The Comment Awards Are Donning A Velvet Blazer

A small, brown and white dog peeking over their laptop screen, with a caption that says "Hey did you see that comment?!"


This week, if it’s not too much to ask, Kayla would like two Real Housewives to fall in love.

Important: When Thin is a Trans Requirement.

Heather wrote about Masters of the Universe: Revelation, a He-Man update that I will definitely be watching for the very buff women.

Wanna know your Summer Olympics event? There’s a quiz for that.

Drew would, respectfully, like you to know that you can “bury your gays. They’re yours, after all.”

Rosie O’Donnell in blazers. Put this in a museum.

Demi Lovato as KD Lang? Must be No Filter!

Wait, is this a date? Drew and Christina are here with the dating podcast you know you needed!

And then there were your comments.

On I Would Like To See It: I Think Two Real Housewives Should Fall In Love:

The Fanfic Award to Brenny:

Fully ship Sonja & Ramona coming out as a couple but then surprise! Luann and Dorinda get jealous of the attention and loop Leah into orchestrating a fake threesome to steal back the spotlight

And the Greek Life Award to RWM:

RHONY, to me, answers the age old question: What if women replicated the homoeroticism of frat boys? As in, the women are both incredibly homophobic and weirdly ALL OVER EACH OTHER, SAYING VERY GAY THINGS. It’s gotten to the point where I’ve started recording every instance of it on my phone to document it during re-watches, and it happens so much it’s kind of wild. Sonja is the most overt about it, but Bethenny wasn’t far behind. But from most of the cast, it’s just like a lottttt of comments about their friends bodies, boobs, how hot they are, “I’d do you if I were a guy,

On Quiz: What’s Your Summer Olympics Event?

The Ghost Award to alchemille and cleo:

Sculpture! I love it, I learned something, apt

On Rosie O’Donnell In Blazers, 1992 – 1999:

The Blazership Award to tlyn:

Can’t wait to see this article cited in future works of lesbian blazer scholarship.

On Also.Also.Also: When You Defeat All the Other Masc Lesbians, Raven Saunders Is the Final Boss:

The Swiftie, Gaylor…Swiftgron? Award to Amy and tdj:

Erica Sullivan is adorable. Not only is she a Swiftie, she’s a Gaylor (and a Swiftgron true believer, for the record). Her Twitter makes me laugh. She’s so unabashed with her fangirling.

And on No Filter: WOWEEE ZOWEEE Demi Lovato! Giving me KD Lang!

The Out of Town Award to shamblebot, Kristana, :), and Reilly:

Shamblebot: I would love a show that’s just about the parents on teen dramas except we never see the teens / Kristana: The kids could just be…”out of town

See a comment that needs to be here? Let me know! Tag me [at] queergirl.

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


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