Hello, luminous LED solar string lights! It’s the mooooooooost wonderful time of the year! It’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi box office season! Rejoice, ya’ll! Actually, I haven’t seen it, but I probably will. When I see all those other movies I’ve missed since I had a baby dinosaur. Which is when it comes out on Netflix or Hulu, honestly.
I digress. My particular family does, indeed, celebrate Christmas (in a purely commercial and good cheery way). Waffle and I exchanged gifts last night because we’re traveling today and Monday to visit family. Look at this sweet haul! These babies are going to look so good with the Hard Femme and Misandrist pins I gifted myself during the AS merch sale! Imma need a new denim jacket for my shiny new enamel pin collection! I got Waffle this custom artwork of our cat by a local artist who also used to be our Unitarian minister.

We make Xmas Capitalism look good…and gay!
How are you celebrating Star Wars and/or Xmas and/or annual Chinese take-out night this Sunday Funday?
Go, Go EqualiTeam! A Progressive Coloring Book for Little Humans!

The EqualiTeam is here to save the day! Donate to the Kickstarter here
Or adult humans. Anyone who wants to color fun, comic-book-style pictures of socially conscious and badass superheroes! Beth and Laura Winters are the twin sister co-founders of Equalitoys, a company whose mission is to make toys that teach children empathy through inclusive and diverse representation. Equalitoys first release, Her Highness Build Robots, a princess coloring book that flips princess stereotypes on their head, was successfully crowdfunded in 2014 and continues to sell in bookstores everywhere and on Etsy. (It even did a stint in the Wildfang store!)
Their upcoming book, EqualiTeam Saves the Day, is a progressive coloring/comic book that features superheroes of all genders, backgrounds, and abilities. Each superhero uses their own superpower to make society more fair and inclusive. Yeah, I know! Here are some of the superheroes in the book!
According to their Kickstarter page:
EqualiTeam Saves the Day! tells this story of 7 superheroes, with ethnicities and genders as diverse as their superpowers.The story of each superhero is told over six pages: two pages relate the origin story and four more show the superhero in action.
Check out the Kickstarter for sample pages from the book and more info about the project! A pledge of just $12 gets you a book and a sticker!
The Force is Queer With This One
- SPOILER ALERT! ‘The Last Jedi’s’ Laura Dern on answering to ‘Space Dern’ and getting LGBTQ characters into the ‘Star Wars’ universe
‘The Last Jedi’s’ Laura Dern looks back at her complex characters from ‘Blue Velvet’ to ‘Star Wars’
I spent years as an actor hearing things like “Well, it’s not really a female story” or “We’d love to hire a female cinematographer, but there aren’t any.” So what I love about being part of any company or tribe right now is that we’re taking a different kind of consideration about how to go to the next level of respect, of storytelling, of supporting no gender prejudice in the workplace. To be part of a franchise that speaks to women, girls and diversity — and always has — feels particularly awesome.
Vote for Nadira Begum!

From YouTube – Dhaka Tribune
Nadira Begum, a Hijra is running for a councillor’s position in the Rangpur City Corporation’s election in Bangladesh.
Begum was exiled from her family because of her gender identity and faced discrimination for being a hijra in employment. Despite that, she earned a Masters degree and became a social worker. She opened an organization to advocate for trans rights in South Asia and wants to use her platform to progress trans rights in Bangladesh.
The election was Thursday and Begum has a good shot at winning, according to local press! She isn’t the first hijra to run, but the first to have a real chance to win!
Here, Queer, You Know the Drill
The Formerly Homeless Teen Fighting to Make Tampons Free for Everyone
I Want a Fiona For Christmas
Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, you definitely want a Fiona for Christmas!
Fiona is adorable
Happy holidays KaeLyn!
This comment contains spoilers for ‘When Marnie Was There’
I will always be salty about the ending of ‘When Marnie Was There’. The story was beautiful (I cried at the end), and there was such obvious chemistry between them. But then the movie was like ‘LOL there’s no way their in love because SPOILER ALERT Marine is actually the ghost of her grandmother’. It was super rushed as well, like they were in a hurry to erase the queer from the storyline.
I agree. I went on a queer date to see this movie and we both were disappointed by the reveal. I loved how brilliantly it articulated young queer love too, like you’re not sure WHY you want to spend so much time with this person but everything about her makes things easier.
To have that interpretation completely erased because of “JK they’re related”… that felt awful.
I’m rooting for Nadira Begum to win!
Laura Dern ships Finn and Poe and I ship her character with everyone. I’m convinced her and Leia were a thing, and there was definitely some sexual tension between her and Poe!