“Anyone But Me” Is Coming To DVD, London, an Exciting End

Remember how much you loved Anyone But Me and how sad you were when it ended ended after three beautifully honest seasons? Well get excited because in addition to streaming the series online, you can buy seasons 2 and 3 on DVD starting today! If the promise of seeing Nicole “Those Lips” Pacent and Rachel “That Voice” Hip-Flores on my television isn’t incentive enough (because real talk: life-size lesbian love is something we could all use a little more of in our lives) the DVDs feature commentary and never-before-seen video.

To celebrate the DVD releases, Rachael Hip-Flores and Nicole Pacent are going to appear in person on November 7th in London’s (in)famous Candy Bar from 6:30 to 8:30pm for an exclusive DVD signing! And because the “Amazing Lesbian Web Series” hotel is now looking to fill vacancies in our hearts, executive producer/writer team Susan Miller and Tina Cesa Ward will be teach a Marketing Indie Websites class at Raindance the night before on November 6th. London, I’ve never wanted to be in you so badly.

If you stil haven’t seen Anyone But Me, clear your schedule. It’s not one of the most critically-acclaimed web series for no reason. Let’s celebrate the DVD release together by watching every episode back-to-back (you can buy Season 1 on Amazon to catch up!) and buying blonde hair dye after watching Season 3.

Buy Season 2 and Season 3 of Anyone But Me

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    • ^ and “Imagine Me And You”! Looks like I’m moving. Time to start practicing idioms.
      This looks pretty great; I like beautifully honest things; I will be watching it; pip pip cheerio.



        I don’t care how mean Lena Headey’s character is on Game of Thrones, I will love her forever for Imagine Me And You.

  1. Nicole “Those Lips” Pacent and Rachel “That Voice” Hip-Flores. Never were there more perfect fake middle names.

  2. This sounds awesome! Totally gonna check out season one and probs ask for the second and third for xmas (its that time of year soon guys!) cause I’m a broke little student. In reality I should be studying for a midterm on Friday or working on one of my many assignments, but somehow this seems more important….

  3. I’ve always wished I lived in the UK and now I have just one more reason why I’d rather be there, alas I’ll be in the US for the foreseeable future, but at least I don’t have to be in London to watch “Any One But Me”.

  4. I started watching after Nicole was calender girl; it’s exciting to see this on autostraddle and hear about the dvds.

  5. I really want full, television size Nicole and Rachel. You can watch a whole season instead of a date night movie, right?

  6. We can never have enough well written stories of queer women! And having “Those Lips” of “That Voice” (hopefully more in the commentary) to boot? Yesss…

  7. Thanks Autostraddle fans for giving your shout outs and love to Anyone But Me. We love you back.

  8. Pingback: Televisual | Crowdfunding Campaigns to Watch: ‘F to 7th’ and ‘Chutes’

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