Former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum often seems like a joke candidate. After all, how can one expect much from a candidate whose last name has become synonymous with anal discharge? Yet, he could be the scariest candidate in the Republican presidential race. Even Michele Bachmann is at least getting the message that her anti-gay views are unpopular, and has been trying to avoid discussing them — or claiming she’s moderated them — with the press. Yet, Rick Santorum continues to refuse to get it, as evidenced by some comments he made on the wake of his fourth-place finish in the Ames straw poll.

via AP Photo
While chatting with fellow homophobes Tony Perkins (of the Family Research Council) and Tim Wildmon (of the American Family Association) on American Family Radio, Santorum discussed how he believed “society’s moral breakdown” was responsible for the 2008 economic crisis. Which sounds perfectly reasonable, until you realize by “moral breakdown” he means “the breakdown of the family,” which of course is code-language for “gays getting married”:
Letting the family break down and in fact encouraging it and inciting more breakdown through this whole redefinition of marriage debate, and not supporting strong nuclear families and not supporting and standing up for the dignity of human life. Those lead to a society that’s broken.
If you think that we can be a society that kills our own, and that disregards the family and the important role it plays, and doesn’t teach moral values and the important role of faith in the public square, and then expect people to be good, decent and moral when they behave economically, if you look at the root cause of the economic problems that we’re dealing with on Wall Street and Main Street I might add, from 2008, they were huge moral failings. And you can’t say that we’re gonna take morality out of the public square, morality out of our schools, God out of our schools, and then expect people to behave decently in a country that requires, capitalism requires some strong modicum of moral consciousness if it’s gonna be successful.
Now that’s a theory I haven’t heard from any economists! If anything, the opposite appears to be true; states that have legalized same-sex marriage have found that out-of-state gay couples are a huge boost to their tourism industry. Clearly, such disregard for the facts could only come from a mind really steeped in homophobia.
It is unfortunate enough that one Republican presidential contender is making such outrageous and hateful statements, but sadly, Santorum is not alone. Newt Gingrich, the original glitterbomb victim, pre-empted Santorum by claiming that free enterprise is based on a “freedom of faith,” and “if you don’t have freedom of faith in the end you’re not going to have free enterprise because there’s no moral force that that defends and protects you.” Of course, why does he think we’re losing “freedom of faith”? Because of “radical secularists” attacking “the concept of family being between man and woman and the concept of all these core values that grow out of 3,000 years of Judeo-Christian tradition.”
Luckily, at least one of these guys is not getting out of this consequence-free. Dan Savage, who turned Santorum’s last name into a sexual term after he compared gay sex to bestiality and incest, is upping the ante by targeting the former Senator’s first name. He first threatened to do this in a Funny or Die video several months ago unless Rick Santorum held off on the homophobia. But because Santorum didn’t listen, Savage has claimed in his latest column that it’s time to go forward on the threat:
Santorum hasn’t laid off the gay bashing, as it’s all he’s got, so it looks like I’m going to have to go ahead and redefine his first name, too. (My apologies to Rick Dees, Rick Fox, Ricki Lake, and all the other innocent Ricks out there.) The definition I proposed in my video was a little too long and involved, so I vote for adopting yours, HTH [as a verb meaning “to remove santorum orally.”] Now “Rick Santorum” isn’t just a vile and disgusting politician—he’s a vile and disgusting sentence.
So while Rick Santorum may think that fueling the flames of hate will help his campaign, Savage is trying to ensure the opposite — by making his “Google problem” even bigger. Is it time to extend the lesson to other candidates who use the same tactics? How would you re-define “Gingrich”?
They clearly have neglected to factor in the natural frugality of the lesbian. I could never destroy a nation’s economy when 97% of my clothes come from Bass Pro Shop and Target.
And as far as redefining “Gingrich” goes, I think it sounds like a variation of gangrene. Like, “We’re sorry, ma’am, but Gingrich has set in. You’re going to lose the leg.”
both comments are winning. lol.
it sounds so much like a harry potter charachter that it makes me mad. he doesn’t deserve a name that could be compared to that.
Gingrich could be when gangrene gets flaky and itchy? (I don’t know if that actually happens though.)
I know this is totally off-base, but the actual thread content is just the stupidest pile of bullshit…
Anyways. Why don’t these Right-Wing Christians understand that Islam is following Judeo-Christian tradition? I’ve never understood why it’s so convenient to ignore that basic fact while these same people (‘cuz it really is the same people) are promoting Islamophobia and paranoia towards the religion.
When I read this stuff it seems to me almost like these guys should be in an SNL skit.But,I’m pretty sure that if Phil Hartman’s Unfroven Caveman Lawyer came back to life he would STILL be further along the evolutionary scale than these backward imbeciles.
Gingrich… the uncomfortable feeling you get from pubic hair stubble on your face.
I vote for this one.
Not gonna lie, I highly doubt Newt Gingrich will get many votes… because who wants a President Newt?
I remember seeing Santorum’s stupid political ad’s over the years…glad to see he’s still very much a tool.
also, I just found out he graduated from my alma mater, Penn State, I’m ashamed :(
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Does anyone else think Santorum looks like a Bizarro World Ryan Reynolds in that first picture? All he needs is a big mustache to twirl.
