NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday is Coming Early

Welcome to NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday!!

via gorgeousskillers.tumblr.com

+ Documentary filmmakers have been making a lot of films about porn. “Aroused: The Lost Sensuality of a Woman,” “After Porn Ends,” “Public Sex, Private Lives,” and “Sexy Baby” all discuss aspects of the porn industry, and all have been backed (at least partly) by crowdfunding.

“Whether it’s the ease of making movies thanks to new technology, the increased acceptance of porn in the mainstream, or simply the sexiness of the subject matter (and the potential financial pay off from porn loving consumers) new filmmakers are embracing porn as subject matter.”

via wolf189.tumblr.com

+ Tristan Taormino’s new radio show, “Sex Out Loud,” debuted June 1. For the first episode, Taormino talked to Dan Savage about the problems with abstinence-only sex ed and responses to his comments from the right and left. In future shows, she’s going to talk to Susie Bright about sex, Kate Bornstein about gender and kink, and a lot of other interesting people! You can listen to past shows online. + Being smart is sexy, and being smart about sex is even sexier, which is why you should read things by people who know more than you do. The list includes Sheril Kirshenbaum, Jena Pincott, Mary Roach, and Kayt Sukel.

via alaqueer.tumblr.com

+ Lube! What are the differences between kinds of it? Carlin Ross has the answers:

“I would avoid most drug store lubricants especially Astroglide. Read the label. If they contain glycerin, don’t buy it. Glycerin is a sugar. Sugar and pussies don’t mix […] If you’re practicing safe sex, opt for a water-based lubricant. Any sort of oil-based lubricant will compromise your condom. Same goes for sex toys. If you’re using an expensive latex or silicone dildo/butt plug, oil-based lubes will fuck up your toys. Use a water-based lubricant or use a condom on your toy if you love the feel of oil.”

From the same site: “the all-woman orgy.”

via n-o-k-k.tumblr.com

+ What to do if you orgasm too quickly and feel weird after:

“A lot of women tend to be even more sensitive after they’ve had an orgasm. This helps to explain why, for some women, intercourse actually feels better after an orgasm — and why, for some women, the first orgasm is kind of like breaking the seal, and after that, the orgasms keep on coming (as it were). But perhaps things are too sensitive for you after intercourse? In which case maybe you just need to switch things up, move to oral or manual sex for a bit, then back to intercourse? Or just change positions into one that stimulates you in a different way? It’s all a matter of experimenting until you find what feels good — and not weird.”

via blackpantha.tumblr.com

+ I think we all need to take at the homoerotic Kristen Stewart post again. You know. For the article.

via butchlife.tumblr.com

+ The latest “Lip Service” sex sceneis on the internet, relevant to your interests.

via lasmujeresrealestienencurvas.tumblr.com

+ From “What Girls are Made Of,” by Evan Mora, in Curvy Girls, edited by Rachel Kramer Bussel:

“I’m going to let my hands trail lower, slip beneath the waistband of those open jeans. I’m going to help them slide down, past the curve of her hips; I’ll kneel down and help her kick them off. I’m going to run my hands over her rounded calves and across the front of her wide, muscled thighs. Them I’m going to wrap my hand around that thick silicone dick and take it deep into my mouth. She’ll widen her stance, cup the back of my head, rock her hips forward just a little. “That’s it,” she’ll whisper, and I’ll work it a little faster, because I know the base of that dick is hitting her clit just right.”

via suicide girls

+ The DIVA Magazine Sex Survey of 163 of its readers, published in its May 2012 issue, found that 29.5% had had sex with more than one person at once, which 30.7% found very satisfying, 44% found somewhat satisfying and 24.4% felt more like “NEVER AGAIN.” 47.9% of their readers masturbated once a week or more, and 31% usually or always used a sex toy while masturbating.)

Disclaimer: All of the photographs on NSFW Sundays are taken from various tumblrs and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the tumblrs and photographers who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email our tech director at cee [at] autostraddle dot com and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.

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Guest has written 205 articles for us.


    • Oh. Lord. I need more sleep because I read that as: I have a thing for long back hair.

      I thought I had missed something. I’m kinda glad I just missed an L and not a picture.

  1. Note to self: since this is the second time in two weeks that… this… has happened, Saturday is the new laundry day. I feel like those old ladies at the laundromat can tell what I’m thinking about just by looking at me, and they don’t approve.

  2. “47.9% of their readers masturbated once a week or more”

    Well, if I wasn’t already part of that 47.9%, picture number four sure would put me in that statistic. Geez.

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