Boob(s On Your) Tube: The “Wynonna Earp” Season 3 Trailer is Here and Heckin’ Queer

This week The Bold Type surprised us by dropping the first episode of the season two premiere on Hulu, and Kayla, of course, recapped it. Riese reviewed Hayley Kiyoko’s new show. Al loved and reviewed the groundbreaking premiere of Pose. Valerie recapped an episode of Supergirl that broke her heart (and not in a good way). Carmen recapped the penultimate episode of Vida‘s first season. And all of our staff writers and editors weighed in on the queer lady ships that made/destroyed us.

We also said goodbye to The Fosters and I’ll be writing about that next week.

Everything else was mostly Quick Hits!

Into the Badlands episodes 304-306

Odessa starts off this trio of episodes strong, being on Tilda’s side and all, being excited that they have enough food to last the winter while they cuddle for warmth, etc.

Young love is hard enough when there’s not so much murder.

But as Tilda re-aligns with the Widow, Odessa starts to pull away; she doesn’t trust anyone, and she doesn’t want to stay behind with Tilda and her refugees. It doesn’t bode well for the Tildessa ship.

On a related note, Tilda is breaking my whole damn heart, defending the Widow and calling her her mother to Odessa, but then pulling away from Minerva and saying the exact opposite to her face. I think the writers and actors are doing well playing a fairly common mother/teenage daughter relationship, despite the assassin-laden dystopia they live in. — Valerie Anne

Westworld episodes 204-207

Armistice’s type WOULD be Armistice.

I literally have no idea what’s happening on Westworld because not only are they operating in multiple storylines across multiple timelines without any clear indicator of which is which, but they now also have entire other languages happening, and it’s just a lot. I think the general gist is, all of the hosts are handling enlightenment differently; Dolores has become a badass on a mission, Maeve has learned to murder people with her mind, others like Clementine are just kind of generally shook, some are still playing along with their storylines or living half in and half out of reality, and then there’s Armistice, who found her Shogun counterpart and looked lovingly into her eyes. Oh! And the possibly-queer Elsie is back, though probably only in flashbacks, knowing how this show operates. My official review of the season so far: Could be gayer. — Valerie Anne

Wynonna Earp Season 3


It’s over on Syfy if you want to watch it and analyze it frame by frame like I have. It has WayHaught kisses which is nice but also A MECHANICAL BULL. Just a little over a month, my friends. We’re almost there! — Valerie Anne

Imposters episode 210: “See You Soon, Macaroon”

Imposters concluded its second season — and possibly the entire series — this week, as Maddie and the Bumblers pulled of the biggest con of the season by taking down the Doctor. Our lesbian lothario, Jules, ended up with a relatively happy ending: the FBI mollified, her blackmail information erased from the Doctor’s database and with her share of the doctor’s accounts in her bag. I’m hoping she’s on the next flight back to Mexico, to reunite with that that artist colony she left behind. — Natalie

Mi Familia Perfecta: Chapters 39 – 44

As I mentioned in my write-up last week, the Telemundo telenovela, Mi Familia Perfecta, has two adorable baby gays…and while the storyline is stifled by Megan and Génesis being secondary characters and by the network/show’s reluctance to showcase their affection, it still feels like a very satisfying arc.

Génesis’ best friend, Marisol, is talking to her and working at the soccer club’s cafe when Megan approaches to order a smoothie for herself and one for Génesis (of course she knows her order!). Michelle De Andrade is really perfect in the scene, showcasing Génesis’ nervousness at perhaps being outed to Marisol while also being unable to suppress how much she really likes Megan. Marisol notices and when Megan leaves, she invites Génesis to tell her what’s going on between the two whenever she’s ready. Later, Génesis does just that… unambiguous about how she feels about Megan, but nervous about how everyone else, especially her mother, will react. Marisol reassures her that love is love and that everyone who loves her will continue to support her.

Later in the week, a PR firm comes to the soccer club looking for a girl to feature in an ad campaign. Marisol and Génesis are MIA because Génesis’ brother is in the hospital and, ultimately, the firm settles on Megan as the face of their campaign. When one of the teammates, Sandy, protests that Megan shouldn’t be selected because she’s gay, everyone’s aghast. Sandy is chastised for her homophobia — including an explicit reminder that it drives teens to suicide — and is suspended by the coach for a week for unsportsmanlike conduct. On the one hand, it’s a great scene that might resonate with a reluctant audience, but, on the other, it’s hard not to think, “Wow, are we still doing this?”

