The Official 2010 Autostraddle Hot 100: Real Queer Girls

#71 through #80:



Madi, 20.


Favorite Book: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland


Autostraddle Hot 100




Des Moines, IA
Graduated from Univ Southern California with a BS in Biomedical Engineering.

Autostraddle Hot 100


Maria, 25. Single


Oslo, Norway
Studies Ancient Greek in the University of Oslo, Norway


Autostraddle Hot 100


Mariel, 23.


New York, NY
A high school science teacher in Manhattan, going to school to become a doctor in the fall.

[fashion blog]

Autostraddle Hot 100


Marni, 26. Totally taken!


Brooklyn via Montreal
Favorite Book: Where The Sidewalk Ends


Autostraddle Hot 100


Mary A., 24.



Autostraddle Hot 100


Megan, 21. Single.


Chicago, IL
Attends Western Illinois University studying Zoology & Anthropology
Favorite Book:
The Roald Dahl Omnibus



Melinda, 28.


New York
Chainsaw carver


Melissa, 26.


Washington D.C.
Favorite Book:
“This Is Your Brain On Music”, Daniel Levitin


Melissa. Married (as of July 11, 2008!)


Atlanta, GA


Mia. Single.


Los Angeles, California
Professional Photographer
Favorite Book:
The Giver and any book with vintage or retro photography in it.

[photography, twitter]

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  1. I’ll take one of each, please. What? Whadaya mean it’s not a menu?! Curses!!!

  2. This is awesome sauce x1000. You ladies represent true, un-photoshopped, natural beauty. Gotta love it.

  3. Yeaaaa! Northern Ireland represented ! Go ainé !! And as I missed u today! Glad to see u agen! :)

  4. This is magical. I love it. I love ya’ll. Thanks for making may day better and full of hot ladies. :)

  5. Am madly enamored with Amanda already. Rock on impromptu rainbow flag shirts and great hair!

  6. Dear Elena Kate from Ottawa,
    Ahh somebody from Ottawa is on this thing! Crazy!
    A lonely student from Ottawa :)

  7. Dear all, you are beautiful. Fact.

    (Hey, someone from Yorkshire! And someone in the comments too! That’s brilliant and it makes me feel extra happy. There are at least a few of us!)

  8. When I saw Haviland’s picture I was like hmmm..she looks really familiar..where have I..OH ITS HAVILAND STILLWELL!!

    DJ Riot (Kasey) is kind of ridiculously hot.. just saying.

  9. Dear Girl Who Likes American Psycho (aka Emma-Jade),

    I love you. Let’s have coffee. Wait, I live in the U.S. DAMNIT.

    – Audrey

  10. I’m loving that there are quite a few Australian girls on this list so far. Can’t wait to see the next 60.

    • representin’ the aussie gays. now is when i make some joke about ‘down under’, if it weren’t so early in the morning.

    • It’s not mentioned in Casey’s profile but she’s Aussie too. I submitted her and she messaged me today saying she got a bit of a surprise XD

      btw folks: casey’s mine ;)

  11. Might as well send Olivia Benson to arrest me now. No doubt these girls are hot, but I am way too old to think so. Please tell me there is at least one over the age of 30. If not, it is off to perv-ville for me. 60 more to go. Awesome collection Autostraddle!!!

  12. bah ha. i’m just here for my girlfriend jade, who i submitted without her knowledge and is no doubt going to stab me in the face since i sent a picture of her as a sleazy eurotrash man.
    aaah, love.

  13. this is great stuff!
    I’m surprised there is a german lady – now i know there are at least two of us being obsessed with this website.
    she’s cute though. a cute geek. but I bet she lives in Bavaria and is married or something. ;)

    • Why thank you! :D

      I cannot stress how very much I’m not married or from Bavaria. ;)

          • yeah, since I’m a quarter Bavarian (and yes it matters) that’s how my mother dressed me as a kid. not all the time, obviously, somehow I managed to keep my sanity.

            not only is it our bible belt, they have THE most annoying soccer team in germany! I mean, this saturday made it even worse. (and btw, it was more or less area-checking ;) )

            anywho, this is so out of context. I like your hair. You have pretty eyes. I still look like an emu.

          • Checking me out, eh? :D NRW gal all the way.

            Thank you. :) Um, you have pretty eyes and hair for an emu? :mrgreen:

          • oh, I tried being something else, blame it on my mail account? now I will be a default avatar forevs.

            three quarters NRW!! we’re getting somewhere. ;)

            since you’re on this list, I feel kinda obliged to ogle you. :D

          • Is this the right time to admit that I actually have some bavarian genes in me somewhere? Enough to have had a huge crush on Nicki when I was young anyway – I even saw her in concert. My first gig ever. :mrgreen:

            So where are you from? :D

    • Actually, there is another one. My sister Ness, man, what a face she made just about an hour ago. She had me running down to the shop and wouldn’t buy me any ice-cream either.
      She shows gratitude in a very special way :D

  14. Can I just say that I love Autostraddle for doing this? Everyone is so beautiful I can’t wait for the next 40!
    Dear Fobazi,
    You should really have a way for admirers to stalk you,
    Sincerely Karma.

