Eight Awesome Queer Historical Fiction Books Like Tipping the Velvet

Last month in Ask Your Friendly Neighborhood Lesbrarian we went to outer space and the possibilities of the future, so it seems fitting that this month we are looking to the past for queer representation in historical fiction. Specifically, I’m responding to this email:

Hi Casey,
Thank you so much for all that you do reccing gay books on Autostraddle! One of my old favorites is Tipping the Velvet by Sarah Waters, a fun fun fun romp through late 19th century lesbian (or “tom” as she says) England. Do you have any recs for other rad lesbian, bi women, etc. historical fiction books? Preferably ones that don’t focus on gay suffering and how stuff was so hard for us in the past.
Thanks again,

This is the first time someone’s asked me about historical fiction! I’m excited to get to talk about a genre that hasn’t gotten enough lesbrarian attention. In case you haven’t read Tipping the Velvet, it’s a now iconic lesbian coming of age story set in the 1880/90s. Nan King goes from simple oyster girl to traveling cross-dressing music hall performer, street sex worker, toy of the rich and idle, and finally worker’s rights activist, all while discovering and exploring, as Kristine wrote, that she is a “tom” aka lesbian. It’s steamy, melodramatic in a fun self-conscious way, and full of lush historical detail, particularly of the segments of society whose lives don’t usually make the history books. It is a queer must-read if you have not already read it!

For this list, I’ve focused on books set in the 19th century or earlier because we’re trying to find books a la Tipping the Velvet, but know that there are also some great queer historical novels set in the 20th century up until, well, whenever you think it’s reasonable to draw the line for what counts as historical fiction. A few of these books below have a deliciously fantastical twist to the historical setting.

The Care and Feeding of Waspish Widows by Olivia Waite

The Care and Feeding of Waspish Widows is the second book in Waite’s ‘Feminine Pursuits” series of historical romances featuring queer women. Agatha Griffin is a grumpy widow and owner of a print shop. She’s working hard to keep the shop open against the odds of increasing taxes and distaste for radical printers. When she finds a colony of bees in her warehouse, it might be the last straw. Enter Penelope Flood, a beekeeper who defies the gender norms of 19th century England by going about in trousers. The two women’s romance is accompanied by stories about an exiled Queen returning to English shores, “satirical ballads about tight pants,” and the unexpected return of Penelope’s husband. Can her burgeoning love for Agatha overcome her loyalty to the man who allowed her a refuge?

Yabo by Alexis De Veaux

This winner of the 2015 Lambda Literary Award for lesbian fiction is written in beautifully poetic prose. Alexis de Veaux takes on the very concept of time, setting her three stories in different places — Jamaica, North Carolina, and New York — and times. A very queer book in every sense of the word, Yabo takes delight in fluidity: nonbinary and intersex genders, divisions between past and present, and genre. Yabo is also very much a Black book, one that centers Black women and looks critically at the history of slavery in New York. As all great historical fiction might hope to do, Yabo “calls our ghosts back and holds us accountable for memory,” according to Cheryl Clarke. I’ve recommended The Salt Roads by Nalo Hopkinson before; if you read and loved that, Yabo is a great next read!

The Mercies by Kiran Millwood Hargrave

Some periods are quite overdone in historical fiction — *cough World War II* — which is why this novel set in the 1600s in a Norwegian coastal village is such a welcome addition to the genre. The northern town of Vardø is grieving the loss of forty fishermen in a brutal storm; the only men left are either very old or very young. 21-year-old Maren Bergensdatter and the other women of her community pull together to ensure their survival, including taking on tasks such as fishing that were previously reserved for men. Three years after the tragedy, the shady figure of Absalom Cornet arrives, along with his Norwegian wife Ursa. He has recently burned witches in Scotland. While he sees more heathens and witches in Vardø, Ursa sees an entire town of strong, independent women. She also embarks on a surprising relationship with Maren.

The Best Bad Things by Katrina Carrasco

This historical crime / thriller novel is about Alma Rosales, a badass cross dressing former government spy who now works for an opium smuggling ring in the 1880s. Her boss Delphine — a fellow queer woman of color — has sent her to investigate opium that’s gone missing in the Pacific Northwest at a new port of business. As her alter ego Jack Camp, Alma infiltrates the local organization, trying to discover who the turncoat is while earning the trust of the man in charge. At the same time, she’s sending false dispatches back to the Pinkertons to keep them off her scent. Read this if you like to see bisexual characters in the full spectrum of their sexuality with different partners, morally ambiguous characters, and visceral, bold writing.

The Wicked Cometh by Laura Carlin

London, 1831: Hester White lives in the working class slums and dreams of escaping by any means possible. In addition to the misery of poverty and deplorable living conditions, people have been mysteriously disappearing from Hester’s neighborhood lately. It’s clear why no one is paying attention as their lives are not seen as worthy, but what is happening to them? When Hester manages to connect herself with the aristocratic Brock family and their feminist daughter Rebekah Brock, she takes Rebekah up on her offer to tutor Hester and help her education. Neither woman can ignore the gothic mystery happening in Hester’s community, nor the simmering attraction growing between them. But can they handle the darkness of what they uncover once they are knee deep in investigation?

Everfair by Nisi Shawl

Everfair is a strong response to the vast majority of steampunk that is overwhelmingly white and conveniently ignores 19th century imperialism. This Neo-Victorian historical fantasy is set in the Belgian Congo with a whole host of varied and diverse characters. Fabian Socialists from Great Britain, African American missionaries, and people escaping slavery and colonization make up the inhabitants of a land “purchased” from King Leopold II. They call it Everfair. Their idea is a utopia and a safe haven, but all these people from vastly different life experiences have a lot of labour and communication ahead of them to make it work. Also, they will need to harness the power of steam technology! The novel’s wide scope follows many characters through decades of life. Queer and polyamorous relationships feature significantly in the lives of a few main characters.

