Results for: tofu
The Dyke Kitchen: Bold, Tingly, Spicy Mapo Tofu
When I went to college at Oberlin, where my parents met, I found out that my mom had not only been in the MOST hippie-dippie of co-ops, which was appropriately vegan, but was the head tofu maker there too. So I began to learn what she loves about tofu.
Celebs Share Good Dishes To Get Through Bad Times In “Recipe for Disaster”
For those who find comfort in food while going through the unthinkable.
Empty Magic: Dinner
When you’ve reached the bottom of anything, you create a hollow.
Pop Culture Fix: Lightyear’s Lesbian Kiss Had Ted Cruz Checking Out Doll Genitals
Maya Rudolph was almost the star of Killing Eve, Megan Rapinoe comes out swinging for trans athletes, Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin looks familiar, and more!
Three Stages of Never Ever Doing Holiday Meals the “Right” Way
Holiday meals have always been mired in conflict for me.
Boobs on Your Tube: Fire House Wedding Bells Send “Station 19” into Summer Hiatus
Plus updates on the season finale of Nancy Drew, Top Chef, New Amsterdam, The Bold Type, and.. did y’all see Cynthia Erivo’s gay new music video?
20 Foods I Ate Because of Fictional Characters, Ranked
The taste of Butterbeer should have been my first clue that JK Rowling is a monster.
You Need Help: What If I’m Lying to Myself About Being Queer?
I absolutely remember this feeling. “Am I crazy? Am I just making this up to complicate my life?” The answer is, no, you’re not. You’re not making it up. It’s real, and it’s fine, and it’s gonna be amazing.
The Autostraddle Insider: Issue Two, August 2014
It’s the second issue of the best little behind-the-scenes newsletter EVER.
A Definitive Guide to the Best At-Home Breakfast Sandwich
The one thing I have managed to commit to over quarantine is perfecting the best possible breakfast sandwich, from the ideal ingredients to cooking and assembly; I am here to share the fruits of my labor.
The L Word Generation Q Episode 309 Recap: Quiet Before The Firestorm
Gird your loins, Bette and Tina are back in town! Meanwhile, Alice is getting cancelled, Finley and Carrie are walking up a moderate incline, Tess is dancing on her own, Shane’s got a big pitch, Sophie’s got a show to run and just like you, Dre loves Dani!
The Comment Awards Are Calling From the Rooftops
“Be grateful for your abundance, you privileged piece of shi*t!”
The Dyke Kitchen: Top Your Instant Ramen
I don’t see it as a culinary failure to plan to have instant noodles for dinner. But before I get into my favorite ways to elaborate on, accessorize, perhaps even elevate a pack of instant noodles, it’s important to note that not all instant noodles are created equal.
The Comment Awards Are Daydreaming Of Pizza, and Of You
“I’d facepalm, but I can’t touch my face.”
Seeing the Wind: How It Feels To Be A COVID Nurse
The first time I took care of COVID patients, I felt helpless. I’d lost access to my purpose, to my spiritual practice that lives within deeply connecting to my patients. I felt undeserving of human connection. I’d become a “dirty” nurse.
The Dyke Kitchen: Hot Tips For A Stir Fry
Stir frying is all about the drama: high heat, wildly fast stirring, the explosive sizzle that sets off my smoke alarm. To begin, I slip my apron over my head and put on some Whitney. There are few things I like better than singing “I Have Nothing” to some food I’m about to eat, and begging it to stay in my mouth if it dares.
5 Breakfasts to Impress Your Hookup Who Unexpectedly Stayed the Night, Dietary Restrictions and All
If you, like me, have incredibly niche neuroses and intensive caretaker concerns that include providing your hook-up a breakfast to remember (or at least sustain themselves), these five quick, low-maintenance, dietary-specification-inclusive recipes are for you.
How to Fry Potatoes
When Thanksgiving rolled around I spent all my money on alcohol, and was left eating potatoes every meal for two weeks.
The Lunar New Year Coming Out Letter I’ll Never Send To My Mom
I’m not coming out to you as a lesbian, umma, I’m coming out as your daughter. I’m tired of being a stranger to you and I’m tired of tripping over boxes in my living room because you’re incapable of just being vulnerable with me.
My Parents Made Me Gay
Being focused on women never seemed remarkable to me. I grew up in a household with my mom, my younger sister, and my dad, so even if we were just being fair, 75% of our time was focused on women. And we were not fair.