  15. wow i made it :) yay! only thing is im 26 not 20….but i can’t complain about having a few years shaved off! xo anna (los angeles)

  16. This post of hotness is just one of a million reasons why Autostraddle is my favorite website.

    Also, I might be murdered if I didn’t correct my entry to say that my heart is taken. ;)


  17. While we’re on the topic of corrections my name is actually Kirsty and not Kristy lol.

    But on the plus side OMG ALL THE HOTNESS ON THE TOP 100 WOOOOHOOOO!

  18. These girls are so CUTE I might die of a heart attack. Dang! I won’t even name names ’cause there’s so many I think are hott. Let’s just say I’m extremely happy I’m a gay girl right now.

  19. SO cute~love this idea and it’s execution!
    The picture that was taken of me is the work of Josh Bennett from – he is an AMAZING knitter, and he knitted the sweater i’m wearing, which he and i designed together!

  20. I’ve been reading this website since it’s inception and not til now have I felt the need to comment…. don’t worry guys, it”s me, not you….

    But this whole thing is just too good to ignore, CUTE GAY GIRLS ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!

    Love it all – beats the shit outta all those other top 100s.
    keep bringing the terrible/awesome!

  21. wow. cant believe i made it!
    autostraddle’s 100 is the hottest 100 in the world! hot gay girls? hell yes

  22. Oh, wow! I’m on the list! Though they forgot to put the link to my Twitter. I think I’ll survive, though. I’m @britisshameless for anyone that wants to follow me :)

      • Shh… it’s a flower! It only LOOKS like a vadge. Because, ya know, vadges are awesome.

  23. wow, so many attractive ladies :) this made my crappy day so much better.

    katie from north carolina, you and your bow tie are so adorable! and your picture makes me miss art school.

  24. woop! me with tambourines – it’s like and early bday present (says i’m 24, but that’s not till tuesday!)

  25. So many ladies from my state- Georgia!
    *fans self*

    This is so great. So great. I can’t accurately express it in an eloquent way right now (though I’d like to do so) because I am dying from the of hotness of all of the ladies on this list! Great list. That’s all my brain can think of in it’s currently clouded state.

  26. I really thought I could stay awake til the whole list was posted but I can’t, I CAN’T. It hurts my heart. I’m not gonna sleep all night. This is better than Christmas eve! I just want to open all my presents now! (I DO get to keep them, right?)

  27. Hi hotties,
    I am currently editing any corrections that I see here in these comments. I apologize in advance if I’ve made any mistakes and I am making those corrections asap so if I missed something just let us know! Thanks!

  28. Yay Edene!

    Dear Katie with the bow tie, Please marry me? Love, Elizabeth.

  29. So. I was going to comment on how great an idea this was and how hot all the ladies featured are…

    And then I noticed something.

    Favourite book : Colette, The Pure and the Impure.

    Anna from LA/SF – you rock.

    -hugs copy of Pure and the Impure-

    • loves it! such a beautiful book…and hardly anyone knows about! you rock too, im hugging my copy as well :)

  30. this is awesome. Also, hellloooo ladies from NC how come I did not know any of you when I lived there. :/ kudos to this list and all the ladies on it.

  31. Megan! You live here AND we already follow each other on tumblr AND you love Roald Dahl? HOW COME I DONT KNOW YOU ALREADY? AHem.

  32. Wow! This has made my Monday morning SO MUCH MORE BEARABLE!


    Hello Katie Tyler :oP


  33. There is honestly not one queer girl from this list that I don’t find attractive. Respect.

  34. Effff. I have to go to sleep now or there’s going to be some kind of zombie-takeover of my body, but first, WOW this list is amazing so far. So much hot hotfulness! Very much looking forward to waking up to more tomorrow. Thanks for bringing the HOT autostraddle (and autostraddlers).

  35. A) Heyo! That’s me!

    B) To the person who’s fave book is “This is Your Brain on Music”…you’re amazing. The end.

    • right?! i’m glad you can tell – not many of my friends can appreciate the awesomeness that is noraebang :D i love that there are two of us in s.k. !!

  36. It is a small world my friends. Hi Morna, UK. we went to the same P and S schools! Whack!

  37. Nessa! I’m from NS too! Nice to know I’m not the only one!

    Sally- you are my hero. That is all. :)

    This list is amazing. So many different types of beautiful people. I’ll probably be visiting it hourly/daily.

    • I am not sure I would know how to be a hero, but if it involves frolicking through a Bonnie Tyler video, I reckon I could give it a bash.

      • You just cemented your hero status by using the words “frolicking” and “Bonnie Tyler”. :)

  38. Spin-

    I go to Northern Illinois University.

