Top 10 Santana & Brittany Glee Musical Numbers

Haven’t you ever wished that instead of being what it is, Glee was actually just a show about lesbians with no dialogue, only music videos? I sure do.+



Top 10 Santana & Brittany Musical Numbers On Glee


10. “I Kissed a Girl” // Katy Perry (307: I Kissed a Girl)

This episode was a shithole of death and despair, but this song gave the whole female cast an opportunity to act like lesbians, and it seems like they had a really nice time with that.



9. “Disco Inferno” // The Tramps (316: Saturday Night Gleever)

This song is borderline unbearable, but somehow the performance manages to sizzle with sexual tension.


8. “Run the World (Girls)” // Beyoncé (303: Asian F)

This won Brittany the election… IN YOUR PANTS.


7. “Say A Little Prayer” // Dionne Warwick (102: Showmance)

Were we ever so young?


6. “Songbird” // Fleetwod Mac (219: Rumours)

Technically it’s just a Santana number, but it just split your little lesbian heart open and therefore feels like a Brittany/Santana number in your heart. Your split-open heart.


Next: The Top Five!

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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3255 articles for us.


  1. Wait, this isn’t the actual show? Because this and .gifs of Naya’s thighs are the only things I pay attention to on Tumblr.

  2. The Adele mash up, followed by that epic slap to Finn was the best moment of season 3 hands down.

  3. omg RIESE, I hadn’t seen the “I Wanna Dance w Somebody” number. Thank you for this. My brain, eyes and big lesbo heart love you so hard right now. In the words of my fave T-girl, “I’m gaggin’ right now, boo”.

    as in this is the best ever.

  4. I think I just realized I should never check Autostraddle 20 min. before I have to leave to go to work. I just want to re watch all of these!

  5. Welp, there went 40 minute so of my work day and all of the productivity I built up over the morning. Looks like the rest of the day is lost, I’m gonna go home and eat some ice cream.

    Glee is capable of some magical, magical things.

  6. I missed the episode with the “I wanna dance with somebody” number, but I feel like this was probably the only part that was relevant to my interests anyway.

    • The performance of “So Emotional” might also be relevant to your interests (if your interests include Naya Rivera’s body/voice/everything)

  7. Relevant to my interests (much like Heather Morris’s face/neck/legs/muscles) is this post. It is almost the best post ever. EVER. (Obvs the best post has award-winning graphics emblazoned with the caption Hey You I’m A Bisexual).

    • I understand the impulse but that is how they getcha–reel you in with pretty girls singing on youtube, and then you turn on Fox and BAM, you’re slapped in the face with horrible writing and misogyny

  8. I’m currently trying to regain control of my life/overcome my unhealthy obsession with Naya Rivera.

    This isn’t helping.


    Also my bank account is so far in the red I can’t even, but I still bought the Glee arrangement of Rumor Has It/Someone Like You because it’s one of the best things that’s ever happened. My hearttttt.

    • Yess I even bought the RINGTONE of Rumor Has it/Someone Like You, and I’ve never done that before in my life. I’ve been using it as an alarm for approx 6 months now and don’t even hate it yet!

    • Am I the only person who, while I can’t stop listening to it, can’t watch the video because it makes me angry about the dress Santana is wearing. I hate that dress with a burning passion…

      I think the clothes in this show are some higher powers way of trying to break me from my addiction….

  10. re: “I Kissed A Girl” (who happens to be my crush, so I’ll write this episode as my own personal fantasy–Note: this fantasy does not involve girl-on-girl kissing, since it would be inappropriate for this writer to inflict himself onto such a scene)


    re: “Survivor”/”I Will Survive”

    For the life of me, I don’t understand why you’d do a mash-up on surviving, and then have everyone play dead at the end.

    But hey, it’s Glee.

  11. Santana in that white suit on Me Against The Music. OMG. I have watched that so many times….

    • I don’t know which is better, the white suit in Me Against the Music, or Night Fever.

      *fans self*

    • And with the cane…mmph. I watched that episode with my family and was so turned on I felt vaguely embarrassed to be in the same room with them.

  12. Ignoring everything except the musical numbers (and anything Naya Rivera says) is the only way I can watch Glee and also maintain my sanity.
    I also kind of love Lea Michele’s everything, even though the writers have ruined Rachel Berry this season.

  13. I’m going to be real honest with you guys for a second. After the Glee version of Landslide came out I basically stopped listening to the original or the Dixie Chickss version.

    Judge away.

