• Straddler On The Street: Emily

    Emily lives in Canada and went to A-Camp 3.0, and she shared her feelings about being biracial, getting into roller derby, and having a cat named Barbra Streisand. Also it’s Canada Day so you basically need to shower her with love and maple leaves.

  • Straddler On The Street: Launa

    Launa is a writer, editor, freelance artist and film producer, exotic dance teacher, and nanny… and that’s not all. Basically, she’s a superhero and you definitely want to hear what she has to say.

  • Straddler On The Street: Kalyna

    If you’ve been here for 10 seconds, you’ve seen user paper0flowers comment on something. Now it’s time to meet the girl behind the username!

  • Straddler On The Street: Amanda F.

    Amanda is a 24 year old student in veterinary medicine and comparative biomedical sciences at Cornell University who is both a cat researcher and a ball python handler!

  • Straddler On The Street: Sam

    Sam talks about A-camp, traveling and couch surfing, her celebrity crush and more.

  • Straddler On The Street: Maria

    Maria and I talked about therapy and the best places to eat in Seattle and we also got sidetracked talking about books and mermaid hair and Dear Sugar and then I died because Cheryl Strayed is my religion. Maria is super awesome, is what I mean.

  • Straddler On The Street: Ashley

    Ashley chats with us about poetry, her goals for the future and what the Autostraddle community means to her.

  • Straddler On The Street: Caro

    It’s the very first Monday of 2013, and we have a brand new Straddler to kick off the new year. Meet Caro, a Miami native who talks to us about creating a queer girl meet-up group in her city, working for a non-profit that provides education on gender and orientation, and crushing on Chely Wright.

  • Straddler On The Street: Tiara

    This week’s Straddler is Tiara, better known as Creatrix Tiara around these parts. She chats about the concept of “home”, coming to terms with her sexuality, and how to be a llama.

  • Straddler On The Street: Allison

    Welcome to our second round of Straddler on the Street! Today we’re talking to Allison about Utah, the environment, and lesbian utopia.