    Just Sayin…


    (it’s not included that I’m 23. Just putting it out there sine I’m often mistaken for, ya know, 14) :-)

    • Cool! We should look each other up or sumpin’ when I get there, eh? Because I’m not going to know anyone in the area. Anyway, I just added your tumblr . . . oh, and I’m also 23.


  39. Wait a minute. There are gay girls in Tallahassee?!

    Why have I never seen evidence of this fact?

    • As someone who’s lived here for decades, I can attest to the fact that there are indeed gay ladies in Tally. :)

  40. Well, I think I had something important to say… but I got too overwhelmed by all the cute/hot/ohmygoddrool-ness that I forgot. :( Either way, this is kick ass. I think we need to create a cute lesbian island for all of these people to live on.

  41. Love this!! OMG I woke up to this this morning and wow, what an AMAZING start to my day, week, rest of the month, year, just WOW!! All these girls are crazy cute, sexy, hot, B-E-A-U-TIFUL!!!!!! :)

  42. It takes a lot of girl balls to stand up for who you are and let people see you the way you want to be seen. If that make any sense. props to all the gorgeous ladies.

    ya know, I think Autostraddle has been doin’ it a lot better then afterellen for a while. So my eyes are glad you did your own 100.

  43. Was anyone else so overwhelmed by the hotness that they failed to spot everyone was listed alphabetically?

    I was about four pages in and thinking, fuck me, is every queer girl in the world called Emily?! And then it dawned on me.

    Now all I have to do is keep the lid on this bubbling cauldron of bent boiling-hotness, because if my friends saw it they would not listen to me complain about there being no attractive lesbians anywhere ever anymore.

  44. Just caught all the new updates. Gorgeous!

    Hello Liz whose favorite book is The Great Gatsby.

  45. Bloody hell I fell in love with real life all over again when I saw these updates.

  46. This is so awesome. I totally second that, there is no way for me to complain there are no hot lezzies out there anymore. Yowza.

  47. You’re all very beautiful, and awesome, and young! OMG! I feel like I just walked into a “To catch a predator” set up…

    I’m going to pretend the ones that didn’t put their age are over thirty… like me.


  48. speechless.
    you’re all so interesting/awesome/pretty i don’t even know what to do with myself.
    but basically i want to emigrate everywhere and make a lot of marriage proposals.

  49. Man, everyone is in their teens or twenties, and a handful in their 30’s. Don”t you guys find older ladies hot?

  50. I will keep coming back for a while – I’m a bit queer deprived living in small town Korea!! Yay beautiful people!!

  51. Yayy what a list! props to you guys for doing a hot 100 of actual lesbians instead of the run-of-the-mill “let’s see which hot straight girls made the cut this year” list. these women are awesome. i’m very honored to part of it, and so is my lady. also, thanks for including shmoop! i know there’s gotta be some like-minded lesbian literary nerds out there like me. :) oh, and i’m 25 and gayyyyy.

    LOVE autostraddle!


  52. So many talented ladies, too. Again: I love the diversity. Photographers and chainsaw carvers. Brilliant. .)

  53. Caito- are you always that hot and naked?
    I don’t live in Texas anymore but we could talk about it.
    Hot damn.

  54. YAY! I made it! (:
    All of these ladies are gorgeous!

    Follow me on twitter or tumblr! (:

  55. many of you are very attractive! this is pleasing to my eyes!

    also, not to be an internet nitpicker, but whoever chose Good Omens as their favorite book forgot Terry Pratchet.

  56. I’m gonna go ahead and bust out the “W-o-W!” face for all you ladies (see gravatar). Just “W-o-W”.

  57. Thank you Autostraddle! Such an amazing list! Beauty abounds.

    Dude. Stef from Sydney, Australia…can I have your babies? You pretteh, and you take incredible pictures. I salute your awesomeness.

  58. Yes, I just came back to see all the hotness…again. Now I feel anxious…again.

  59. omgeee IM SO SHY and was really apprehensive when my friend told me shes submitting my picture. i woke up with hundredsss (JK) of new followers om my tumblr. thanks!

    and Y’ALL ARE HOT! can i have your numbers????

  60. you’re all lovely! great job Autostraddle, this was a great idea. also i’m 25 (26 next week), not 24, but that’s alright. if you do correct it you can also add that i’m single. (Iva)

  61. This has to be one of the greatest things I have come to witness on the internet.

    Life is good, life is good!

  62. Hey, thanks for putting me up on the Hot 100, Autostraddle! It’s a great honor. The only thing that’s strange is that you put my name up as Lauren when I generally go by Tenny but that’s okay.

    I’m glad everybody that saw me on the preview liked my Justin Bieber shirt too haha. :P

  63. Sonya!

    I want your love and I want your revenge.
    I’m you’re biggest fan, I’ll follow you until you love me.
    Be your best friend, yeah I’ll love you forever.
    Show me your teeth. The truth is sexy.

  64. Hmm, very few people of colour, size or over 30. Way to reinforce the usual white-het beauty standards.

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