You Are THE BEST and Raised $100k; Now We’re Shooting for $50k More!

We knew it was going to be difficult to fundraise during a global pandemic, but we also needed to do it — so we wouldn’t go the way of so many other media outlets. We also knew that our community was strong. We knew that you believe Autostraddle should be around for the next lonely, scared, searching queer person who needs to find us, and for every one of you, and all of us as we go through this crisis together. And over the past couple weeks, YOU HAVE FUCKING BLOWN OUR MINDS WITH YOUR SUPPORT!!!

Today we reached $103,871 and 328 new A+ Members — thanks to you. And because of your overwhelming support, we are going to keep going with a $50,000 stretch goal because our only hope for making it through this crisis is you. And we mean it. You ALL came together to get us to $100,000 and we believe you can get us to $50,000 more. 79% of the donations that made $100,000 possible were $50 or less! When we say that this is an effort of everyone coming together and donating what they can to make a huge difference, we mean it. Together, you and we are powerful. We can make change happen. Let’s never forget that.

So, in summary: THANK YOU!!! Will you help us keep going by contributing to our stretch goal?

Some quick facts: If everyone who donated to the fundraiser gave an extra $30, we would meet our $50,000 stretch goal. If every A+ member donated $11.60 on top of their membership, we would meet our stretch goal. If you can, and if you value our existence, and the service and community Autostraddle provides, please consider supporting us during this crisis. We don’t have government relief, we don’t have ad revenue, we ONLY have you.

We know there are so many worthy causes (we just posted about them!) that you can give to, and we hope you did or will if you can! We also hope you will help Autostraddle stick around because, in all seriousness, every single dollar you give and every new A+ member sign-up or upgrade buys us more time while we batten down our hatches and get ready to make it through this. Every dollar matters, and every single person who contributes is a critical part of the collective choice to keep Autostraddle alive. The team here, the real gay humans typing and researching and working away so that this site can provide a source of queer community on the internet — are overcome with, well, a lot of things right now, but a BIG one is gratitude. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT YOU SHINING EXAMPLES OF HUMAN GOODNESS!!!

This chart demonstrates that 79% of donations to our $100k goal were made up of donations that were $50 or less.

This fundraiser is different than other ones.

We don’t have a lot of sexy goals for growth with this fundraiser. Instead, we’re just working to survive — and that means not having to backtrack from what we’ve built together since last July. The landscape of independent media is changing, and it is no doubt dangerous that the spaces we have gone to for information, community, and solidarity are drowning. If we linked to every media outlet instituting lay-offs, pay-cuts, or shutting down entirely, it would fill this screen and then some. We are doing everything we can to survive, despite unknowns on what if ANY ad revenue will come in, and whether SBA loans will offer any relief at all. Like many other small businesses Autostraddle applied for an SBA loan on the FIRST DAY and now will not see any money while big chains and corporations get relief instead and millionaires receive billions in tax relief. Even yesterday, we had hope of some ad revenue or of some help from our government. Today, we know we only have you.

Autostraddle was already built to survive this with your support. Here’s the facts: we’re run by queer women, we talk openly about sex, and so we’ve never gotten much ad revenue, so as a result we’ve been reader supported from the outset. During the course of this fundraiser, and today when we reached $100,000, you proved that together we can defy the odds. Together, we are resilient, we can dare to do things differently, and we can make the choice, as a community and a collective to stick around.

The thing is, we honestly still think we will make it through this because you’ve shown you want us to stick around with your flood of support (we have seriously NEVER gotten so many new A+ members in such a short period of time)! And so we are extending our fundraiser because we are committed to ensuring our future and the survival of this living archive, this community, this support system of queer women and non-binary people. Right now, with A+ revenue and the funds you helped raise, we have what we need to make it through June without any other income. We’re setting a stretch goal of $50k to help cover our expenses through July, including support through A+. Did you know A+ is the glue that holds Autostraddle together? It is! So, we’re holding tight to our goal of 4,500 members. Will you help us reach 4,500 members, more?

We know we’ve been fundraising for a couple weeks now, so we won’t bother you much longer! We’re going to stop fundraising on Friday, April 24, whether or not we reach our goal. BUT! If you help us reach our goal by 4/24, we promise to put together a free/pay-what-you-want virtual show with live performances! (More soon.)

Will you help us by giving what you can, by joining A+, or all of the above?

And thank you, because we would not be here today if you had not come through for us. As Vanessa said, Autostraddle IS our community. Thank you for making this special space, the little-queer-website-that-could, able to stick around for the next person who needs us.

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

Join AF+!


Nico Hall is a Team Writer for Autostraddle (formerly Autostraddle's A+ and Fundraising Director and For Them's Membership and Editorial Ops person.) They write nonfiction both creative — and the more straightforward variety, too, as well as fiction. They are currently at work on a secret longform project. Nico is also haunted. You can find them on Twitter and Instagram. Here's their website, too.

Nico has written 233 articles for us.


  1. Love the wikipedia style “if everyone donated x amt we’d be covered!” it helps me a lot :) Thank you Nicole!!!

    • I agree!! That type of fundraising request pretty much always leads me to donate when I see it on Wikipedia, and it works here too!

      • Thank you for the feedback!! <3 This is helpful and also thank you for being an A+ member! You rock!

    • Thank you for this!! It’s so good to know that sort of info is helpful. Thank you so much for being an A+ member and so supportive <3

  2. Wow finally an A+ member. Been trying to for awhile, but money has always been tight, with school and all, is even worse now. My wonderful gay boss saw me reading this and offered to pay for me.

  3. I agree that “if everyone donated x amt we’d be covered!” is very effective ! Done !

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