Hi hello good morning! Remember that time Lemon and I wrote a Sunday Funday for you? Well today is kind of like that, except instead of co-authoring this post with me, Lemon is spending the day moving into the bedroom right next to mine! Yes, it’s true — Lemon and I are about to embark on a beautiful new journey called Living Together, along with two other lovely ladies in a glorious Williamsburg apartment we have affectionately dubbed “C-Town.” You should all come visit!
But enough of my personal happy news — let’s talk about all the wonderful smile-inducing gay stuff that happened this week, because once you’re done reading about the RNC, you may need a reason to add some extra pep to your step.
Father And Son Wear Dresses, Have Absolutely Zero Fucks To Give
Is there anything more endearing than a dad who loves his kid no matter what? The answer is YES. What is more endearing than a dad who loves his kid no matter what is a dad who loves his kid no matter what and will help his kid stand up to bullies. That’s why I really like this father from Germany, who decided to wear a dress in solidarity with his young son.
Nils Pickert, the father in question, told Emma magazine how he ended up in a dress:
My five year old son likes to wear dresses. I didn’t want to talk my son into not wearing dresses and skirts…after a lot of contemplation I had only one option left: To broaden my shoulders for my little buddy and dress in a skirt myself…And what’s the little guy doing by now? He’s painting his fingernails. He thinks it looks pretty on my nails, too. He’s simply smiling, when other boys (and it’s nearly always boys) want to make fun of him and says: ‘You only don’t dare to wear skirts and dresses because your dads don’t dare to either.’ That’s how broad his own shoulders have become by now. And all thanks to daddy in a skirt.
Fertility Services Will Be More Accessible For Lesbians And Single Ladies In California
In case you remain unconvinced that California is our friend, on Tuesday the California State Senate voted 26-10 to approve a bill that will ensure women in same-sex relationships can access the same fertility services as heterosexual women in committed relationships. This bill will also help all the single ladies, whether they are gay or straight. The bill will give women using known donors access to certain fertility procedures that are less expensive and more effective, and is authored by assemblymember Nancy Skinner and co-sponsored by Equality California (EQCA) and the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR). Cathy Sakimura, director of NCLR, explained the direct effect the bill will have:
Women using known donors are currently unable to access a more affordable and effective fertility procedure because donor testing laws don’t address this situation. This bill makes a small change in the law that will greatly benefit many families who would otherwise be unable to conceive.
Ask A Queer Chick Queer Questions, Get Queer Answers
At the Hairpin, A Queer Chick answers questions about racist girlfriends, gay siblings, asexuality, bi phobia and bi invisibility and the idea of being “queer enough:”
“As you get older, as you continue to define yourself as bisexual (and correct people who miscategorize you), you’ll probably become more confident in your identity, secure in the knowledge that your queerness is not going anywhere, no matter how many boys you make out with. You’ll feel more established in the queer community you’ve found, and less worried about being kicked out of it because you failed at the Secret Dyke Handshake. And you’ll probably just stop caring so much about the statement your relationship makes, because you’ll be having too much fun – and too much awesome sex – to spend a lot of time stressing about it.
For right now, rest assured that you are not betraying The Cause by dating people you find attractive regardless of their gender. Instead of worrying about being sufficiently queer, just worry about being you — whether that means being butch, wearing a strap-on, sleeping with dudes, letting your boyfriend ride in the sidecar at the Dykes on Bikes parade, or dating a girl because you want to and not because you should. And if you’re really nervous about being out with your man in public, buy him one of those t-shirts that says ‘I’m Not Gay, But My Girlfriend Is.”
Mary Kay Henry Is The Most Powerful Lesbian In The USA
In honor of Labor Day, the Advocate ran a profile on Mary Kay Henry, the International President of Service Employees International Union, the country’s fast growing labor union. She is both the first woman and the first out lesbian to hold that position, and Seattle Gay News dubbed her “the most powerful lesbian in the USA.” Learn more about her and don’t forget to thank the other special workers in your life — and hey, if you’re one of those workers, give yourself a pat on the back. Keep up the good work!
