Listlings Without Commentary: 21 Words You Invented And 15 Weird Words You Chose To Describe Autostraddle

is about to write “amazeballs”

Last year’s reader survey asked you what one word you’d use to describe Autostraddle, and this inspired most of you to make up strange words that don’t exist.

This year’s survey was no exception. Whereas most of you included variations on concepts such as ‘awesome,’ ‘necessary’ and ‘important,’ many of you used other words we’d never heard before, such as “SUPERFRESHSOFRESHLEMONSGOT NOTHINGONAUTOSTRADDLE” and “feministcuddlepartyviainternet.” A surprisingly large number of respondents chose “amazeballs,” “gaylicious” and “dyketastic.”

Some of our favorite made-up words are included below, as well as another listling featuring some of the strangest terms you chose to describe Autostraddle.

Listling Without Commentary: 21 Words You Invented to Describe Autostraddle on the 2012 Autostraddle Reader Survey:

1. cliterary

2. lesbinformative

3. neccesexual

4. whiskey-delicious

5. inoventive

6. amaze-vajajays

7. somehowevengayerthantumblr

8. scrumtrilescent

9. glitterclitorama

10. queergressive

11. fantasmageducationosexalogical

12. pantidisestablishmentarianism

13. lesbiannerdcrack

14. gayurvedic

15. tribadass

16. badass-gnarl-dical!

17. unfuckwithable

18. ilenewho

19. awestraddletastic

20. queerbraingasm

21. ireallywannabeinthisyearslistlingwithoutcommentary

is typing “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”

Listling Without Commentary #2: 15 Weird Words You Chose To Describe Autostraddle

1. aardvark

2. catholic

3. bible

4. gucci

5. marmalade

6. fergalicious

7. pubescent

8. masturbation


10. rainbow sherbet

11. crack

12. naive

13. fuck me with a strap-on

14. cake boss

15. YOLO

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3251 articles for us.


  1. Oh god, I’m dying. These lists are my favourite things about the surveys.

    *casually adds “queergressive” to my vocabulary*

    • “Queergressive”. I know some dudes who would fit that description.

      I would like to submit the word “larem” which is a mashup of “lesbian” and “harem”. I believe this word become more relevant two Sundays from now.

  2. FWIW, lowercase catholic is completely different from uppercase Catholic! It’s probably my favorite word used to describe the site because not only is its definition accurate, but when you first see the word, your reaction is “wait, what?” but then it turns out to be really great, much like Autotraddle!

    (I didn’t submit catholic, btw)

      • According to, it means:

        “broad or wide-ranging in tastes, interests, or the like; having sympathies with all; broad-minded; liberal.”


      • According to the google machine:
        (esp. of a person’s tastes) Including a wide variety of things; all-embracing.

        Although I think cat-holic would also work well…

        • In the Apostles’ creed, when they say “I believe in the holy catholic church” they mean all the Christians. #funfacts #religionmajorusefullness?

          • That’s the Protestant view, anyway. The Roman Catholic Church says that the ‘one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church’ is itself, and the Eastern Orthodox communion has a similar view, at least officially.

          • Yes, the Catholic church says it means just them. Even capitalizes Catholic to make sure you know it! That’s also why it says ‘apostolic’.

      • Oops, I thought I did! Sometimes I get so excited about definitions that I forget to actually define things.

  3. so imaginative. i think my adjective was “good”. really have to work on my vocab.

  4. I’m pretty sure that if I work pantidisestablishmentarianism or lesbiannerdcrack into the next game of Apples 2 Apples with my friends, I will win everything

    • you would definitely win if you did lezbiannerdcraxx…..but it would probs have a different meaning

    • WOOOOOOO that is my word that I put in!!! What do I win???


      Getting me out of tricky spots since 1985 wooop

  5. i must point out that scrumtrilescent somes from an SNL sketch of Inside the Actor’s Studio in which Will Ferrell as James Lipton made up the word to describe a performance too amazing for any current words.

    A hilarious sketch, one of my favorites, and props to whoever used it.

  6. I read the title as Fisting Without Commentary


    I guess this goes with the theme of I submitted “butts” as my one word.

  7. Tee-shirts! Tee-shirts! Tee shirts! These would look good on tees, I would wear em even in the office ^^

    • Great idea! Can i have an AS shirt with “tribadass” on it? I would also accept “ilenewho”

      • I think we may end up having more than 1 shirt, what with these awesome choices! I may have one of these tattoed too! ^^

  8. oh 15…

    somehow “YOLO, YOLO, Californ-i-a” has been stuck on my mind for weeks now.

    see you at camp!

  9. “Cliterary” is pretty much the most awesome word ever. I so need to find a way to add it to my everyday vocabulary. “Glitterclitorama” is pretty sweet, too. And “queerbraingasm.” Hell, they’re all pretty much amazing. Autostraddlers rock.

  10. “amaze-vajajays” is now going to be said daily. These are beautiful. I want a bracelet with “glitterclitorama” on it!

  11. As an Arts (English/Theatre) student, I feel that it is now necessary to use ‘cliterary’ to describe any of our set readings that feature lesbians :P

  12. These are all amazing. Or amaze-vajayjays, if you will. I feel like I say this all the time, but Autostraddlers are def the smartest, most delightful bunch of weirdos on the entire Internet.

  13. Riese, I can’t tell if you liked my “SUPERFRESHSOFRESHLEMONSGOT NOTHINGONAUTOSTRADDLE” submission but this is a proud moment for me omg, I just print-screened this and everything!

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