Lady Gaga’s Birthday, SamRo’s @-Reply, UK’s Gay Wedding, Math & Amanda Seyfried Naked

Hey, not only is it Lady Gaga’s birthday today but it’s also Robin Roemer’s birthday (she’s our photoblogger HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBIN ROEMER)! In honor of Robin’s birthday, Lady Gaga took a topless photo of herself in her new favorite wig with a communist teacup. Who doesn’t love communism though really.

Gaga is currently number one on the UK singles chart and last week became the only act in the digital era to top the 5 million sales mark. Also this time last year she was performing at Dinah Shore, so crazy right? Gaga’s “The Fame” logs its sixth week at #1 in the U.K., which is the longest run for an album by an American since Michael Jackson.

In her show in Brisbane, Australia, everyone sang Happy Birthday to her:

Samantha Ronson actually responded to a tweet from Lindsay Lohan, which is a massive cause for celebration, as you can imagine. It doesn’t really matter that it was sort of a dig:

Also; at Jezebel, Dodai wonders why the hell Lindsay Lohan and other female celebrities actually hang out with Perez Hilton and go to his events when he talks crazy shit about them. (@jezebel)

Just when we were pretty sure we didn’t care about Cougar Town, it turns out Jennifer Aniston is apparently slated to play a lesbian on it! When she can find time between filming new movies and allegedly being devastated forever and ever over Brad Pitt, she’s going to appear in an episode of her good friend Courtney Cox’s show, and has requested to play a lesbian so she can do something outside her “norm.” (@gather)

“Paris Hilton Was Taking It From Behind From Some Rock Star…” An MTV staffer recalls Spring Break in the format of Esquire’s “What I’ve Learned.” (@deadspin)

The Most Ridiculous “Very Special” Sitcom Episodes Of All Time: obviously I’m So Excited is included. (@huffpo)

The British Parliament just got a little gayer this weekend when Chris Bryant, the Minister of State for Europe, married his partner in a civil ceremony in the Palace of Westminster. Look how cute they are! They match! (@towleroad)

Oh look, surprise, it turns out girls don’t actually suck at math! This study says so! It is true, though, that being constantly told you suck at math makes you less likely to succeed at math. The writer of the article points out also that, even given cultural factors that make women less likely to become mathematicians or scientists, it doesn’t erase the academic world’s problems with gender and sexism. “Even if male math geniuses outnumbered female geniuses 3-to-1, Hopkins said, it would be reasonable to expect one female math professor for every three male professors at places like Harvard and MIT. “But in fact, Harvard just tenured its first female, after 375 years,” said Hopkins.” Yeah, what’s up with that, Harvard? (@sfgate)

A new book is wowing critics — A History of White People: “Nell Irvin Painter’s title, “The History of White People,” is a provocation in several ways: it’s monumental in sweep, and its absurd grandiosity should call to mind the fact that writing a “History of Black People” might seem perfectly reasonable to white people. But the title is literally accurate, because the book traces characterizations of the lighter-skinned people we call white today, starting with the ancient Scythians. For those who have not yet registered how much these characterizations have changed, let me assure you that sensory observation was not the basis of racial nomenclature.”

The new film featuring Amanda Seyfried doin’ it with Julianne Moore isn’t wowing critics – specifically, they’ve said that it “can’t be recommended even to people who just want to see Amanda Seyfried naked.” “Critics generally like the first two thirds of the movie, but say it falls apart toward the end when Chloe turns out to be a psycho. All three leads turn in good performances, and one reviewer claims a monologue by Moore about women becoming less desirable as they age redeems the entire film. But despite good acting and cinematography, eventually the plot becomes far too ludicrous and overly-serious, like trying to intellectualize a late-night Cinemax movie.” That might be true, or they might be underestimating how bad we want to see Amanda Seyfried naked.

