NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday Thinks You Look Good in Those Underpants

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Courtney Trouble via lasmujeresrealestienencurvas.tumblr.com

+ Women’s Views on News recently interviewed Anna Span, Britain’s first female porn director. Here’s what she said:

“Q: You call yourself a feminist. Why do you think so many feminists are so angry about porn?

A: I think because it’s about power. I think the leftwing is in denial about power. They have an egalitarian, almost communist, ideal. But this hasn’t given women equality.

Women and men are different, they have different powers. Men have the power of physical strength, women have fertility power. Power is something that excites us – it’s a huge part of all our lives.

It’s inevitable that sex will be about power. I don’t separate porn from the rest of life. To try to deny power dynamics is at best naive but actually really damaging.”

via femmethingstumblr.com

+ Why queer porn is the best porn (through the lens of a review of “Fuckstyles of the Queer and Famous”):

“Guess what? I watched this movie, and now I’m into things I never knew I liked. That’s what happens when someone sends you a copy of ‘Fuckstyles.’ Things get freaky, synapses start unfolding, your sexual desires expand; it’s like receiving a music box in the mail, opening it, and finding a couple of knife-play-loving queers on the inside. […]

If you asked me a week ago, ‘Ottimo, how do you feel about knives showing up during sex?’ I would’ve responded, ‘Nuh-uh, not my steez.’ Then I watched Max Wellander run her blade up and down Varina Adams’s body, slice off the straps of her tank-top, and tease her flesh with cold, sharp steel. I tried to take notes during this scene, really I did–I wanted to remember Varina’s warm smile as Max rests the handle of her knife against her midriff, and the way Max’s jaw falls open when Varina makes her come–but I was way too distracted to think about writing this review.

Basically, I got my ass handed to me by a porn film; now my ass is covered with knife-bites and glitter. How did this happen? Life is beautiful.”

model Katty DeLuxMUA by Jessica Stewart

+ At Salon, Andrea Askowitz talks about the first time she kissed a girl:

“On the last New Year’s Eve before graduation, I went out drinking and dancing with my best friends, the girls I loved most in the world. In the cab to one of our friends’ houses, where we were all spending the night, Janet leaned in to me and whispered, ‘What would you do if I kissed you?’

I thought, ‘Does she think I’m a lesbo?’ But I said nothing. I couldn’t think of what to say.

‘I think you’d let me,’ she said.

That night, I had sex with my friend’s brother.

Six months later, on the day before we left college, Janet and I went to the Palladium to drink martinis and feel mature and then, when no one was looking, I said, ‘What would you do if I kissed you?’

I felt a spark inside, both for what might come and for how brilliant it was to repeat word for word what she’d said to me a few months before. This time she stayed silent, and it was my turn to say, ‘I think you’d let me.'”

via blackerotica.tumblr.com

+ Porn sites are big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly hugely mind boggling big they are. Listen:

“According to Google’s DoubleClick Ad Planner, which tracks users across the web with a cookie, dozens of adult destinations populate the top 500 websites. Xvideos, the largest porn site on the web with 4.4 billion page views per month, is three times the size of CNN or ESPN, and twice the size of Reddit. LiveJasmin isn’t much smaller. YouPorn, Tube8, and Pornhub — they’re all vast, vast sites that dwarf almost everything except the Googles and Facebooks of the internet.”

via but-im-a-tomboy.tumblr.com

+ Owning a vagina is expensive: “Do you even know just how much you’re shelling out for your clam? Were you aware of the fact that in your 20s alone, you will spend over $26,000 on vaginal maintenance? Herewith, we do the math on just how much that cooter is costing you.” Costs include dealing with periods, UTIs, other health care, hair, and toilet paper.

+ Not all safe words are created equal.

via thelingerielesbian.tumblr.com

+ From a story about pubic hair that ends up in a better place than the first few paragraphs would suggest:

“Without hair, I had come to appreciate soft touches, light vibrations, little breezes. With my hair grown back, I realized I liked things a little rougher, more pressure-based. Both were great, just different.

If I hadn’t tried the Brazillian I never would have truly learned the importance of the monologue ‘Hair.’ Sure, hair is part of the vagina, but it’s also a part of my body, and my experience of my body, and who I am – sometimes I want it there and sometimes I don’t. The importance is all about choice — being able to enjoy my body any way that I want.”

via lezbhonest.tumblr.com

+ From Curvy Girls, edited by Rachel Kramer Bussel, an excerpt of Jessica Lennox’s “At Last”:

“I spread my legs a little father, dizzy with the realization that this was finally happening. I’d waited for it for so long, yearned for it, and finally, it was happening. Despite my joy, some part of me screamed, You shouldn’t be doing this! But the rest of me was saying a silent prayer of thanks as I let my eyes sweep over her broad shoulders, her muscular arms, her solidness.

I arched my hips a little and looked straight into Nan’s eyes. As her fingers teased me, I had no doubt she could feel my wetness seeping through the fabric. All the attention to my pussy was making my nipples ache and stand at attention, and I found myself wishing she had more than two hands.”

via femmesadism.tumblr.com

Disclaimer: All of the photographs on NSFW Sundays are taken from various tumblrs and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the tumblrs and photographers who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email our tech director at cee [at] autostraddle dot com and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.

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  1. loving that first pic. very sexy. very encouraging. very empowering
    Don’t get me wrong, the other pics are hot too but that first one strikes a personal chord with me.

  2. This is a perfect way to end my day stuck in a house full of conservative catholic family members. I really like the first picture. Well, actually, I really like all of them.

  3. Today I discovered the wonders of Queer Porn but couldn’t find the right place to comment about it, you know, because you can’t just call a friend and tell them “I didn’t know what I was missing out on, Queer Porn is just awesome!”. Now thanks to this article I can. YAY!

  4. Currently producing a doc on feminist lesbian porn. Interviewing Jiz Lee and spending a day on set with Juicy Pink Box in two short weeks (squuueee!!!) That first interview kind of has my brain whirring with additional potential questions. Thanks much for this post.

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