These New 90s American Girl Dolls Might Be the Gayest Yet

This week, American Girl doll, longtime favorite of queer nerds (it’s true and I can say it because I am also one!), announced two new dolls. You may have heard about this, first and foremost, because they are being labeled historical dolls… because they are living in the year 1999. Yes, American Girl is doing what one of my Gen Z brothers has done to me in the past, basically saying “Wait, you were born in the 1900s?!”

And while that stings, I think we all should be celebrating these two dolls for one major reason: All American Girl dolls are gay, but these ones are special. Gone are the days of reading into the historical subtext and the premise of American Girl’s whole deal (most of the stories center on a young girl fighting the constraints of the historical society she was born into…gay!) to assume that Samantha or Molly or Josefina or Addy were a little bit gay. These twins are two kiddos in 1999, living in Seattle. The L Word would have come out when they were 15! Callie and Arizona get together when they’re in college! At least one of them is coming out, and you can’t convince me that both of them aren’t queer.

Others on the internet have written about the inherent gayness of American Girls before, ranking the dolls by gayness (I disagree with this ranking, for what it’s worth), and our very own Yash writing about which lesbian bars they would have frequented! But come on. Look at these grrrls!

First of all, we must commend American Girl for committing to giving every doll an astrological sign, and then we must commend them for making their first ever twin dolls GEMINIS, one of the gayest signs out there. Genius.

Secondly, the outfits and accessories. There is truly something for everyone here, from the hyper femme Isabel and her tiny kitten, to the very cool, very soft butch Nicki and her alien pillow. I would have wanted to be friends with Isabel so badly, and I would have spent so many hours of school covertly staring at Nicki, willing her to make eye contact with me that I would think about for days.

Since trends are cyclical, it goes without saying that the outfits they are wearing here and the room decor they are lucky enough to have would all go viral on TikTok immediately. As soon as those inflatable chairs get popular again, I’m going to buy one for my home now that I have adult money to spend! And also, tell me that Autostraddle culture editor Shelli Nicole wouldn’t rock the hell out of Isabel’s outfit today, I dare you!

There’s also just something just so very queer about how committed these two twins are to their very different aesthetics and hobbies (Isabel plays tennis and plans parties, Nicki skateboards and writes lyrics…can I make it anymore obvious?), and how badly I want to embody both of their whole deals. Sometimes on the very same day! The duality of a queer person, baby.

Finally, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that one of their accessories is a Pizza Hut red plastic cup and personal pizza, the kind you’d get if you completed the Pizza Hut reading goals that month. Like I said, this one is for the nerdy queers!

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Analyssa is a co-host of the To L and Back podcast: Gen Q edition. She lives in LA, works at a TV studio, and can often be found binge-watching an ABC drama from 2008. You can follow her on Twitter, Instagram, or her social media of choice, Letterboxd.

Analyssa has written 58 articles for us.


  1. Petition to get these dolls some PANTS, they went with a Clueless Cher vibe and that’s fine but in that case where is Ty? Where are the big bootcut jeans with hems that drag in the gutters? Where are the skater tshirts with the stripes across the chest?

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