Later, Megan tracks Génesis down at the hospital and comforts her…and just as it looks like they’re about to kiss again, Génesis’ mother interrupts, again! — Natalie

Queen Sugar 303: “Your Distant Destiny”

Sigh, remember when I used to kiss cute girls? I miss that.

Nova quit her job at the newspaper! Yay? I guess? I’d feel a lot better about it if she had remembered that the paper owned all the rights to her articles. That means her impending book deal is in jeopardy. Things were looking bleak for a second, but Micah inspired her and now I think she’s planning out an intergenerational memoir about the Bordelon farm for her book proposal? Which would be SO DOPE. If it happens. We’ll see. Mostly, I’m just happy to have Nova focusing on herself and thus far staying away from the downward spiral of men that engulfed her second season. I’ll take my wins where I can get them. — Carmen

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The TV Team

The Autostraddle TV Team is made up of Riese Bernard, Carmen Phillips, Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya, Valerie Anne, Natalie, Drew Burnett Gregory, and Nic. Follow them on Twitter!

The TV has written 234 articles for us.


    • So far there has been no queer content. My thoughts:
      – In the first episode I swear that I thought that the wife’s female friend was going to admit that the couple had been having trouble because she had an affair with her.
      – I really wanted Mara (Sarah Shahi) to be the Bond Girl to the woman’s “Jane Bond”.
      – In the next episode there’s a man that robs banks in expensive suits and wearing a wolf mask. I hope, hope, HOPE, that Mara will join him on a robbery to get closer to him. I want her to also be in an expensive suit, have her hair tied back, and wear a fox mask.

  1. I’ve watched the first two episodes of season/series three of “Humans”, and I’ll just say that Niska is still with Astrid.

  2. That Wynonna Earp season 3 trailer though.
    I watched it in real time and couldn’t make sense of anything that was happening, I watched it in slow motion and could make out the scenes a little better and eagle eyed some not previously announced guest stars but still no matter what I theorize I know Emily and Co. are going to shock the shit out of me.
    WynHaught handcuffed together?
    Was Waverly wearing a ring on THAT finger?
    Why was Waverly being dragged on a bloody trail and was it her blood?
    Does Waverly have super powers?
    Is Peter Mooney an ex-BBD guy or shot in the dark Nicole’s brother?
    Is Kate good or will she turn on them like Rosita?
    Who licks a potato?
    Is Wynonna having a nightmare that the whole world eats cupcakes and not donuts?
    And where does the Christmas episode fight in all this?
    So many questions?

    • Having a ring on that finger would be a more exciting possibility if Bobo hadn’t recently said he was going to arrange her marriage with a demon… DUN DUN DUUNNN!

      I have watched this so many times. I understand nothing but can’t wait!

  3. Oh Valerie Anne of course I’ve analyzed Wynonna Earp trailer frame by frame and let me just say I was sold right after Jeremy’s moustache.

  4. Re: Westworld – Yeah, I thought I had seen Rachel Evan Wood Bisexual say something about there being queer things happening this season, but there really hasn’t been anything yet (other than the Armistice thing, but I wouldn’t count that.) Maybe next episode?

  5. The Wynonna Earp trailer was excellent for the most part but that one shot of her kissing rando white dude really annoyed me. They STILL haven’t dealt with her and Dolls situation and last season there was a point where they seemed to be getting somewhere only for the last four episodes to forget them entirely. Maybe they’re saving Wyndolls developments as a surprise but shoving her making out with someone entirely new is just needlessly wrong.

    • I agree–Doc and Dolls will always be the only two I ship with Wynonna–but I’m hoping that maybe it is a decoy kiss? Like, the next shot will be a punch? It feels like her MO.

  6. Wow, that Wynonna Earp trailer was as wild a ride as the mechanical bull! I’m excited for the premiere. In the meantime, season 2 is on Netflix (as of today) and I have already started rewatching.

  7. I realized too late that I meant to include Ackley Bridge, which returned for its second season last week, in the Quick Hits section. I’m glad to see the teacher/student relationship between Lila and Nasreen go, even if it means not getting to see Anneika Rose this season, because that trope just never stops being terrible. I was shocked about the revelations about Nas’ father but grateful that it made Nas realize what was most important in a relationship: truth and love. She couldn’t go through with that sham of a marriage and now she and BFF Missy are on the hunt for a new Ms. Right. I can’t wait to see how that search goes this season.

