Sunday Funday Is Hosting Socially Distant House Parties!

Hello! We are still home! My boredom is setting in which means my mind is going to things like “huh, still can’t figure out why [redacted] thought [redacted] for months about me, but didn’t tell me!” I’m also thinking “maybe I should check in on some exes!” Both of those are wrong! No obsessing! No exes! I’m gonna figure out how to macrame and maybe make a little hanging holder for my projector? Or maybe I’ll run? Or maybe I’ll write a book? Or build an obstacle course for my cats out of recycled boxes???

While I figure out how to stop being bored while living alone and not being allowed to leave, here’s some good news for you to peruse.

+ Houseparty is this cool little app that helps you stay connected with your pals and you can also play fun games on it!

+ Some more thoughts on Mrs. America and 1970s feminism.

+ Want to support a small queer business while covering your precious face and saving PPE for medical workers? Here are 12 masks to help you do just that! Wanna make your own mask? Well, Vanessa has you covered as well! Literally!

+ The Atlanta Queer Arts Showcase has moved online. Check it out!

+ THEE Dr. Blue Ivy Carter, daughter of queen Beyoncé Knowles-Carter and her husband Sean, wants you to know why it matters that you keep your hands clean.

+ The trailer for Bit will have you dreaming about all-girl vampire gangs who eat boys 😍 (and Drew already has a review for you!)

+ Biqtch Puddin’, an Atlanta drag queen, is helping other artists who rely on gigs with a weekly virtual drag show!

+ Which Meryl Streep Movie Should You Watch Based On Your Personality? (I got The Devil Wears Prada)

+ Twelve important reproductive rights cases that aren’t Roe v. Wade

Burn it Down! is an anthology of feminist manifestos

“We have returned again to a period of cultural reckoning,” Fahs writes, pointing to a “reinvigoration of misogyny and racism” that would have been “eerily familiar” to any number of activists whose manifestos appear in this volume. Fahs, whose previous books include a biography of the feminist insurgent Valerie Solanas, describes the texts gathered here as a “necessity.” Irreverent, scabrous and enraged, these manifestos also happen to be full of contradictions, written in the heat of the moment and without a cool eye to posterity. But it’s this rough-hewn immediacy that makes some of them so bracing to read, especially now. At a time when public life has dissolved into self-quarantine, when the ability to concentrate seems like a vestige from another era, there’s something to be said for tracts that don’t just lay claim to your attention but also seize it.

+ Do not worry, Paris Jackson will play Jesus in a new indie horror film alongside Bella Thorne.

Okay pals, I hope this news cheered you up! I hope you combat the boredom that is creeping in. I hope you have friends and family to call when you’re lonely. I hope you get to see at least one very beautiful animal this week and allow yourself to become overwhelmed by their beauty! We’re in this for the long haul, together. So stay inside, call your loved ones, and throw a dance party. You’ve got this, I believe in you, in me, in us! Love you, mean it, bye!!!!!

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Ari is a 20-something artist and educator. They are a mom to two cats, they love domesticity, ritual, and porch time. They have studied, loved, and learned in CT, Greensboro, NC, and ATX.

Ari has written 330 articles for us.


  1. thank you al this is really sweet and reassuring!!! i did a new run today that involved running up four flights of stairs a couple times and honestly……i recommend it. running up stairs is a really effective way to tire out your brain and body!! which is sometimes exactly what you need!!!! thank you for these links. also tbh playing animal crossing (it’s expensive but in terms of boons to my mental health……… worth it)

    • I agree! I try to run stairs at least every other run. There’s a flight of stairs leading down to a pretty path near a greenway on my regular route. I wonder if people passing by think I’m a weirdo, but it helps keep me (somewhat) sane! Duolingo helps a lot too. A good distraction.

  2. true to form based on my personality i should watch Mamma Mia

    have i done this already this quarantine? yes. will i again right now? also yes

    • I answered all the questions hoping to get Angels in America but alas, I suspect it was not an option on this particular quiz…

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