We Surrender: “Room in Rome” Trailer Wins NSFW Lesbian Sexy Award of Forever

Yes. We’re behind. Usually it literally kills us to be three hours behind on any story of import (surely there is some reward for our slavish computer devotion?), but we admit it we are F*CKING BEHIND on Habitaciòn en Roma aka Room in Rome, the sexiest trailer to ever hit our lesbian eyes since pretty much forever.

We’re behind because we did not believe this film and this racy trailer was possible, surely all these enthusiastic links were directing us to something Better than Chocolate-esque.

Mainly we assumed anything this NSFW would also be hopelessly corny, not directed by the smart subtitled dude who directed Sex and Lucia! It’s one of the Most Anticipated films of the year! And we’re daring to speak of it just the same, even late, because it’s that important! Here’s what Heather at AfterEllen said when she talked about it ohhhhhh over a month ago:

I am going to tell you about Spanish director Julio Medem’s new film Room in Rome (Habitación en Roma), and when I do, you are going to go on a clip-watching, YouTube-prowling, Google-searching frenzy; so I have to warn you that 73 percent of clickable Room in Rome content is super-duper NSFW — including the trailer I’ve linked to at the end of this post.

According to Chud.com: This movie is coming to America in 2010 from IFC. You can be happy, since they have a day and date video on demand policy, which means you can rent it on your cable system and whack it discreetly at home.

Also, hey, we have NEW NEWS ABOUT IT: Julio Medem will be in the spotlight at the 13th Malaga Spanish Film Festival, which will close with the world premiere of his film Room in Rome. Moreover, the Basque director will receive the Retrospective “Malaga Hoy” Award, which will be accompanied by a retrospective of his works.

I mean are we ok with situations like “I love you, but I love men more?” Is that the sacrifice we are willing to make? Here’s a bit more info (albeit with a livejournaly tone) from IONCINEMA

This is a remake of Chilean Matias Bize’s “En la cama” and sees two strangers (Anaya and Natasha Yarovenka) who meet and spend a passionate physical encounter in a hotel room. The original film was a man with woman encounter.

Here’s the long synopsis: Early summer. A hotel room in the heart of Rome. Two young women who have only just met travel together on an intimate, passionate physical journey that will mark their bodies and souls deeply. The story unfolds over twelve hours, through the night and into the early morning, before each woman departs, Alba to Spain, and Natasha to Russia.

The room seems always to have been waiting for them. Its ancient walls exudes a magical atmosphere heavy with sensuality and ripe with endless erotic possibilities. As Alba and Natasha enter into the unknown, intense new feelings are awakened, and a natural understanding between them grows giving rise to comic as well as powerfully intimate moments, before the unexpected arrival of love pierces them.

At first they hide, cautious, protecting themselves. Slowly they allow themselves to be borne away, each into the unknown terrain of the other, yet never abandoning the honest love felt for their respective partners – in Alba’s case, a mother of two, in Natasha’s, the man she is due to marry in one week… Until at last both find themselves transfixed before a completely new truth, a shared abyss, a secret kept in a hotel room in Rome. A true freedom to do whatever they most fervently desire.

Sex.com is for sale: Sex.com domain, the most valuable domain name in the universe, is heading to the auction block. Starting bid is $1 million. (don’t you wish you’d bought it in the 90s? You’d be really rich now, even just from google adsense!) Well now you can buy it if you have like 14 million dollars handy. (@salon)

Uh, just two girls making out in the bathroom. (@drivenbybordem)

The Erotic Lesbian Coloring book needs your help. (@illustrosity)

In 2008, this dude website made a list of their Top 22 Favourite Celebrity ‘Lesbian’ Kisses and they have videos so I don’t know, you might still really like it. (@hecklerspray)

Sex Advice From People on Chatroulette (@nerve)

I’m in a monogamous relationship, but I like jerking off with people over the internet. Is this cheating? Should I tell my partner?
Definitely don’t tell your partner. You are creepy, and if they haven’t figured it out yet, telling them is just not going to help the situation.