Joe Biden Loves Us
Last Sunday Joe Biden gave a speech to a group of gay rights advocates in Provincetown, and in it he thanked the LGBT community for “freeing the soul of the American people.”
If I had to use one adjective to describe this community it’d be courage. You have summoned the courage to speak out, to come out. We owe you.
There was “loud applause” after he said that, because duh. Sidenote: I really love Provincetown, don’t you?

This is what I imagine it would look like if the LGBT community really freed the soul of the American people
International Bodypainting Festival Happened, Behold The Wonder
The 2012 International Bodypainting Festival took place yesterday in Daegu, South Korea. It is the largest festival in the field of body painting, and thousands of visitors attend each year. This is honestly some of the most intriguing art I have ever seen, and I strongly recommend you Google this and look at all the images you can possibly find, because it was really hard to choose only one to share with you. Ultimately I chose this image because of the matching leopard print nails and huge painted leopard on her torso. I hope you guys like that as much as I do.
Jennifer Lopez Is Bringing Lesbians To ABC
Jennifer Lopez is producing a lesbian drama on ABC Family this fall! The hour-long show The Fosters (working title) will feature two moms, a cop and a teacher, and their kids, adopted twins and a biological son. Curb Your Enthusiasm producer Gavin Polone will partner with Lopez in producing the show, and while I really don’t like Curb, I am willing to get excited about more lesbians on television. If the show is fantastic (or horrible) maybe it will be worthy of an Autostraddle recap. Also does this plot make anyone else think of Alice’s screenplay that Jenny stole and sold for millions? Just me? I dunno, there was definitely a cop.
Wombats Are The Future
Buzzfeed is spreading a rumor that wombats are the future, and you know what? If my choices for the future are between Mitt Romney or a wombat, I choose a wombat. Luckily there’s another option, and for that I say thank you Obama! But here, have some wombats anyway.
Who knew wombats were so cute? I hope the j lo show is actually good. Hopefully there is no plot about sleeping with a guy.
you guys are amaze. thank you vanessa for letting me spend yesterday trashed at a reunion guilt free.
That is one awesome dad.
That little boy has the best dad in the world <3<3<3<3
That wombat is holding his tiny toes.
That dad wore a dress for his little boy and that tiny wombat is holding his tiny toes and everything that sucked about my week / month just dropped 8.2suck points.
Wombats are like fundies. Cute when infants, but then they grow up mean.
I don’t even know what I’m on about.
Oh yeah. Wombats scare me a little bit.
I read the article about the dad who wears dresses and teared up. And I definitely didn’t realize how badly I needed to read that bit about bisexuality today.
i’m considering learning that bit on bisexuality off by heart…
oh man, wombats are the cutest.
well, except for the part where they kill things with their butt. i did five or six years of zoo-based holiday thingos when i was a kid, and that’s roughly ninety percent of ‘things i learnt that i remembered’. the other ten percent was that butterflies hate me.
this all sounds really scary
and i haven’t even mentioned that a lot of the time at this program we were brought into the lion’s enclosure to wander around for a bit
okay so in hindsight my parents may have been trying to get me killed
I’ll trade baby wombats for baby pygmy hippos any day.
I so look forward to the day that I am out of college and making money, but not enough money to afford my own home because, shoot, I want roommates so bad!
I’m at the C-Town
I don’t see you here, dawg.
Tiny-ass tortillas, tiny-ass Coronas.
Tiny-ass egg sandwiches; it’s outlandish, kid.
I love wombats so much. Ever since that episode of The Wild Thornberrys where Eliza made friends with one. Also I may or may not sleep with an unraveling purple knitted wombat.
Best dad EVER. I wish more dads would act like this dad. we would probably have a better society if that where to happen in the U.S.