She Rises by Kate Worsley

In Essex in 1740, Louise Fletcher is a dairy maid who dreams of seeing more of the world. So when she’s offered a chance to be a lady’s maid to a wealthy sea captain’s daughter in Harwich, a lively naval port, she jumps at the chance. Never mind the cautions Louise has received about the seductiveness of the ocean, as it lured both her father and brother away from their family forever. Interwoven with Louise’s story is that of 15-year-old Luke, whose entry into the navy was unwilling to put it mildly; beaten, press ganged, and forced onto a warship, he tries to survive the brutal life of a sailor. If a tantalizing mixture of inter-class lesbian romance and mid-1700s navy action sounds exciting, read this book! To top it off, Worsley writes in a period authentic rough language that is disorienting and dazzling.

Mrs. Martin’s Incomparable Adventure by Courtney Milan

Elderly Victorian women falling in love and smashing the patriarchy, anyone? 73-year-old Mrs. Bertrice Martin is a badass widow who doesn’t give a damn. She especially doesn’t give a damn about her “Terrible Nephew.” After all, she’s too busy staying youthful by bathing in male tears and regular doses of spite towards people who deserve it. Unfortunately her peaceful life is interrupted by Miss Violetta Beauchamps (a young 69). The Terrible Nephew is staying at Violetta’s rooming house and she wants him gone. Mrs. Martin is intrigued by the seemingly prim and proper Miss Violetta, but she’s not going to go about winning Violetta’s heart in a straightforward way. She hatches a plan that, if it works out, will give her nephew what is due to him, earn the love of a beautiful woman, and allow her to revel in her sense of adventure all at the same time.

These are only eight of the many wonderful historical novels featuring queer characters available these days. Which ones would you recommend?

Keep those lesbrarian questions coming! You can email me at stepaniukcasey [at]gmail.com, comment below, or send in an A+ message.

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Known in some internet circles as Casey the Canadian Lesbrarian, Casey Stepaniuk is a writer, librarian, and new parent. She writes for Book Riot and Autostraddle about queer and/or bookish stuff. Ask her about cats, bisexuality, libraries, queer books, drinking tea, and her baby. Her website is Casey the Canadian Lesbrarian. Find her on Twitter, Litsy, Storygraph Goodreads and Instagram.

Casey has written 126 articles for us.


  1. Thanks for this! And I appreciate you linking to Bookshop instead of amazon. Do you guys get anything if we buy using your link (if not I’ll use my local woman-owned bookstore link)?

    • I believe part of Bookshop.org’s appeal to encourage sites to use them instead of Amazon is a much higher affiliate link kickback. So shop away!

    • Hi, thanks for asking! Yes, it is an affiliate account at Bookshop, so Autostraddle would receive a small percentage if you purchase through there.

  2. Blackmail, My Love by Katie Gilmartin
    A Thin Bright Line by Lucy Jane Bledsoe
    Beyond the Pail (Elana Dykewomon)

    are all outstanding, IMO. They’re all really well-researched and have stories that intersect with real historical events/issues, and they’re all written by queer women. (None of them is set in 19th century England, though.)

  3. This is a great list, cheers! Yabo and She Rises and The Best Bad Things are going straight onto my TBR list.

  4. I want to read all of these! I love Sarah Waters so much so this list is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

  5. Ooooh, I didn’t realize that the 2nd book in Olivia Waite’s series is out. I loved the first one so, so much.

    Love this list.

    To add:

    Patience and Sarah by Isobel Miller – classic lesbian historical romance first published in the 70s, set in 19th C upstate NY and Connecticut and still really wonderful to read today.

    Nottingham by Anna Burke – Robin Hood retelling with lesbians but it’s also a historical novel set in medieval England.

    2 with bi women who end up with men and don’t deny their queer:

    The Threefold Tie by Aster Glenn Grey – poly novella set in post Civil War about a war vet, his best friend and his best friend’s wife. It is probably one of the loveliest poly romances I’ve read.

    A Duke in Disguise by Cat Sebastian

    And for early 20th C, can’t not mention The Color Purple by Alice Walker

    • Olivia Waite’s new book isn’t quite out, but soon! (In early July).

      I’ve owned Patience and Sarah for years, it is really time for me to read it.

      Thanks for the other recs too! I love Cat Sebastian.

  6. I didn’t realise Olivia Waite’s second book was out, either! Her first, The Lady’s Guide to Celestial Mechanics, was PERFECT as a classic historical romance… but gloriously queer lady-centric :D

    I’m also reading The Animals at Lockwood Manor, by Jane Healey, and it’s a delicious, queer, gothic novel set at a manor house around the beginning of WWII. I haven’t finished it yet, but this review bodes well: https://www.tor.com/2020/03/12/book-reviews-the-animals-at-lockwood-manor-by-jane-healey/

    • the Jane Healey book sounds amazing! adding that one to my list for later! :)

  7. I’d add “Proper English”, by KJ Charles to the list. Fun, a little rushed at the end, but a good read.

  8. Great recommendations! I’d also add Ellen Kushner’s Riverside novels – Swordspoint, Privilege of the Sword, Tremontaine – to that list.

  9. I loved The Mercies! It has a bit of sadness for me now because I read it during the last week of normality before everything got turned upside down. I even read it sat on the floor of a train, which just seems a bizarre thing to do now. It was captivating enough for me to ignore that the floor wasn’t that comfortable anyway.

    She Rises sounds wonderful and I love that cover!

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