/off topic
Why is it so obvious to all of us and not to them that this is completely idiotic. It makes no sense at all. Not only does allowing gay marriage boost tourist $$ for that state it opens up a huge new demographic to the wedding industry. The wedding industry has an amazing power to draw money into an area and with so many things available online it brings in revenue on a national basis at the same time.
How the heck does that do anything but boost our economy? It doesn’t make any sense. Trying to get it to make sense only leaves me with a headache, not with an understanding of this stupid allegation.
For Women.
For the Love of Women.
You’re assuming they WANT to make sense.
See, if they pointed out an a real problem and the real reasons for that problem, people might work toward fixing the problem. And then where would they be? No one would be paying attention or throwing money at them.
But if they take a real problem and make up a FAKE reason, oh my. No one can figure out how to fix it! (Of course not, because there’s no correlation, so you have nowhere to begin.) Except this guy, who seems very sure about the reasons for this problem, even though everyone else is totally confused. Let’s put him in a position of power and/or throw lots of money in his direction, so that this problem will get fixed through him. Let’s do it quickly and without thinking too hard about it, because we’re terrified of things there’s no way to safeguard against (because they aren’t actually a threat) — like our children “catching” the gay, or man-dog marriage becoming legal.
Bingo, instant political platform. No integrity necessary.
Santorum does look very orange.
He’s blushing cause he just got Santorum all over that podium. (what is he writing down while giving a speech?)
I…. I just…. I can’t even…..
Hi Brianna let’s bond over how tricky it is to write our name in cursive.
Brianna(s), I feel like I have to tell you this: I will forever associate you with that one brand of salad dressing that has your name. I’m sorry.
It’s okay. I will forever associate you with the Rachel sandwich.
I would say I’m shocked, but I most definitely not. I am appalled though. Of course I live in a state where this kind of rhetoric is heard often in our State Senate and House. I literally cannot fathom how these people’s minds work
rant warning:
I mean, I can’t even argue with Santorum’s bullshit because it is SO obviously stupid I don’t even know where to start. I did, however, enjoy the argument on re: AAA rating mostly for countries with equal marriage rights. Not that I think that kind of morality has a damn thing to do with the current problem. But anyway. WHAT the fuck is that about “killing our own” and morality=success of capitalism? I… just… can’t…not….argh.
Also also also… being a successful capitalist, in my understanding, usually involves a serious LACK of morality. It is immoral (I think) to both earn and keep millions of dollars. 200k/year=wealthy. No one needs more than that, there is absolutely no argument for it aside from greed. New tax code: every dollar you make over 200k goes to the gov’t, and they spend it on other people, in this country. Bam.
What is immoral in this country is that there are still people who are poor. And people who don’t have health insurance. And people whose spouses get deported ’cause they’re gay and their marriage doesn’t count. And people who get deported because their families brought them here when they were two years old. And children who have to go to school in the summer just to get lunch. And schools that suck, but mostly if you’re poor or any kind of minority. And states where it is now difficult to get an abortion but also difficult to get honest sex ed in a school…and legal to fire someone if they happen to be any kind of not straight person. And religious discrimination between religious groups that basically agree. And so on.
Whether or not I ever get married seems pretty insignificant. Also, prayer in schools? What the fuck does that have to do with the economy?
“WHAT the fuck is that about “killing our own” and morality=success of capitalism?”
I agree… does he not take into consideration that strip clubs are geared toward STRAIGHT men and make millions of dollars therefore being both IMMORAL and CAPITALIST?
“capitalism requires some strong modicum of moral consciousness if it’s gonna be successful.”
Again, examples of immorality (from a Christian viewpoint of “morality”): Bars, Strip clubs, casinos, pornography, etc…. these are all very “immoral” yet extremely successful and lucrative industries.
I think maybe he hasn’t really been living in modern America… maybe an Amish community or something…
Well, Santorum is from Pennsylvania, where there are a lot of Amish communities.
@annotations for President.
I once got a chain letter back in 2002 from a conservative-Christian friend that claimed that a lack of Christian instruction and prayer in schools was responsible for the Columbine shootings.
It was my introduction to the weird social-conservative tendency of claiming they’re victimized for not being allowed to victimize others. I responded explaining how offended I was as a non-Christian by the implication that people like me are somehow more likely to become murderers. This girl’s response? Crying to her mommy about how I had “insulted her religious beliefs” and having her call MY mom about it.
Here, here! Suggesting that capitalism requires strong moral fiber is the funniest thing I’ve heard in ages. Maybe someone should remind him that Jesus was always telling people to give their money away and share with everybody?
The thing about Rick Santorum is, no one is paying attention. He handed out jam at a campaign event. The guy who has the Google problem of being synonymous with fecal remnants was handing out jars of jelly at an event. He is desperate for attention, which is probably why he is talking about the topic other Republican candidates don’t want to talk about — gay marriage. Gay marriage is not a winning issues for Republicans anymore. They were happy to use it as long as it was, but it’s not anymore. Santorum is in the back of the pack and, aside from being a total homophobe, is probably hoping to get the ultra right on his side by taking on cultural issues in such a strong way. This is a primary, after all.
I might be somewhat comforted if he became the general election nominee. Pennsylvania rejected him when he tried to run for re-election. Will America really vote this guy to the highest office? I really doubt it.
Don’t worry. The Newt Gingritch thing is covered.
That’s the nickname for /b/ on the 4chan forums.
Nothing we can think of could possibly be worse then that, especially for a politician.
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