 1.6 million more petition signatures in the 72 hours before the rescheduled voting time. It may also be worth noting that Amnesty International has directly addressed the newly re-elected Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni, urging him to adhere to a higher standard of human rights, and letting him know that he is under scrutiny. While compelling, their statement doesn’t cover only the abuses that gay and lesbian people in Uganda have suffered, but the general freedoms that all its people are denied:

“The blanket ban against all forms of public assemblies and demonstrations that has been in force since the conclusion of the February 2011 general elections must be immediately lifted, says Amnesty. Walk to Work protests which began on April 11 have been marred by the use of excessive force by security forces, including the use of firearms against crowds which were not posing an imminent threat of death or serious injury, killing at least ten people and injuring dozens more.

“President Museveni must take immediate steps to improve the freedom of expression in Uganda. Perceived critics of the government have faced harassment and intimidation,” said Michelle Kagari. “The proposed Press and Journalists (Amendment) bill should be withdrawn and the right to peaceful protest upheld.”

Amnesty says it is also worried that torture and ill-treatment by Ugandan security officials remains widespread.”

It’s interesting to note, however, that Museveni was also recently celebrated by the Inter-Africa Committee on Female Genital Mutilation for “his outstanding role in fighting the brutal inhuman practice against women in Uganda, the region and internationally.” While the human rights issues around FGM/FGC are fiercely debated, it does seem like this is one matter that’s taken seriously in a country where peaceful protests are met with violent retribution and gay people are literally criminals. “[Deputy Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Kadaga] said the women of Uganda feel proud of the President for constantly identifying with the plight of women and the girl child.”

The rest of the world celebrates this legal and moral victory with Ugandan activists, with the hope that President Museveni will keep in mind Amnesty International’s words. While the hardships that queer Ugandans live with aren’t over by a long shot, the words of lesbian activist Kasha Jacqueline Nabagasera sort of sum it all up:

Nabagesera, planning the evening’s celebrations, refused to be dismayed by the news that Bahati would fight on.

“It is his right to reintroduce the bill but just as we have ensured the bill did not pass in this Parliament we will do the same in the next,” she said. “The fight has just started.”

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


  1. It’s heartening to think that petitions might sometimes have an effect. Thanks for the continued updates on this topic and let’s hope the bill stays dead.

  2. Rachel,

    It was good to see that the international pressure on the Ugandan Parliament helped to stall the Bahati Bill for now. But I would not say that this heinous legislation is dead an buried. When Uganda’s 9th Parliament convenes, they can go back and deal with any unfinished business from the 8th Parliament.

    Those of us who have been monitoring this crazy bill know that Bahati and his bill’s supporters are undeterred and remain as determined as ever to see homosexuality stamped out, even if it means long prison sentences and the threat of the death penalty to bring this about.

    Ugandan LGBT sexual minorities will not be able to celebrate until all laws criminalizing same sex relationships and gender identity are removed from the books and new laws guaranteeing basic human rights and equality for all are passed. For this reason, we must remain vigilant and continue to advocate on behalf of LGBT persons in Uganda.

    • Yep. I think the horror movie analogy below is sadly appropriate. It’s not like they even put a bullet in this Bill to kill it. It just didn’t get tabled. That means that on a scale of ‘deadness’ it’s not very dead at all. This bill has been kicking around for long enough now that despite condemnation from world leaders, despite the best efforts of lobbyists both locally and overseas, despite everything this actually made it to the Parliamentary Agenda. Though I’d love to believe it’s dead I’m afraid I’m just waiting for the scary music to start and for that ‘corpse’ to get back up again.

  3. fri-day, fri-day, avoiding bills on friday, everybody lookin forward to their free-dom, free-dom

  4. I watched a documentary about how Uganda got to this point. It all started with American Christian evangelists coming over there… Now the very same people who went over there and put those ideas into their heads are claiming they had nothing to do with it. It’s really sad how people can be so blinded by hated that they make a bill saying it’s legal to kill someone because of the way they were born.

  5. It was alive, then it was dead, then it was suddenly resurrected, now it’s dead again, hopefully forever. And they told me not to be afraid of zombies.

  6. Pingback: Uganda’s “Kill the Gays” bill is dead

  7. On one of my friend’s statuses about this on Facebook, some crazy woman said “Gays don’t deserve to be executed, but some people do. Like ex-friends who sleep with your husband and then they’re still bonking each other 5 years later and telling you all about it.” I was so bummed that she deleted it before I could post it to Lamebook, because I was seriously like, “Lady, did you really just compare your pathetic personal soap opera to this?”

  8. I’m so relieved that this has been put to sleep for a while, even if not killed.

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