Chely Wright on Ellen: Why We Love Watching Out Celebs Meet Ellen DeGeneres


As he did last year, Obama today declared June “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month.” He also re-asserted his commitment to ending DADT.


Some librarians at U of Washington made their own Lady Gaga homage. You’re welcome. (@jezebel)

And in case that wasn’t enough homosexy awesome for you, it turns out these stacks were once perused by Autostraddle blog fave Sinclar Sexsmith of Sugarbutch Chronicles:

And that’s obviously not the only fabulous Gaga-related thing that’s happened this week. According to ONTD, she rolled up to a small traditional British pub in Birmingham near the National Indoor Arena where she was playing a show and sat down for a pint next to some middle-aged townies.

While people were initially a little put off, and many didn’t know who she was, she apparently won a lot of friends when she picked up the tab for the entire bar and left a huge tip. Girlfriend knows how to party, you know what I mean? (@ohnotheydidnt)


We told you on Thursday that this movie is maybe not so good. But maybe we were wrong! Maybe we were just looking at it the wrong way. Maybe it’s actually a triumph of a science fiction movie:

“But after watching this lumbering, 146-minute imbecile colossus of a movie, I realized that the filmmakers have done the greatest genre bait-and-switch since From Dusk Til Dawn. The Sex and the City franchise, which began as a big-city relationship dramedy — and later (I’d say approximately around mid-Season 6) became the grotesque, hyper-materialist caricature of a big-city relationship dramedy — somehow metamorphosed into a science fiction with this sequel. A science fiction flick replete with fictional cartographies, temporal recursion, and a wanton, metro-biological god-being that exists both within and without of time and space. Oh, and magic shoes.”

You learn something new every day, I guess. (@io9)

Also, if you’re interested in a dissenting opinion on the film’s badness, check out Melissa Silverstein’s take, where she wonders if maybe this isn’t actually a bad movie so much as one that doesn’t appeal to straight men, and straight men are the ones who make rules about film. “I actually think that people really get off on beating up on this film, and I can’t decide whether it’s because a gay man has made a pretty gay film that is for women, or because the film is for and about women that’s going to make a ton of money and no one gives a shit if a single straight guy goes and sees it.” (@huffpo)

One last thing: gay marriage! The women of SATC talk about it! (@huffpo)


When she sent me this link I asked Managing Editor Sarah F*cking P*lmer if this was an article or a life guide for AS’s editorial staff; she said “both.” It doesn’t have to be just us, though! You two can benefit from Gawker’s Pill-Popper’s Guide to the Apocalypse! (@gawker)


Neil Patrick Harris threw a surprise birthday party for boyfriend David Burtka this weekend. Obviously it went off without a hitch because he can do no wrong, as certified by us. (@greginhollywood)


They went on vacation in Mexico and you can tell it’s awesome because there are all these great pictures. I’m including this one because it has Portia’s butt in it. (@ohnotheydidnt)


A drama is being made of the life of Anne Lister, the “first modern lesbian,” who lived in the 19th century who kept detailed diaries of her life. Maxine Peak, the actress slated to play Lister, is enthusiastic about the role: “”I did have a couple of lesbian friends who had heard of her through lesbian literature but I hadn’t. It’s weird that it’s just been assigned to lesbian and gay literature and you think, ’Why is that?’ It’s got broad appeal and especially as I think we’re lacking in positive female role models at the moment. If Anne Lister wanted to do something she just went and did it – she’s truly inspirational,” she says.” (@dailypost)


Despite being banned since 2006, this year’s stealth gay pride parade in Moscow was successful. About 25 people carrying banners and shouting “No discrimination on the grounds of orientation” marched for about 10 minutes on The Arbat, a shop-lined street popular with tourists visiting Moscow. (@ontopmag)

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


  1. Hi autostraddle
    Thanks for all the good news!
    I really need it, since I’m in Hawaii now, traveling with only straight people. I miss my lezzies back in Denmark. I wish I knew where all the queers in Honolulu are. Anybody who knows?
    Anyways, love you autostraddle!

    • i doubt this is going to make you feel better, but my roommate is from hawaii and i was the first gay person she’d ever met. i sincerely hope she isn’t representative of the entire state.

      • I hope so too! But at least there’s pride june 5th so maybe I can get me some queers there. I hope so at least.

  2. Wow, watching Ellen on Oprah really brought me back. I don’t remember that Oprah show being so confrontational back in the day. I distinctly remember watching the Ellen coming out episode and having to switch the channel because my parents came in the room and I was so in the closet it freaked me out, whilst I simultaneously completely related to it.

    Hopefully some 14 year old is having the same reaction to Chely Wright.

    People can scoff at the idea that pop culture can influence someone’s life in a meaningful way, especially here in Ireland where such things as American sitcoms are culturally (as well as physically) miles away. But Ellen was honestly the first positive gay role model I had. I’m not surprised Gaga was in awe, she’s a fucking legend.

  3. I still stand by my opinion that Sex and the City 2 wasn’t that bad of a movie. It’s just not as good as the television series.

  4. loved the oprah-ellen interview. ellen seemed so candid, but she was totally wrong about one thing: she can change people’s minds.

    • Wow, I just watched Part 2 of that interview. Wow. This lady in the audience talked about how the gay agenda was being shoved down her throat and she’s gets totally aggressive toward Ellen. I’ve gotta give props to how Ellen responded to her because I have a feeling I would have tackled her like Bobby Boucher.

  5. Whoa, hold up. Why do pretty much all the librarians in that Gaga video look like gay & lesbian community stereotypes? I mean, I expected some, but holy shit, it’s like across the board! Or is this a U of Washington thing? A Washington state thing?

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