Results for: carly usdin
A-Camp 6.0 Recamps Part One: We Get By With A Little Help From Our New Friends
Welcome to the first recamp of A-Camp 6.0, in which everybody has a lot to say about the airport, cabins get decorated, campers show up, and opening ceremonies are had.
Daily Fix: Taystee’s New Poster, Andrea Gibson’s New Interview, Your New Fave All-Girls Basketball Comedy and Other Stories
Tig Notaro interviews Andrea Gibson, various people interview Kristen Stewart, Cara Delevingne and Queen Latifah, Brittani’s basketball league gets a half-hour ensemble comedy, SVU plans (another) transgender episode and more breaking pop culture news!
Some Answers to Some Things You’ve Been Asking Us #3
“I can’t focus enough to read the cool indigneous women article but I want to read it but I cam’t I had too much drug candy”
Top 15 Best Autostraddle Videos Of All Time You Should Watch Right Now
Let’s take a trip down memory lane with Julie & Brandy, Brittani & Hannah, Croce & Ashley, Alex & Riese, Alex & a blonde wig, Mikey & Raquel, Calendar Girls, Amber Heard and so many more VIDEO STARS.
GamerGate: A Quick (Emotional) Check-In
GamerGate is about shitting all over women; let’s feel nauseous about it together.
VIDEO: Mary Dickerson is Neither Artist Nor Predator
Following NY Mag’s inexcusable cover story on sexual predator Terry Richardson, our own Robin and Carly bring you “Neither Artist Nor Predator: The Mary Dickerson Story.”
You Basically Have to Go: Talking Pictures Movie Interruption with Autostraddle’s Finest
Talking Pictures is a movie interruption that capitalizes on how awful/awesome queer movies can be. Featuring Hannah Hart, DeAnne Smith, Brittani Nichols and Carly Usdin.
Halloween Dreams Come True: Robin and Carly as Morticia and Gomez Addams (!!!)
“I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way, what bliss.”
Tiny Pineapple: The Next Big Thing on Small Screens
“We set out to make a show wherein the show opening and the credits were much longer than the show itself, and I think we succeeded here.”
The Adventures of Tiny Pineapple Episode 103: Best Day Ever
“Wait, everyone just ignore the bird.”
2014 Grammys Liveblog and Open Thread: Mary Lambert Fanclub Edition
Maddie and Lauren bring you their feelings about Mary lambert, Macklemore, outfits, Mary Lambert, the music industry, live performances, and Mary Lambert.
Brittani’s Video Party: Drag Queens, Janelle Monae, and a Lesbian Gardner Play Ender’s Game
Carly directed a music video, Janelle Monae is still a queen in the future, Ender’s Game gets the Blockbuster treatment, and a new web series featuring gay siblings party together this week.
The 2013 Academy Awards Liveblog and Open Thread
It’s the 85th annual Academy Awards! Let’s cross our fingers, ooh and ahh at tuxedos and make fun of everyone!
Carly and Robin’s Wedding Was, In Fact, Too Adorable For Words
I’d like to share with you the wedding album of one much-beloved Carly / DJ Carlytron Usdin and Photographer-to-the-Stars Robin Roemer, co-starring Arthur the amazingly statuesque dog and made possible by Kelly Kollar.
Tweeting For Freedom: The Second Presidential Debate
ABC News spent a lot of time telling you what all the cool kids were tweeting about. We live tweeted the debate and sounded marginally cooler. Join us for a fun adventure in “none of us could gchat so we decided to do this instead.”
Let The NYC LGBT Center Help You Find A Gay-Friendly Job
Vanessa’s Team Pick: A career fair at the LGBT Center in NYC and the chance to see Autostraddle’s Carly speak on a panel? Hello Monday, you’ve never looked so good!
Famous Autostraddlers Will Host Queer Ladies Speed-Dating at Strand
The rumors are true: Gabby and Carly are hosting Queer Ladies Speed-Dating at the Strand in New York next week!
A-Camp September Recamp #2: Blame It On The Altitude
On Thursday, geeks and introverts met each other, girls in white got wet, everyone got wild and we all had mature discussions about intense topics like gender and being a queer woman of color!
A-Camp September 2012 Recamp #1: We Absolutely Started The Fire
It’s the first recap of our amazing five days at A-Camp — read all about Pre-Camp (which is like preschool but for the team) and the day everybody arrived on the mountain trauma-free!
A-Camp September Recamp 4: Small Town Saturday Night
Our final A-Camp September recamp contains breathtaking accounts from the ground and will reveal the date upon which May registration will open.