When I started #BooRadleyVanCullen back in season one when I was writing for AfterEllen, I was just looking for a good way to watch this full-tilt bonkers show with some like-minded queer women. I had no idea that it would evolve into this revolutionary cultural thing where we talk to the show and the show talks back to us, where we form our own inside jokes with the people who make what we love to watch on TV, where we say “Tippi the Bird” enough times and she appears.
This season was a tricky one for me, and I wasn’t able to do these round-ups like I have done in the past for every episode. But tweeting with you was always one of the best parts of my week, and so to thank you for sticking with me through 12 more bananpants episodes, I’ve rounded up 100 of the best tweets of season 5B. (I couldn’t use your tweet if it had emojis in it. WordPress hates emojis.) I love you guys. I really do. Thank you for being the best.
Ali makes a prison shower look as relaxing as a day at the spa. #PrettyLittleLiars #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Pretty Little Liars (@LittleLiars) March 11, 2015
If you thought like Mona always, you wouldn't be in this mess. #PLL #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Pretty Little Liars (@AllThingsPLL) March 11, 2015
Running through the woods with psychos is just a normal day as Emily Fields #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Kristin | 🌈🦄™️ (@negative_purple) January 28, 2015
Okay Newsie, slow your role with the Potter references. You just got here. #BooRadleyVanCullen #PLL
— Nic (@njnic23) February 18, 2015
Aria's whistle was the highlight of my night #PLLSocialHour #BooRadleyVanCullen @ABCFpll
— tas . (@_tasalexa) January 7, 2015
I'll trade you six Ezras and 100 Tobys for one Paige. #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Lucy Hallowell (on hiatus) (@lucyhallowell) January 7, 2015
Charles is A! I've been saying that for years! Oh man. Classic Charles. #BooRadleyVanCullen
— ahotpieceofA (@ahotpieceofA) March 25, 2015
I need to put on a yellow tank top and crawl into a grave for a second to process this. #BooRadleyVanCullen
— king valkyrie (@HeatherBlakely) March 25, 2015
Does Emily need someone to butter her muffin? #PLL #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Valerie Anne (@PunkyStarshine) January 7, 2015
I’m sure no one is as happy as @hhoagie tonight! #BooRadleyVanCullen #PLL pic.twitter.com/Y7XXUI9sl5
— Big A (@PLLbigA) March 11, 2015
Lady: You are not of good moral character. Em: Is it cause I'm gay?! Lady: It's because of the time you killed a guy… #booradleyvancullen
— Theodora (@TheodoraG13) February 25, 2015
Is A trying to make them all multi lingual? #PLL #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Worst Year, Gayer Nic (@CloneNic) March 25, 2015
Paige will be back. Her bag is too big for a carry-on! #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Casey (@caseylcummings) January 7, 2015
Sorry I couldn't get her earlier I was busy pepper spraying and kidnapping your brother #PrettyLittleLiars #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Cait (@ms_Caitlinnn) March 18, 2015
Lol if Talia just funded Emily's tuition to Stanford #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Paily Anchors (@PailyAnchors) February 25, 2015
I wonder if Melissa made out with this brother too. #BooRadleyVanCullen
— AnthroChick (@KissMe_Hardy) March 25, 2015
*cece's* pizza! You tell them, commercial break! #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Chen Drachman (@shokoshik) January 14, 2015
I'm surprised that Ezra didn't suggest Aria speak with Malcolm about her writing, that kid was a genius right? #PLL #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Allison (@peachesT3CH) January 14, 2015
"I'm not gonna have someone looking out for me… except my rich mom who pays for my apartment." #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Keeley LaForme (@KeeleyLaForme) January 14, 2015
"I spent a whole day running on a hamster wheel because of you! It was so much fun, thanks!" – Aria #PrettyLittleLiars #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Diane Michelle (@DianeMichelle2L) January 21, 2015
I've seen Ezra do a lot of gross shit, but falling on his own sword like a martyr is somehow one of the grossest. #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Jenn (@Jennirrific) January 28, 2015
