• International Transgender Day of Remembrance: We Will Win the Coming Revolutions

    Yesterday was the Transgender Day of Remembrance. So today we remember, but also look forward. Also: Queer As Folk/Glee, Harry Potter!, Anne Hathaway, Pretty Little Liars, queer youth, and zombies!

  • Victory, Howl, Bisexuality, Death, Glee, Labor, Freedom

    Today there was some good news related to DADT just in time for Sunday Funday! Lucky you. Also, Stephen Colbert did something funny, Celebrate Bisexuality Day happened, many people have many feelings w/r/t Glee and one of those feelings is BRITNEY, and we have insights from Franzen and A REVIEW OF HOWL OMFG.

  • Jersey Shore Boys Cover Village Voice’s Queer Issue: ‘Guidos’ Got PUNKED

    The Village Voice has an intriguing cover for their Queer Issue — we outline some of our more major confusions on the issue. Also, Chicago loves Nat Garcia and so do we, Lady Gaga fashion update, Gawker is there for those straight people trying to make it through Pride, one brave girl blogger takes on Seventeen Magazine, and one writer discusses how she manages marriage while bisexual.

  • Chely Wright on Ellen: Why We Love Watching Out Celebs Meet Ellen DeGeneres

    Chely Wright was interviewed last week on Ellen, gets teary, talks about Ellen’s Mom, and we take a look at why Ellen’s show has been so important for out celebs, and why Ellen, like Oprah, succeeds because of her “outsider” status, not in spite of it. Everyone is having a fabulous time this Sunday Funday! Librarians are covering Lady Gaga songs while she’s hanging around British pubs, Neil Patrick Harris is surprising his boyfriend with awesome parties, a brief gay pride parade happens successfully in Moscow, the “first modern lesbian” will get her time in the spotlight, and Gawker would like to talk to you about prescription medication.

  • Lady Gaga’s Birthday, SamRo’s @-Reply, UK’s Gay Wedding, Math & Amanda Seyfried Naked

    Really so many random unrelated Sunday Funday stuff today! Happy Lady Gaga’s birthday! Amanda Seyfried, Julianne Moore and soon Jennifer Aniston join the ranks of Straight Women Who Have Played Gay To Mixed Reviews. British politicians get gay married, Spring Break behind-the-scenes, expensive Passover food, the history of white people, Derrick Martin, WBC’s counter-protest, very special sitcom episodes, girls are awesome at math, and lesbians are inspiring Indian fashion. Also, um, LADY GAGA CHATROULETTE

  • Small Screen Homo: Lez Webseries Battle, MTV’s Lesbian “Douchebag” & Desperate Lesbian Housewives

    Announcing Dinah Shore’s Battle of the Lesbian Webseries, MTV’s “I Can’t Believe You’re Dating Him” features a female couple and it’s kinda amazing and Desperate Housewives’ lesbian plot starts tonight. Also; Elton John, Lady Gaga condoms, DADT, eating disorders in models, Adam Lambert & Ke$ha, Tila Tequila, Westboro’s Gaga parody, Lindsay Lohan & more!

  • Gay Marriage Will Make Washington D.C. Rich! Nice One, New York!

    Tila Tequila is still engaged (take that Court-ten-ay!) is furthermore making plans to REPRODUCE via surrogacy. Gay marriage will pump the DC Economy, which’s bad news for the already upset NYC. Also; Nik Pace is suing the NFL player who fathered her child, how Mormons spend Christmas, 10 hot European TV lesbian couples, Karen from the Office is writing a comic book! Sort of!

  • Apocalypse 2012: Ahmadinejad Blames Gays, Gays Blame Sarah Palin

    A Lot of Video Today! Conflicting visions of the apocalypse (our favorite is from Saturday Night Live), Tegan & Sara have a new webseries, Window Media’s closed titles live on, Healthcare reform continues to keep us on the edge of our seats, Palin groupies storm a tour bus, Twilight exploded all over the world and Venice The Series looks really hot!