Also.Also.Also: Will Some Brave Soul *Please* Publish Lizzo’s “Sci-Fi Fantasy Romance” Novel?

I made chicken tortilla soup in a slow cooker (!!!!) and my house smells AMAZING!! I get to eat it in like three whole hours and also maybe I’ll make some homemade cookies? What do you think?

Queer as in F*ck You

This is so dope and the kind of good news that will be a balm to your soul in a fucked up month, TransGriot has announced that they are moving forward with A Black, Trans Publication Will Honor Trailblazing Journalist Monica Roberts’ Legacy (Also thank you Ms. Monica, for everything you gave us.)

Transgender Athlete Sues USA Powerlifting Over Competition Ban

I’m a COVID-19 Long-Hauler, HIV Activist, and Artist. Here’s How I Navigated 2020

I’ve got some really exciting newsletter news from the Autostraddle crew, for those of you who would like even more words from our writers directly in your inbox!

  • Vanessa has launched “Hey Babe” on substack, which she describes as: “a newsletter that was supposed to be about friendship, but now I think is really about grief.” The first post came out today, and it as you would expect, breathtaking. (Speaking of which, V please know that you are in our hearts!)
  • Rachel has launched “two truths & a lie,” “a newsletter that explores a new topic related to fiction, misrepresentation, cons, conspiracy theories, hoaxes and discerning the truth” and I f*cking cannot wait

Saw This, Thought of You

Who Is Going to Publish Lizzo’s “Sci-FI Fantasy Romance” Novel?

Fans Have Dubbed This Old Navy Jumpsuit the ‘Pandemic Uniform.’ I will say that this specific jumpsuit has become the unofficial uniform of Autostraddle if nothing else. Christina‘s tweet about it is included in this article and Vanessa hyped it up in our 2020 Holigay Gift Guide. I haven’t given in yet, but also I can’t seem to escape it! (If dressing like you write for Autostraddle is a thing you would enjoy, you can get the famed jumpsuit right over here.)

Venerable sex worker activist, founder of the organization COYOTE — Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics — and union organizer (who also ran for President in 1980!), Margot St. James has left us this week at the age of 88. Her namesake, the St. James Infirmary, the first occupational clinic in the U.S. run for and by sex workers, reminds us of her words.

The Supreme Court Just Reinstated An Abortion Pill Restriction (I hate it here!!)

Meet the Most Serious Astrologer on TikTok

Political Snacks

I’m still facing some serious post-impeachment burn out, but here’s some things you can read:

Who Cleans Up After a Coup Attempt?

“The events that unfolded didn’t manifest out of thin air nor were they the actions of “lone White wolves” as we have been led to believe every time White men and women commit egregious acts. No, they didn’t act alone. They answered the siren call to combat against their country.

They answered the call that came from inside the house.”

The Call Came From Inside the House by Danielle Moodie (who, just in case you don’t know is queer, Black, and brilliant) for Zora

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Carmen Phillips

Carmen Phillips is Autostraddle's former editor in chief. She began at Autostraddle in 2017 as a freelance team writer and worked her way up through the company, eventually becoming the EIC from 2021-2024. A Black Puerto Rican feminist writer with a PhD in American Studies from New York University, Carmen specializes in writing about Blackness, race, queerness, politics, culture, and the many ways we find community and connection with each other.  During her time at Autostraddle, Carmen focused on pop culture, TV and film reviews, criticism, interviews, and news analysis. She claims many past homes, but left the largest parts of her heart in Detroit, Brooklyn, and Buffalo, NY. And there were several years in her early 20s when she earnestly slept with a copy of James Baldwin’s “Fire Next Time” under her pillow. To reach out, you can find Carmen on Twitter, Instagram, or her website.

Carmen has written 716 articles for us.


  1. if you make those cookies, consider adding some cardamom or cayenne. both do good things for you, especially now.

  2. Vanessa,
    Ten days ago would have been my dad’s 76th birthday. One month and two days from now will be twenty years since he died.

    Our dads may be dead but they’re not gone. Every time I do a really good job listening to anyone – to what they really mean, not just their words – and respond with compassion, I think thanks, Dad, because I learned it from him.

    You’ll never forget your dad or stop missing him. Every new person you love will make you miss your dad because you’ll think, Dad would have liked this person, or I wish Dad could see how happy this person makes me, or oh man this person and Dad would have riffed off each other with such horrible jokes. But when the grief isn’t so sharp then every reminder might make you wistful but it will make you smile too.

    Keep breathing. Take support from anyone you trust to give it, and ask for it when you need it. Keep breathing.

    • oh, thank you for this.

      i don’t have a lot of words right now, but i am so grateful to everyone who has shown me so much kindness over the past 2.5 weeks (how has it been 2.5 weeks) and i feel extra connected to people who understand because they have gone through it. it means a lot that you wrote to me.

      i’m so sorry about your dad. i am trying to keep breathing. i hope i can write someone else such a generous message 20 years from now. sincerely, thank you.


  3. Uggghhhh that USAPL statement on gender is so gross on so many levels. It also doesn’t even make sense. Bigger + higher muscle density = heavier. People in general also have different sizes and muscle densities. Literally why there are weight classes. Also lol @ saying your own sport doesn’t involve skill. I remember people refusing to compete with them in 2019 but apparently that wasn’t enough. Hope there will be consequences.

  4. Those cookies look amazing. I hope you made them and they were delicious.

    I know there’s a lot of serious and thoughtful stuff in here to read, but I’m stuck on the pandemic jumpsuit. Shouldn’t a pandemic uniform be really easy to pee in? No belts, zippers, or onesies? It looks like it would either take a minute or be cold or both. Struggling to see how that’s better than cozy separates.

    • i think because i never leave my house, the pandemic jumpsuit doesn’t feel like a stressful thing to pee in. i do indeed love the old navy one mentioned in this specific article, but i also have a few more and they’re all perfect. i find onesies challenging at a bar because the bathroom floor is usually disgusting, but i don’t mind if my onesie touches my home bathroom floor because i clean it regularly. it’s very very very quick to take off and while it’s a tiny bit chilly while i’m naked i guess, it’s worth it for the cozy warmth of the onesie all the time that i’m not peeing. cozy separates are also nice but pants roll down, sweaters ride up, your tummy can be exposed, you need to find 2 clean pieces of clothing instead of just 1… the onesie is my new religion. i do see your point but i cannot be swayed.

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