    On to Queen Sugar, where the best thing that happened in the most recent episode is that Darla is back! My beloved Bianca Lawson has finally returned to St. Joe’s and now we can begin Season 3 in earnest.

    Everything I said about Charley last week still rang true this week. When she sat at that family meeting and said, “I am the only person at this table doing anything for Daddy,” I wanted to cheer for Charley even more. I’m becoming increasingly convinced that she’ll pull this off — that she’ll be able to upend the Landrys entire empire — but that the win will come at the expense of the respect she’s earned from the community. That said, part of me hopes that I’m wrong about this…it’d be nice to have Charley’s conversations with the farmers, all of which heap praise on Charley and draw comparisons to her father, not be so obvious.

    If that’s the inevitable outcome — to gain the whole world, for the price of Charley’s soul — what’s it say about Nova’s future that her book proposal? Even putting aside my predictions about how the battle with the Landry’s will turn out, what about Nova’s prediction…she said that her sister can’t win a rigged game but she wants to write about it? If she genuinely believes that the Landrys will triumph, why isn’t she more reluctant about showcasing her sister’s failure to the world…especially after the public humiliation Charley’s already suffered? A storm is brewing between those two…

    While I’m excited to see what the new additions to the Queen Sugar cast bring, in terms of shining a spotlight on New Orleans’ Vietnamese community, I was disappointed that the daughter seems drawn to Ralph Angel. She don’t need those problems.

    Where’s the QSFC? What’d y’all think?

    • @pecola glad to see someone else watches Ackley Bridge! I agree about them ending the teacher/student relationship, but sad Anneika Rose will not be on my screen.

      But the real question…have you caught up on Perdona Nuestros Pecados?!

      • @iamamisfit1 I’m trying…I swear, I’m not usually this anxious about television shows but I feel so invested in Mercedes that I’m not sure I can bear to watch her being abused. I’ve made some progress though — my playlist is paused at the point where Nicanor’s reading Barbara’s letter — because seeing Maria Elsa’s face in the avance gave me a little comfort that Barcedes would, FINALLY, have an ally and that things will be okay.

        Hopefully, I’ll get through it (and have dried all my tears) by tomorrow’s episode.

      • @iamamisfit1 Okay, I’m caught up…now, granted, I skipped the part where they actually get caught because I wasn’t sure my shipper heart could take it but everything else I’ve seen. While it’s not the happy ending I would’ve liked, there is something amazingly satisfying about how steadfast Barbara and Mercedes are in their love. Watching Mercedes grow into the woman who would smack her brother and chastise Augusta at the breakfast table…I mean, goodness…she used to be so meek. Now she’s defiant.

        I’m so glad that Maria Elsa is back to help Barbara find Mercedes…and to give Barbara the support she needs to keep going. That poor woman looks absolutely broken without her love nearby. I hope Barbara keeps that letter opener/knife she used to escape that locked room nearby because between Carlos’ threats and Nicanor’s increasing desperation, I want her to always be ready to defend herself.

        • @pecola I watched Mi Familia this weekend because it was too hot in DC to be outside. It was cute, but they are definitely censoring the wlw interactions.

          Re PNP, what did you think about the Barbara/Nicanor conversation? It was good to FINALLY get a little of her backstory. But it kind of makes this separation from Mercedes even more painful.

          • @iamamisfit1 I’m so glad that you’ve tried Mi Familia Perfecta. I’m trying to balance being bothered by the way the show shortchanges Genesis and Megan’s storylines with understanding that Telemundo’s still in its infancy when it comes to legitimate LGBT representation. Having conversations, like the one between Genesis and her mother from last week or Megan’s response to the PR campaign, broadcast is still invaluable to me.

            But, onto PNP…oh my…DID YOU SEE THAT AVANCE?! I said that Barbara needed to keep the knife she uses to escape the locked room handy…I don’t trust Nicanor at all. I think the conversation they had has just increased his level of desperation and I’m worried he might try something awful soon.

            I was glad to see Elsa finally agree to give Horacio the boot (and that backstabber, Augusta) and hope that she’s able to leverage what she knows about them to get information about where our dear Mechita is.

            I liked getting more of Barbara’s backstory but I wish it’d been consistent with what we’d heard from her before…it doesn’t change the way I feel about the character but I hate thinking she was dishonest with Mercedes for even a second.

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