• Televisionary Q&A: How “Real” is “The Real L Word”?

    I’ve got some questions about “The Real L Word.” So I tracked down a veteran reality TV editor and established fan of reality teevee programs to get the scoop on how scenes get constructed, what makes TRLW different than other shows, the Theory of the Dogs, “Frakenbiting,” who controls the “stories” being told and other supreme secrets of editorial magic!

  • Guinevere Turner, From “Go Fish” to L-Wording: The Autostraddle Interview

    Writer/actress/director Guinevere Turner tells all about her L Word legacy, her own “Chart,” why she stopped watching, seeing “Go Fish” two decades later, writing Michelle Rodriguez & Kristanna Loken’s Bloodrayne underwater fight scene, and — well — read this interview. Seriously. Read it right now, trust me.

  • Toni Collette is Queering Gender in United States of Tara: The Autostraddle Interview

    Season 2 of United States of Tara kicks things up a notch with homo-sexy goodness with Joey Lauren Adams and further explores her gay son Marshall’s sexuality. We met up with the woman of a thousand looks and accents to talk about straddling the line of gender roles and norms, her preparation for playing multiple characters within the same TV series, what major role she turned down and more!

  • Jennifer Beals Shoots L Word Book, Is Perfect: The Autostraddle Interview

    Jennifer Beals, Supreme Being of Life, talks to Autostraddle about her new photography project The L Word Book, disappointment in Obama, the Johnny Weir controversy, the possibility of a movie, the TiBette phenomenon, closeted Hollywood actors, and just what makes her so goddamn perfect.

  • Top Chef Master & Out Lesbian Anita Lo: The Autostraddle Interview

    Top Chef Master Anita Lo talks to Autostraddle about beating Mario Batali at Iron Chef, her new venture Rickshaw, why you shouldn’t be afraid to eat weird food, and the challenges & rewards of being a Chinese-American Lesbian Chef & restaurant owner!

  • Anyone But Me‘s Nicole Pacent & Rachael Hip-Flores: The Autostraddle Interview & Photoshoot

    “Living here and having grown up here you almost forget it’s so different. I never had to worry about walking down the street with my girlfriend holding my hand. And if this show — if me coming out — helps one person, then it was worth it.”

  • Sweet Sweet Charlene of Logo’s “Gimme Sugar”: The Autostraddle Interview

    “You have to break the shell, be okay with who you are regardless of the cameras and know that there’s someone out there who’s gonna relate to you. There’s no character space so if you’re not yourself that shuts off the whole reason for reality TV. Especially when it’s something about lesbians — that’s for everyone, even for gay boys, we’re fighting for visibility.”