"Hey I'm a convenient new character with insight into the dark inner workings of one of your dead friends!" #BooRadleyVanCullen
— saint baby (@the_saintbaby) February 4, 2015
"I wasn't sick, I just needed a day to bake through my feelings." – Talia #BooRadleyVanCullen #PLL
— Whitney (@wqueen1) February 4, 2015
Did he though? Did he take an oath? Or did he take an online survey? #PLL #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Valerie Anne (@PunkyStarshine) January 28, 2015
His exit has more drama than a game of thrones episode. #booradleyvancullen
— How do I top lesbians?- Brie Larson (2019) (@LeighandLarson) February 4, 2015
"All I need to know about life I learned from A." -Spencer Hastings on college #BooRadleyVanCullen #PLL
— Josh (@YankeeJosh) February 4, 2015
@hhoagie amphetamines. #BooRadleyVanCullen
— WCW Monday Nitro (@huntercamp) February 18, 2015
I want to see Helena and Hanna in a dance battle. #BooRadleyVanCullen #clonesbians @hhoagie
— J_Mc ♋️ (@JLMc87) February 18, 2015
— Molly (@mollyfids) March 11, 2015
Don't worry, Hanna! Mona's fabulousness is too big to fit into that barrel, so don't be afraid. #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Nora kom Baikru (@panheda) January 28, 2015
— 🎆SPECIAL NEGRO🎆 (@AmayasTotem) January 28, 2015
My cat was meowing the entire time #Sparia was in the freezer and I'm just screaming "IT'S OK EMILY WILL SAVE THEM" #BooRadleyVanCullen
— #embarrassing (@guiltyplzre) January 28, 2015
Put some pants on. We need to talk about tonight. #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Liz 🐆🏡 (@gatecrewgirl) January 28, 2015
@hhoagie I want a story about Hanna as a knight and she has a sword and kills people when they cross her.
— king valkyrie (@HeatherBlakely) January 28, 2015
Hanna is on a hotness trajectory that is quite frankly frightening. I'm worried about losing one or more of my retinas. #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Jenn (@Jennirrific) January 28, 2015
Shouldn't you be at school? LOL Liz leads with hyperbole! #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Samantha J. Green (@SamanthaJGreen) January 28, 2015
"You've been a cop for all of six minutes… which means you're a senior member of our department." #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Marieill Hill (@marieillhill) January 28, 2015
Okay story pitch: The Grunwald joins the Rosewood PD. OR The Grunwald opens a pet store/doll hospital/costume shop. #booradleyvancullen
— sarah dufrau (@dufrau) January 28, 2015
Sometimes I complain about my gym bag being too heavy – but I guess it's even worse with heist tools & BLEACH. #PLLchat #booradleyvancullen
— Theodora (@TheodoraG13) January 28, 2015
Holbrook has his same regular old face, right? It's just new hair? White guy blindness strikes again! #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Jenna (@jennalykes) February 4, 2015
Mike and Holbrook are on the same evil haircut team #BooRadleyVanCullen
— proud blancofemophobe 🇭🇹🌈 🗽 (@haitianfineappl) February 4, 2015
There better be a deleted scene where we find out what's going on underneath the sheets between Hannah and Mona. #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Diane Michelle (@DianeMichelle2L) February 4, 2015
Hanna should've hit his ass harder! #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Samantha J. Green (@SamanthaJGreen) February 4, 2015
EMILY FIELDS! Scissor that chick all you want but BIKING without Paige? TOO FAR, Emily! #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Lucy Hallowell (on hiatus) (@lucyhallowell) February 11, 2015
For once? I once slow danced with the ghost of my then-dead best friend in the basement of Radley, Johnny Boy #BooRadleyVanCullen
— your stereotypical gay barista (@Shipper648) February 11, 2015
It not a beauty pageant, it's a scholarship program #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Belinda McD (@betterleftbl_nk) February 18, 2015
What's so weird about ordering two small coffees for yourself? Spencer basically drinks a gallon's worth every day. #PLL #booradleyvancullen
— A l v i R o m a n ✘ (@Alviroman2) February 18, 2015
We can rebuild her. We have the technology. #Mona #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Josh (@YankeeJosh) February 18, 2015
@hhoagie @BryanHoldman that's the plot of Jurassic World. Chris Pratt is playing Mike in five years.
