Hi, I have nothing witty to say, I just want to make sure you know about this.
kate mckinnon has been photographed by annie leibovitz for vanity fair and everyone needs to leave me the fuck alone because i'm not okay pic.twitter.com/ToRqPDyoAS
— ellie⁷ ☁️ ᵃᵍᵘˢᵗ ᵈ (@eleanorbate) September 28, 2017
News About Kates
- Just reiterating that Annie Leibovitz photographed Kate McKinnon because the goddesses are smiling on us. The interview in Vanity Fair is really great.
Kate Leth’s hair is bisexual culture (so is “Space, the final frontier”).
Rugby News
- Mary Lambert is singing “Same Love” at the NRL finals in Australia and she’s honestly, the most perfect person ever.
I always think that it’s very interesting: laughing so hard you’re going to cry and crying so hard you’re going to laugh. I don’t think that that’s a coincidence that they’re related, I think that they access a similar part in the human brain and I think that that’s a place where I live. So my performances are a lot like that.
It’s an absurd joy to be living, and laughing is so trivial and stupid but it’s everything. It’s also the most important thing to be doing. You can’t cry about everything but also you should cry about everything. It’s very cathartic to do all of those things all at once, but you also have to be a functioning person.
News About the Letter S

- Did you hear them wish the sports bra a happy 40th birthday on All Things Considered?
Space Sex: NASA forgot that ladies have sex with one another.
Kristen Stewart and Lupita Nyongo are in early talks about a Charlie’s Angels reboot. Sounds hot, but to quote millennial influencer Gaby Dunn,
10 Creators of Color Reveal What Makes Them Feel Most Beautiful
Everyone had something amazing to say. The whole thing is just really pure and good and you should read it to feel pure and good. Sonia Guiñasaca, managing director of Culture Strike said this:
I feel beautiful when I am able to wear the perfect outfit that fits my body just right and I am wearing the heck out of my purple lipstick. I feel beautiful when I’m around people that are femme like me, who are gender-nonconforming like me, who speak in accents, whose bodies range in size, that adorn their fat brown or black bodies in all the glitter or jewelry or latest Fenty shimmer they want, that are audacious and daring with no fucks given about respectability politics, being the oceans of possible marvelous ways to exist.
Happy Sunday little birds!
A Charlie’s Angels reboot with Kristen Stewart and Lupita Nyong’o sounds…incredible.
The third angel needs to be Gina Rodriguez. After seeing her gunning in that “Annihilation” trailer, I need me some more of that.
Yes! Gina! And Lucy Liu should be Charlie
I vote for Patty Jenkins as director.
I second
Will the Charlie’s Angels reboot come complete with a new version of Independent Women Part 1?
All the women, who are independent
Throw your hands up at me
Kate McKinnon in all denim is my kryptonite, truly.
Just gonna put it out there: a bunch of bad ass real-life Ripleys boning in zero gravity would be, like, a giant leap for (wo)mankind
Science Babes in Space. I can think of nothing sexier
Except maybe Kate McKinnon in a truck
Comment award for this whole thread!
I thought the VF interviewer seemed more interested in talking about herself than Kate, but the double denim pic is amazing.
Yeah. But I’ll take that over some of the other VF celebrity profiles I’ve read that are usually done by men and almost always misogynist in tone.
Then again, I saw that the interviewer compared Jennifer Lawrence to Greta Garbo and for that she will never be forgiven. Not by me, anyway.
Kate McKinnon is just a total babe
Here’s the article the Mary Lambert quote came from!
My immediate thoughts on a female Charlie:
Helen Mirren
Shohreh Aghdashloo
Holland Taylor
And I’d keel over making noises somewhere hyena and a dying whale: Judi Dench
Maybe I am biased, but Shohreh Aghdashloo would be great Charlie. She’s a treasure in the Iranian community.
Possibly, but consider Charlie as an auditory presence with no visual. Her voice is strong like a classic hollywood star, there’s character to it in a way that’s not something modern cinema carries much of.
It’d be great to see Shohreh of course but if we don’t we won’t feel like we’re missing half her performance just because her facial expressions aren’t present.
My first thought for a female Charlie was Queen Latifah, but then I thought no, C.C.H. Pounder would rock.
News About Kates! You kill me. S/o to sports bras.
Um I need help Kate McKinnon looking like the aesthetic love child of Lauren Bacall and Katharine Hepburn is killing me and gumming up my ode to how much I love sports bras, feel my most hot and powerful self in my traditional cut black sports bra and pair of jeans on the dance floor with my shirt unbuttoned or abandoned.
Also idea for an straddlers gallery: What is your power outfit? The outfit that makes you feel most authentically and powerfully your rad queer self?
(Blame the neo-soul music IDK)
That suit! I feel like there should be a non-profit program that issues suits to ladies who want to wear one, because A) putting a suit on for my wedding was literally the first time I realized I could feel sexy while dressed up instead of forever being the queer kid in the ill fitting clothes in the 90s teen movie. B) I would get to see more women wearing suits.
omg i want a whole franchise about the lesbian astronauts who would’ve signed up to that space program. just like, the l word – BUT IN SPACE