Slate says; “There are two good reasons to see Atom Egoyan’s erotic thriller Chloe (Sony Pictures Classics): Amanda Seyfried naked and Julianne Moore naked… Seyfried and Moore are both terrific actresses whom I would pay good money to watch not naked, and thanks to their heroic efforts (and those of their costar, Liam Neeson) Chloe remains engaging for longer than any movie this schlocky and overwritten has a right to be. But the movie loses what little goodwill it’s managed to build up by the last act, which feels clumsily grafted from a completely different film.”(@jezebel)

Indian designer Niki Mahajan has made lesbianism the theme of her show this week at Wills Lifestyle Indian Fashion Week. “I chose to use the subject of lesbian love for my line because it is an important issue and the message I wanted to give to my audience was that when a husband can love his wife…why can’t a woman love another woman? …My show showed that love between two woman is natural. They are so happy with each other yet they can’t be happy because the society doesn’t allows them to be so,” (@sify)

Why the hell is Passover food so f*cking expensive? (@slate)

How to turn Westboro’s protest into a positive thing:

The gay teen who’s been ostracized by his community and parents for bringing his boyfriend to prom has one bright star on the horizon: he was the guest of honor this weekend for the Atlanta Gay Men’s Chorus, and may return again to another show. (@theadvocate)

More about Tegan & Sara’s new remix album and their tour dates for the Honda Civic Tour.

There have a been a lot of video covers of Telephone that are purportedly “even better than the real thing.” I can’t really speak to that one way or another, but I can confirm that this is performed by a Lady Gaga impersonator entirely through Chatroulette. (@jezebel)

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


  1. I was at the birthday Brisbane show! One of the dancers threw bits of cake into the audience. XD

  2. that westboro idea is so awesome. kinda like planned parenthood’s pledge a picketer campaign or whatever its called. hope other cities start doing it!

    also gagaroulette is amazing.

  3. I remember most of those very special episodes, as I watched most of those shows, but the best is the Full House one because of Marla Sokoloff.

  4. Smart move as a protest against Westboro.

    The ending of Chloe says it all. Good movie.

    That is just SamRo’s sense of humor. She is making fun of the term followers with a reference to the 78 Jonestown massacre. Her humor has always been dark. Rumor is that she is back with LiLo.

    As for LiLo attending Perez’s event, she was probably offered a nice sum to go and money does talk to LiLo. She had to do red carpet and pose in front of the sponsors’ names which lends credence to her being paid. I guess money is money. Still think it was a stupid move considering who he is and what he has done to her and her loved ones in the past.

  5. 1) so bummed to miss the brisbane gaga show! but happy bday to her and to Robin! :D
    2) I had a dream that I was hanging out with Lilo, just chillin. and then her bro and mom were there too. and i remember thinking in my dream that i couldn’t wait to tell autostraddle that we’re tight now. but it was all a dream…le sigh.

  6. I don’t know if the Gaga impersonator was terrible, awesome, or terrible/AWESOME. It was hilarious anyway, if just for people’s reactions.

  7. Are Gaga’s outfits hug-approved? That looks like a big comfort risk there, she just stabbed that man with her shiny spikey getup. Oh my!

  8. I finally watched the Lady Gaga Telephone video and now every time one of her songs come on all I can think of is product placement, and instead of dancing all me and my mates do is try and obnoxiously sell each other things we dont want like Virigin mobile and what not. Anyway, im just glad I got to see her live in G-A-Y in London a while back for free before she got annoying!

    Also, delighted those lovely looking gay fellas got married in Westminster, how brilliant would that be, what a great venue! (-:

  9. If only Chris Bryant and his partner had read EquallyWed, which explicitly warns against matching ties, they could have looked even better. Oh well, congratulations!

    • matching purple ties! where is jenny to yelled at them to change their fucking ties? oh right, she’s dead.

  10. Pingback: Autostraddle — Lady Gaga's Birthday, SamRo's @-Reply, UK's Gay … | MyGaySpot

  11. I’ve decided that Robin and Lady Gaga are the same person. I mean, I dunno about you, but I’ve never seen them in the same place at the same time. And to be born on the same day….coincidence? I think not. I see you Robin Gaga, I see you.

  12. Pingback: Autostraddle — Lady Gaga's Birthday, SamRo's @-Reply, UK's Gay … « Ardente

  13. OH NO WAY I looked at that photo when gaga posted it, and I swear I only saw the teacup. Did not notice nudity. This shows how much I like tea.

  14. it happened again. oh my goodness.

    samantharonson @lindsaylohan apparently people don’t get my sense of humour- oops. i’ll start the cult- you come join me!!!!

  15. Lady GaGa rocks! The woman was not my favourite in the beginning, but after watching her tv concert I was quickly hooked up.. She is a great entertainer

  16. Oh I see. Justin ‘Ellen Page’ Bieber is the new TSwift. That makes much more sense than my initial theory of ‘TEN MILLION STRAIGHT FANGURLS INVADE WEBSITE’. Not that there is anything wrong with that….

    • Your love has been replaced! She’ll have no choice but to seek refuge in your cleavage


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