— Kyle Bown (@KyleBown) February 18, 2015
Does Rosewood High start classes at 2 pm or does the Rosewood jail have visiting hours from 5-7 am? #BooRadleyVanCullen
— #embarrassing (@guiltyplzre) February 25, 2015
— Miss Kitsch (@DeadlyKitsch) February 25, 2015
"That means A hasn't contacted through email or text" Or he's in a full body cast and spelling's not his top priority #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Ashley Peterson (@ashrpeterson) February 25, 2015
@hhoagie It's time for Mona to start passing judgment over the living and the dead. And then some. #PLL #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Bros Watch PLL Too! (@BrosWatchPLLToo) February 25, 2015
— Ywonne🦁 (@ywonneacupoftea) March 4, 2015
Nothing says "I'm a Princess" like freshly pressed prison garb. #Ali #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Denise (@DDavis2) March 4, 2015
Root cause of Aria being useless is Ezra as Emily is now learning the hard way… again… #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Michelle (@micnic1291) March 4, 2015
Another clear sign Andrew is A. He degrades the Vanderjesus openly. #PLL #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Devon (@KDevNic) March 11, 2015
Andrew is a blasphemer! #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Aimee LaFleur (@Aahhmee) March 11, 2015
Well, you're going to hell, Andrew. #BooRadleyVanCullen
— AnthroChick (@KissMe_Hardy) March 11, 2015
Ali needs to ditch her lawyer and get Anilese Keating. She would've had like 5 "speculation!" objections by now #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Alison (@al386) March 11, 2015
How many murders, arrests, interrogations, "police officers," and attorneys did it take to FINALLY see a ROSEWOOD COURT? #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Marieill Hill (@marieillhill) March 11, 2015
Psst…pass it on. #BigAReveal #PLL #BooRadleyVanCullen pic.twitter.com/nUOE3p7O0h
— ahotpieceofA (@ahotpieceofA) March 11, 2015
"Hmmm… if I were Mona, what would I do? Eureka! I would look at my perfect face!" #booradleyvancullen
— sarah dufrau (@dufrau) March 11, 2015
"I'm back bitches and I know everything"-Tippi. #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Kari Gleich (@karilynnegleich) March 11, 2015
No! We just got fedexed bovine parts! #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Maya Goldsmith (@Maya_Goldsmith) March 18, 2015
@hhoagie Pretty Little Kittens stalked by the Risen Mitten #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Urka F (@elf0887) March 18, 2015
@hhoagie I think the fact that Spencer hasn't killed anyone or been in jail for 24+ hours is like the best joke on the show
— Maryssa B (@orangewine13) March 18, 2015
What a shithole playground. #PLL #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Geek-Girl (@Peacelovechai) March 18, 2015
So Toby took 3 minutes of classes for NOTHING!? #BooRadleyVanCullen #PLL
— Miss Kitsch (@DeadlyKitsch) March 18, 2015
@hhoagie Big A is a sea creature living in the lake by Noel Kahn’s house. #BigAReveal #PrettyLittleLiars
— reisawal (@reisawal) March 24, 2015
@hhoagie a giant Russian nesting doll of Wren, CeCe Drake, not dead-Mona and Tippi as the final boss
— nerdy (@nerdgirlwalking) March 24, 2015
@hhoagie Jason's twin sister? Mona who hyperadrenalized herself out of the grave? Everybody's horcrux is Aria's fork earring.
— hannah orlansky (@hannahorlansky) March 24, 2015
Duh your prom dates are each other #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Jenny (@TVtrashJen) March 25, 2015
"I'm dying to know too spencer but I've never made it inside" says VanderJesus about Hanna's pants #BooRadleyVanCullen
— Pants Rasmuson (@JoetPants) March 25, 2015
My eyes hurt from not blinking watching #WelcomeToTheDollhouse this must be how Spence feels all the time #BooRadleyVanCullen
— mini meg sutherland (@leahsutherlady) March 25, 2015
Every time I open a new tweet I go, "I don't know twitter! I have no idea what's happening!" #BooRadleyVanCullen pic.twitter.com/ikzZjqusTU
— World of Tilt (@worldoftilt) March 25, 2015
If the girls' fates are in the hands of Caleb, Ezra, and Toby, I fear the worst for them. #PLL #booradleyvancullen
— Holly (@hollydoesstuffs) March 25, 2015
Emily dancing is too much. But not enough at the same time. #BooRadleyVanCullen #PLL
— Ywonne🦁 (@ywonneacupoftea) February 25, 2015
Things I've learned while watching PLL:
1. Dead isn’t dead.
2. Hanna is the smart one.
3. I’m super hella gay. #BooRadleyVanCullen #PLL— Nic (@njnic23) February 18, 2015
Come to Vanderjesus if you want to live. #BooRadleyVanCullen #PLL pic.twitter.com/jqEk0ysJ7b
— Geek-Girl (@Peacelovechai) March 25, 2015
You guys, I just realized Van Der Jesus rose from the dead just in time for Easter, just like how it should be. #BooRadleyVanCullen #pll
— Morgan Glennon (@mojotastic) March 25, 2015
i love everything about the #BooRadleyVanCullen community. It's like watching #PLL with all of you in my living room, knowing to hush!
— Samantha J. Green (@SamanthaJGreen) March 25, 2015
See you next season, my loves!
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5See entire article on one page
You were waiting for after Easter to let us know that the Vanderjesus had risen, weren’t you?
I didn’t want to spoil the surprise.
I think the comment about I. Marlene King sneaking in all this subversive feminist commentary on the grossness of the patriarchy while having to appease the patriarchy (network execs) to even get this show on the air is the truest thing ever.
Some lingering questions I have:
1. How long does everyone think the girls will be kept in the dollhouse? Does Mona use her brain power to just teleport everyone out there?
2. Since Tanner has now seen Mona alive does she just release Ali from prison? Do they keep her in there so A doesn’t think they’re onto him?
3. Where the hell is Pam Fields? Her daughter is in JAIL (well was, now she’s just kidnapped)!
“I think the comment about I. Marlene King sneaking in all this subversive feminist commentary on the grossness of the patriarchy while having to appease the patriarchy (network execs) to even get this show on the air is the truest thing ever.”
100% agree.
Seriously, WHERE is Pam? She’d be tearing down buildings with her bare hands looking for Emily. The whole town, brick-by-brick.
Seriously, we were robbed of everybody in Emily’s life responding to her arrest and subsequent disappearance from jail. Yes, Pam Fields would tear Rosewood apart looking for her. Wayne Fields would scale all the buildings with no regard for his heart or their propensity for coming to life. And Paige Fucking McCullers would leave the most epic trail of overturned trashcans as she literally ran all the way across the country to try and rescue Emily.
I feel like the only reason the Hastings were the ones the writers clued in was because they’re the only ones you can count on to be weirdly chill about their daughter being kidnapped. Between Pam, Ashley and Ella Rosewood would have been torn apart crypt by crypt until they found their daughters.
– Awwwwww, it’s Sparia.

– Aria. Accessories. The jokes just write themselves.
– If this is the Dollhouse, where’s Echo?
– When Spencer breaks the glass in her room you can see her reflected in the glass. Heather Hogan said about the noir episode, “Showing a person in a mirror to symbolize his/her duplicitous ego is a famous noir convention…”
– Yes. YESSSSSS. The VanderJesus has risen.
– Of course Mona can play the piano.
– Hanna is the first one to talk to Mona. I refuse to believe that that is coincidence.
– F**k these guys. Go back to the girls.
– I know how you can snap Mona back to herself Hanna.
– “We have three minutes.” That all you’ll need…for me or Hanna.
– When Risen Mitten is watching them through the monitors, is Spencer in her bed?
– Spencer’s in her mind again.
– Who’s Charles? Of course a show about four girls turns to one stuffy guy.
– “How did we not know this was going on?” I’ve got a few theories. Most of them center around trips to Out of Town.
– Boy, when the Hastings Lawyer Team goes up against the police, they really beat the po po down.
– The girls are dancing…but not with each other. Lame.
– Apparently A likes Hanna’s cleavage as much as I do.
– Is Charles A, or just a minion?
– It seems a little cheating to bring in this person at the eleventh hour.