    • I can’t judge you because I listen to the Glee version as much as I listen to the Fleetwood Mac one, to be honest. Some music snob would be angry to read this.

  14. the only thing i can bring myself to care about in regards to glee are the lesbians

    …but the OTHER blonde and brunette lesbians ;)

  15. Once again my feelings regarding Gwyneth Paltrow are a resounding, “WHY ARE YOU THERE BETWEEN THEM PLAYING THAT GUITAR GWYNETH PALTROW I PROMISE THEY CAN HANDLE IT”

  16. “Haven’t you ever wished that instead of being what it is, Glee was actually just a show about lesbians with no dialogue, only music videos? I sure do.”


  17. Also, “The most emotionally moving number in Glee history, in my totally biased opinion.”
    No, I’m pretty sure this is objectively true.

  18. I love “Say A Little Prayer” (I feel like Dianna Agron is trying to seduce us all in that clip) but is it actually Naya and Heather singing? It doesn’t really sound like them, and this was from the second episode, long before they had any intention to develop Santana and Brittany beyond back-up dancing and the occasional one-liner, so it might have been before they discovered their considerable singing talents.

    • You’re right, I don’t think it is them.

      The story of how they changed from one-liner backing dancers to Brittana is the only thing about Glee that still makes me happy, and even then it’s infused with endless misogyny/useless writing/Finn.

      Oh, Glee.

  19. I really do love I Wanna Dance With Somebody, but I can’t help but notice the lack of interaction between Brittany and Santana during the number. I feel like it was the writers’ way of appeasing the Brittany/Santana fans without actually making the number “too gay” for Fox. In fact, if it wasn’t for the pronoun changes, I could probably show this to my mom without her catching on that they’re a couple.

  20. Damn, I had forgotten how much I love the Rumor Has it/Someone Like You mashup.

    Landslide still makes my cry.

    Me Against the Music, so incredibly hot.

    How the hell the did I Will Survive/Survivor not beat whatever crap it was that the other group performed. The Troubletones were far superior to the Glee club.

  21. This article is perfect. All the best songs/performances. This should just be the Santana / Brittana show!!

  22. Did anyone else like the glee cover of Valerie? I guess Brit didn’t sing on that one so it doesn’t count…

    • but she danced! and she slapped santana’s butt in the very beginning. and there was a lot of chemistry between them in that number.

  23. Brittany’s the top? But in the season two episode “Duets” Santana was clearly on top…-
    I mean, Glee? What’s Glee? I don’t watch Glee.

  24. You guys, this might be super late, but why don’t Santana and Brittany get to wear regular clothes more often. It’s not like anyone is going to forget that they’re the hot lesbian cheerleaders. Considering that’s one thing we all wished for at least 100/180 days of each school year of our lives. Also, I missed a couple of these songs. I was boycotting for a while because of the crazy ridiculous junk that built up in Glee-ville. But now I’m back. Mostly in hopes that Santana and Brittany get at least one makeout scene before the show ends.

    • I think it was established in a past episode that while you’re on the cheerleading team, Sue makes you wear nothing but cheerleading uniforms all the time. Quinn and Mercedes also wore the uniform 24/7 when they were on the squad

      Not that Glee normally cares about continuity…

    • it’s portuguese! as is the link to the Naya Rivera brazilian fan site below (those commenters also greatly enjoyed these songs)!

  25. Pingback: Naya Rivera Brasil – Sua Fonte De Notícias Sobre Naya Rivera No Brasil {2011-2012} » Blog Archive » Site Autostraddle elege os 10 melhores números musicais de Santana e Brittany em Glee.

  26. i dont watch glee, but when i saw the ‘rumour has it’ video on youtube… wow, that shit blew my mind

  27. Guys, watching those videos, I can totally see why all the fundie cray crays are convinced that this show’s gonna turn America’s kids into a bunch of raging queeros.

  28. Agh. The episode with the Adele mash-up has me bawling like a wee babe every time. : c

  29. These songs, HeMo’s legs and Naya’s boobs are the greatest things about this show.

  30. I’ve been grappling with this… Bi? Pan? Lesbian?

    Naya Rivera just single-handedly convinced me that I am indeed a big ol’ lesbo.

    • Well, I guess not single-handedly… It had more to do with the boobs/thighs/all-around sexiness.

      Although I wouldn’t say no to being convinced single-handedly.

  31. if there will just be lesbians, i think we should let them talk. they will improv everything and it will be better than anything the glee writers have ever written.

    also, i will add “if i can’t have you” to the list.
    jump. suit.

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