“This is about the first time I had sex with a guy, after I’d finally started having sex with women: And it’s about how having sex with women radically changed the way I have sex. With everybody. Men, women, everybody.” (@blowfish)

The hard stuff has gotten boring for many people. A new site where real people submit videos of their faces as they come shows a different direction for porn: All about Beautiful Agony. (@sexis)

Is this even like legal, somehow it just feels wrong: Hustler Video announced open casting for “This Ain’t Glee XXX,” the latest video in its “This Ain’t” parody series. They are looking for adult performers with a background in vocal performance or who possess excellent singing abilities. (@xbiz)

Is it weird that I miss GLEE so much I actually would maybe watch that movie?

AskMen.com has recruited two actual lesbians (authors & lovers Dr. Joni Frater and Esther Lastique, authors of Love Her Right: The Married Man’s Guide to Lesbian Secrets of Great Sex!) Top 10 Lesbian Sex Secrets!

They suggest a night of mutual masturbation, watching porn together, playing with toys “and sexual enhancements,” and advise that you don’t “just thrust away,” “don’t underestimate the power of breast play,” “kiss her more often during intercourse,” “compliment her on her genitalia,” “become an expert on female anatomy” and to “never underestimate the power of oral sex.” Their number one tip – “she has to climax at least once before intercourse” seems well-intentioned, but also a bit um, a little discrediting towards the 71% of women who can’t always orgasm with their partners.

Photo Gallery of the Women of Curling: “Canadian curler Cheryl Bernard is one of the women featured in a new, very sexy calendar called “The Women Of Curling.” The 36-month calendar features a number of female curlers posing nude or nearly nude. The photos were taken by fellow curler Ana Arce. Here are some of the photos from the racy calendar, which give me an entirely new appreciation for the sport of curling.” (@examiner)

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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3251 articles for us.


  1. The “Mindblowing” link isn’t working for me.

    The Room in Rome trailer isn’t safe for watching within 48hrs of needing to focus on work.

  2. Oh wow! Thanks for listing my project! Any comments anyone can contribute would be really helpful… I can’t make a collaborative project by myself lol (even if you just want to use the comment box to write love letters or chew out an ex…) PLEASE give me something.

    Room in Rome – I’m glad you came around ;)

  3. you know, i was actually working on a paper. and then i said to myself, “maybe i’ll take a break and go check out autostraddle to see what’s up for NSFW sunday.”
    y’all. that was a POOR CHOICE.
    i haven’t worked on that paper in a good two hours.

  4. there are totally parts of that ‘room in rome’ trailer where they hadn’t keyed out the green screen yet.


    • I SAW IT TOO.(And my belief was unsuspended for a little bit. But obvs not for long.) I think it was because it was in the bits where they were just talking so I wasn’t as distracted by the hotness.

  5. In case everyone is packing and moving to Rome, I would like to warn you of the fictitious nature of the movie. I have a room in Rome as well (ok, an apt by now) but nothing remotely as interesting usually happens. Just so you’re not disappointed when you arrive.

  6. Btw am I the only one disturbed by the fact that the movie makers felt the need to appeal to a male / homophobic audience as shown by the lines “don’t forget I like men, I like men more” and “this stays here, ok”?

    Probably yes.

    • You’re not. I mean, I think everyone here cringes (or worse) when relationships between women are cheapened like that. But in this case I’m going to push those thoughts aside and appreciate the fact that I wasn’t at work when I thought, “Surely this can’t be THAT explicit!” and clicked the play button.

    • No that annoyed me, but also I was like, girls, it’s your first night together, I think that these ladies would need more than a few hours to totally restructure their personal conceptions of their inherent sexualities. But maybe that’s just what I am telling myself to not feel that knee-jerk annoyance I should feel, as i sort of alluded to in the post.

    • I assumed that the “I like men more” line was not there for the benefit of nervous male viewers so much as setting up the emotional conflict that would drive the movie’s plot (what there is of it). And that we were supposed to interpret the line as possibly overly-protesty BS. And at the end of the movie they admit that they are in love and also they don’t believe in clothes and then they have so much hot acrobatic sex that they couldn’t fit it all in one sequel so they made a trilogy. These are my beliefs, don’t oppress them.

      • ahahah “they don’t believe in clothes” is the best line ever.

        I agree that the line “I like men more” could be read as a provocation to feed the “lesbian-conversion” plot, but in general I tend to be not overly-enthusiastic about this movie. I mean it looks like science fiction.