– Is it actually Charles, or is it Jason?
– If Mona’s not in the barrel, then who is?
– So, if Mona left those three anagrams of Charles Dilaurentis behind the mirror, then why didn’t she realize that those blocks spelled Charles? She’d been there for months. Only Spencer realized it. Did she also leave the notecard behind the mirror? Spencer is A.
– The thing I love most about the VanderJesus still being alive is that now there’s still a chance for PinkDrink to be canon.
If Mona was alive all this time, then who tortured Ali during Christmas? Can Mona astrally project?
Yes, of course.
Spencer and Mona are together again. The circle is unbroken.
when mona appeared onscreen i let out a howl of pure joy and delight to see her lovely face again. MONA. MONAAAAA.
so wait — is that rumor about a 4 year time jump true? are they going to be in the bunker for 4 years? is season 6 going to be unbreakable little liars???
I don’t think that that’s going to happen. I think that A gave the gas mask to Mona/Ali because he was going to kill the other Liars after the prom. If that’s true, then I don’t think that he’ll change his mind after their escape attempt.
THEY’RE ALIVE DAMMIT. (It’s a miracle.)
I love the BRVC community so damn much.
Also, I kept getting teased because I refused to accept Mona’s death and HAHAHAHAHA I LOVE BEING RIGHT.
Me too. BRVC for life.
Am I the only one who thought these last two episodes were funny as hell? Emily and Spencer are a comic goldmine.
“If your main thing when you are watching Pretty Little Liars is whatever circus promos ABC Family has on blast, go watch Scooby-Doo. You know who A is! It has been confirmed! A is the male gaze powered by surveillance culture and enabled by a victim-blaming society saturated in sexism and obsessed with denying women their agency. Who has been systematically torturing the Liars all this time? The patriarchy, just as we suspected! Who thinks women are interchangeable play things created to act out male fantasies? The patriarchy.”
This is why we come to you for recaps! I didn’t even know what a woman’s agency was, till I started reading your stuff.
how about emily’s face when she grabbed mona’s hair! classic.
Oh! So great! I laughed so hard. Even thinking about it!
Yeeeeeeeessss thank you Heather for this amazing recap, you truly are the best. You said everything I wanted to say to the people criticizing the episode. I kept coming back here every day after the episode waiting for your recap because I knew you would understand it. I was very touched by what you wrote about patriarchy, so thank you!!!
The thing about A being Jasons twin is that A’s lair looks like a shrine to Charles. I think Mrs. D had a twin and that twin had a son Jasons age give or take a month named Charles and he died around the time of the video (which I don’t think the baby is Ali because jason/Charles would have to be 7 but look at most 5) and this twin went insane and got committed where shenanigans with Bethany young and Marion cavanough took place. And now her son is one of her personalities. At wildens funeral A had a distinctly female form and that was the A (bc the dress is in the background) that blew up tobys house and sent flowers to Bethany’s parents. Both radly connections.
Unbreakeable, Mona is alive dammit! (Females are strong as hell.)
Top notch recap, Heather Hogan! Long live Vanderjesus!
Related: can I now add “Composed a Top 100 Season 5B #BooRadleyVanCullen Tweet” to my resume? Would that get me hired places, you think?
“This episode is one of the most monumentally fucked up things I have ever seen on television. I love it so much.”
These two sentences sum up my feelings about this show perfectly.
This recap was definitely worth the wait. And I am not going to stay up rewatching Sister Act 2, THOUGH I AM SORELY TEMPTED.
Heather. Heather, Heather, Heather. I may have bitched to my gf about this recap being so late, I may have thrashed around and moaned and gotten caught in a bear trap in the woods, but truly, this show would be nothing for me without your recaps. As much as I love it, and I would watch it anyway, you’re the one who got us on to PLL and you’re the one who will always make the show worth watching. I savour these recaps like fine wine. Perfect, as always. Xxx
This post was great! It actually makes me want to start watching the show again. I stopped watching it after Ali came back. It just got to be too much and I felt like the producers and writers liked messing w my emotions lol!
I’m so glad you felt the same way I did about the finale – I was baffled by the number of people who hated it. I love that they’re upping the darkness with the show. It was deliciously fucked up! Out of interest, Heather, which is your fafurite epussode, if this is your second?
