The Comment Awards Are Celebrating Gay Wrath

Hello, fireflies! Things are still A Lot, but in light of a couple of pieces of good news from the Supreme Court this week, and powerful turnouts at Black Lives Matter demonstrations across the world, part of what I’m feeling is this weird, unfamiliar emotion – I think it’s called… hope?

This week, Reine #9 reminded us to take care of each other.

Autostraddle’s Resistance coverage has been SO comprehensive, just all the way through – you can read all of the pieces here.

Drew wrote about Disclosure: Trans Lives on Screen, which I absolutely cannot WAIT to see – it premieres on Netflix today!

Chyler Leigh and Lili Reinhart came out! (I have been waiting for Chyler to do this ever since she toured the UK with her band and did every performance draped in a Pride flag, so this is very exciting for me.)

This is everything:15,000 Stand Up For Black Trans Lives in Brooklyn, Show Us What Pride Month Should Always Look Like.

“Great terrible question, anonymous Karen!” 

Would you like a list of the best 200 queer movies of all time? Of course you would!

And then there were your comments!

On Foolish Child #73: All Houses Matter:

The Martin Luther Vandross, Jr. Award to Whitney:

Martin Luther Vandross, Jr is *truly* inspired, lolol. This comic is great! (I’m so tired of the analogies, they’re a waste of breath at this point)

On Queer Horoscopes for June 2020: How Can You Answer to Both Grief and Joy?

The Agonizing Ordeal Of Being Seen Award to Athens:

How do you do this so consistently? Every time I feel so broken open and seen and it hurts but also helps so much. Thank you! Also, from one moving-cross-country-during-a-pandemic person to another, best of luck and be safe!

On Pop Culture Fix: A Coming Out Party for Chyler Leigh and Lili Reinhart!

The Cowl-ex Danvers Award to Carly:

Chyler Leigh coming out confirms my personal theory that she should replace Batwoman. Have Alex Danvers find out that Kate Kane went missing, and she uses it as her moment to become a badass superhero and steps into the Batwoman role to keep Gotham from falling apart. Heck, you can even retcon that thanks to the worlds merging Batwoman and Supergirl’s casts are all BFFs and hold weekly BBQs, thus explaining why Alex is so invested in Mary, Luke, and the Alice drama.

On 10 Ways You’ve Told Us You’re Celebrating Pride This Year:

The Cellllllebration Times! C’Mon! Award to I67:

I came out as trans on twitter :)

On My Top 10 Television Shows: Valerie Anne:

The Gotta Have Faith Award to VinousBliss:

I saw how you reacted to Faith.

On Pop Culture Fix: Kristen Stewart To Play Princess Diana Because Why Not:

The Xena, Warrior…Nun Award to Caitlin:

The entire concept of a warrior nun is queer so if there’s no rainbow content I’m gonna fight someone

And on My Top 10 Favorite Lesbian Movies: Drew Gregory:

The Good Morning Baltimore Award to Ava:

Being from Baltimore, I also love John Waters. (I’m pretty sure it’s a rule that if you’re from there you have to at least *like* his movies.) I’m also pretty sure that one of my first crushes was Traci Lords in Cry-Baby. I’m not sure what that says about me.

See a comment that needs to be here? Let me know! Write in “comment award,” or tag me – I’m [at] queergirl.

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


  1. This is one of the few ways I know it’s Friday.

    A+ use of song lyrics in the award titles, QG

    • I completely (and I mean completely) missed that joke the first time I read the comic. Thank goodness for the Comment Awards! I needed the laugh today.

  2. Yesss to the Martin Luther Vandross, Jr award

    Surely a double award for Dickens “I don’t want to hear about your tale of two houses” and Whitney “We have a solution”

    • I love it ! It’s the best idea I’ve seen and it would sure fly.

      A zipline right into my heart.

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