        There’s such a huge contrast between Rome reality and this fictitious room. One of the things I loved about The L Word was its “documentary” side, the way it portrayed what was actually going on in West Hollywood. I watched it and thought “hey, there are nice places to live in the world, after all”. Strangely, what I disliked the most about the L Word were the creative parts (plot twists, crazy characters, we all know what sucked so well), while I was euphoric about the documentary ones: ok, I admit West Hollywood reality might be a bit different, but there are so many planet-like bars and sheriff cars have rainbows on them. For real. And rainbow flags do fly on Santa Monica blvd.

        So I sort of feel cheated about Room in Rome. Reality cannot be further from that lesbian freedom to love as portrayed in this movie; except perhaps the secrecy and the “all this must stay in this room” hypocrisy. Italians can be masters of mafia-like silence, while I struggle every day for transparency, trying to be out as much as I can.

        It’s really hard here, when everyone automatically assumes I have a boyfriend, just because I’m not ugly and I have tits. And this movie does not really help.

        • Ah, I think I understand better where you’re coming from. You’re not the first person I’ve heard talk about the lack of gay visibility and community in countries like Italy (France is the other one I hear about a lot). It sounds like it must be stifling for the queer women there, even if the countries are, on the whole, less homophobic than a place like the US. So I can feel you there.

          For me, coming at it as a foreigner, it never even occur to me to read the movie as about Rome or Italian lesbians in any meaningful way. I saw it as more a queer take on the usually hetero fantasy of two people from two wildly different cultures meeting in an exotic country and kindling a romance that may or may not last beyond the vacation, with Rome as sort of a placeholder for any large, romantic city where two anonymous people can find themselves swept up in passion. More “Roman Holiday” with lesbians and wall-to-wall sex than an accurate reflection of contemporary lesbian Italian life.

          That’s interesting what you say about the L Word. For me one of the things I could never get into about the L Word was that its universe seemed totally unrealistic, or at least unattainable, to me–I couldn’t relate to a world where everyone has a successful, sexy job and every single woman was hot and more into me than men. I wonder if we’re always going to be more sensitive to unrealistic portrayals of lesbian life when it’s supposedly set in our culture. (Even though I’m from Seattle, not LA– two very different cities.)

  7. i am going to post the tweet that I posted a months ago about this trailer.. this “room in rome” trailer should be illegal unless you are in a relationship/readily available access to getting some.

    also that women of curling calendar makes me think of the movie calendar girls which is a super adorable movie btw.

  8. there was nothing lesbian about those “lesbian sex tips.” i mean, unless “don’t be a douche-nozzle” is a lesbian sex tip. if that’s true, i’ve met a lot of lady-lovers that aren’t doin’ it right.

  9. I feel like someone saw Before Sunrise, realized it would be better if Ethan Hawke were a hot woman and also they never wore clothes ever, and then made Room in Rome. I’m not complaining, though.

    • I kept thinking “this must be the sequel to Before Sunrise” before realizing that they already made a sequel to Before Sunrise

      • the blonde russian chick here even kinda looks like the blonde french chick from before sunrise, amirite?

  10. Room in Rome: looks incredibly, mind-blowingly hot… but do they do anything but fuck in the whole movie?

  11. Okay, so the number 4 lesbian sex secret is compliment her genitalia? You know, maybe I’m alone in this, but if a girl is going down on me and all of a sudden is like: “It’s the entrance to an ancient and holy temple! Or a rosebud in the spring! I feel inspired to paint!” my response is going to be less romantic swooning and more “What is this I don’t even…”

    • I’m going to say that it’s probably a good idea to compliment genitalia, especially when she is all proud of it n stuff… singing “your body is a wonderland” doesn’t seem to have the same effect anymore.

  12. Having sex with men after only having sex with women for over a year certainly changed how I viewed sex as an entity, regardless of gender. I had always been a “is that any reason to stop?” kind of person, although it’s hard to break a straight man from being rigid on what’s foreplay and what’s sex, or what marks the beginning and end of the act. Sex with women did make me into a more intimate person, who sees that we shouldn’t be afraid to constantly innovate in the bedroom.

    Oh, damn, I’m def in class now. I thought about somehow explaining to my teacher that looking at sexy naked sapphoric love-buckets would help my learn Management better, but I think I’ll just come back later.

  13. Holy crap. That trailer is insane, and I can’t wait for mainstream media to even DISCUSS it.

  14. Beautiful Agony is ah, interesting… Sort of an analog approach, I think I like it.

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