If Mona is Vanderjesus, Heather must be her best disciple! She’s the apostle Heather!
In other words, thank you.
Oh my VanderJesus I MADE IT! Whoop!
Where do we sign the petition for Original Head Jason?
“You know who A is! It has been confirmed! A is the male gaze powered by surveillance culture and enabled by a victim-blaming society saturated in sexism and obsessed with denying women their agency. Who has been systematically torturing the Liars all this time? The patriarchy, just as we suspected! Who thinks women are interchangeable play things created to act out male fantasies? The patriarchy.”
Heather, I LOVE how smart you are. And I love how right you were about this show. When I started watching in season 1 it was because I had read a few of your recaps on AE first and you promised me that the show was smart and subversive and that these women were going to rescue themselves every damn time and I didn’t always believe you, and I didn’t always see what you saw, but you’re right. You’re right you’re right you’re right. You told me so. Any time I tell people to watch PLL and they roll their eyes at me I say “but start at season 1, and read Heather’s recap after each ep. You will DIE.”
Here’s hoping someday there’s a college course on PLL, and you’re the professor.
Your recaps are half the enjoyment of watching this show. They’re golden. Thank you so much for your wonderful wit and the flawlessness of your literary technique. I loved that metaphor specifically, about chicken nuggets and coq du vin, and not just b/c i love food. Marlene King is a genius and this show deserves all the viewers and respect any “adult” show does. I’ve seen too many ppl belittle it w/o watching it, because it’s about a bunch of teenage girls- a demographic seen as inconsequential. I’m not a teenager anymore, but I wholeheartedly support the agency of girls and women and believe in their potential. I too, don’t care if this is all we get to know about A. it was never just about A; this show shows the dazzling possibilities of female friendship. I’m glad they’ve never stooped to the petty overdone trope of having the Liars fight over a boy or something. It passes the Bechdel test, hell it passes almost any test relating to the depiction of females on american tv. A truly groundbreaking phenomenon. I haven’t said anything you prolly haven’t heard, but i just want you to know that I’m so grateful for your work in these recaps.
If they Unbreakable PLL those women next season this female will be mad as hell. Many many thanks for the stunning recaps HH, truly they are genius, and witty, and amazing, and always always worth the wait. The pAtriarchy is real. Vanderjesus is risen.
I don’t understand the people who try to make sense of all the crazy plot stuff PLL throws out there over the years. Trying to figure out Pretty Little Liars is like trying to understand the mechanics of a rollercoaster WHILE YOU ARE ON THAT ROLLERCOASTER. Just hang on and enjoy the ride, man.
I loved this episode SO. MUCH. and I’m glad you also enjoyed this episode because it was the kind of crazy and disturbing and wonderful that only PLL can pull off and it got so much hate it didn’t deserve. I mean I do wish they hadn’t pushed the “BIG A REVEAL FOR REAL WE REALLY MEAN IT THIS TIME” thing because I genuinely thought it was going to happen in the same way that “Ali is Alive!” happened and instead of the “Is she/isn’t she” thing they had dragged out, they were like “no really she is” and the show moved on to the aftermath of that reveal, so I was thinking this would be the same but since it wasn’t that I was inevitably disappointed in a way I wouldn’t have been otherwise.
My only other gripe was that when Mona was revealed she wasn’t actually A which I was FREAKING OUT ABOUT BECAUSE HOLY SHIT WHAT A DELICIOUS PLOT TWIST THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN. I was so fucking excited when I thought she was the Big A reveal and she had just been Loony Toons Psychopants this whole time and actually lived in this mega A lair and faked her death and her sanity and everything, and then I was kind of let down when that wasn’t the situation but eh, I’ll take alive Mona in any way I can get. (ALIVE MONA!!)
Fuck wank bugger shitting arse head and hole that was good! (The episode and the recap!)
So did I miss something or is Talia still at Emily’s house sharing recipes with Pam wondering why Emily didn’t return home from court? Or after blackmailing the beauty pageant lady did she high-tail it out of Rosewood for California with Paige where it is safer for Emily’s exs and women of colour?