Queer Horoscopes for May 2024

In the midst of this grinding year May gives us some glimmers of excitement. The astro weather is still big and transformative, but this month we’ve got fewer earthquakes and a few more rainbows. As Jupiter moves into Gemini on the 25th, we’re entering a year of increased enthusiasm for all kinds of new and interesting connections. Gemini’s role is to help us combat stagnation and dogmatism—it doesn’t settle for easy answers and resists boredom at all costs. Jupiter, gay cheerleader of the cosmos, boosts and sustains whatever it touches. Jupiter is also interested in how we achieve the specific kind of joy that Spinoza liked to write about—not just pleasure or having fun, but feeling an expanded sense of your own capacity. When Jupiter is in Gemini, we can all expect more (and more interesting) thinking, conversation, questioning, and socializing. Gemini’s highest goal is to increase our sense of wonder, but its shadow side can get lost in the weeds. Jupiter steers us more closely toward what’s meaningful, while Gemini keeps the vibes more like a dance party than a TED talk.

We are in the midst of such vast, slow cultural changes that it can be hard to reorient, hard to adjust our vision. The pace of life on social media is out of step with the pace of our bodies and hearts. The amount of pain and crisis we’re able to hold energetically far outweighs what we can impact personally. But this month’s astrology rewards any intervention we can make—asking us to risk not knowing, to be unsure, to keep questioning not to shut down an idea but to help it blossom. Our imaginations need to expand to meet the rapidly changing world. Jupiter in Gemini is here to help us get a little more wild, a little more creative, a little more curious, and to create worlds we haven’t yet experienced.

In this spirit of adventure and celebration, I’d like to shout out the many encampments happening right now across college campuses in the US. Every collective action is an experiment in new ways of relating to each other. If I were going to raise a toast to anything right now, it would be the way people find each other and increase their collective capacity—despite interpersonal conflicts, despite ideological differences, despite a thousand ways these gatherings perpetuate the same harms baked into our culture. As Jupiter moves to Gemini, I invite you to actively seek out what there is to celebrate and how you’d like to encounter newness in your life. Happy May Day, happy Beltane, happy Omer counting, may this May expand your capacity.

My books are open for clients this month so do reach out if you’d like personalized support. I’ve also got deep dives into the astro weather of each month on my Patreon and you can follow me on Instagram to stay in the know.

Queer horoscopes: Stylized image of the Aries symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


Expect more: Fast-paced, social, bustling times. As Jupiter moves into Gemini you’ll likely be busier texting, calling, planning, and schmoozing. But this is also a good month to expect more from your interactions—Jupiter is interested in meaning, not just chatter. Reach for your growth edges and reach for others—you may be surprised by what you learn. This is also an excellent transit for anyone who writes (songs, poems, novels) or communicates (educators, counselors, translators) as a core way of life. Embrace new ideas and enjoy the boost Jupiter lends to your thinking and perception.

Stylized image of the Taurus symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


Expect more: Courage to reach for what you need. Jupiter in Gemini stimulates risk-taking and curiosity about the new (not exactly your usual mode), but it’s also lighting up your second house of resources, stability, and abundance—things that are very important to you. As Jupiter moves out of your sign you’ve reached a certain level of self-awareness and personal growth that can assist you as you now branch out toward new possibilities—whether that’s looking for new home, a new income source, or a new commitment to someone else, there’s something on the horizon that can offer you an increased sense that you have what you need to thrive.

Stylized image of the Gemini symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


Expect more: Self-discovery and self-expression. As Jupiter moves into your sign your core sense of identity is expanding and unfolding in new ways. Jupiter rules Sagittarius, your opposing sign, so this expansion is more intuitive than intellectual—not always your comfort zone. Over the next year you’ll be learning to trust your gut more, to reach for what feels right instead of getting lost in the infinite possibilities, and to explore new facets of yourself with confidence. Pay attention this month to new ideas of where you might be headed and don’t be afraid to follow them where they lead you.

Stylized image of the Cancer symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


Expect more: Restorative downtime. Although Jupiter is expansive and Gemini is active, the energetic boost you’re getting is toward your connection with all things beyond ordinary reality: beyond your daily responsibilities and relationship dynamics, beyond what you’re striving for and what you’re trying to balance, beyond all that effort to be a human and find the best path forward. Instead, you’re being called to notice and attune to things that feel not-quite-of-this-world. You may need to sleep more, meditate more, or spend more time being quiet under some trees or on a beach. This restorative connection to what is larger than you isn’t like a weekend reset to help you be more productive later—rather, it’s asking you to dramatically reshape your priorities.

Stylized image of the Leo symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


Expect more: Collaboration and collectivity. You’ll find more joy and more meaning in working as a group than striking out alone right now. You may need to soothe some bruised egos (possibly your own), but what you can create together will be worth it. If you’re engaged in activism and protest right now, do what you can to strengthen your social bonds. Make sure everyone feels heard, cared for, and well fed. Handle inevitable conflict with respect. Know that there will always be at least one person in any group who really gets on your nerves—do your best to not get riled and keep your focus on what you’re here to do.

Queer horoscopes: Stylized image of the Virgo symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


Expect more: Recognition for your talents. Expect what you do, say, and know to be more visible right now, for better or worse. If you’re feeling confident and have something in mind you want to be known for (or help promote), this is an excellent time to speak up. Don’t get deterred by impostor syndrome, or by feeling that whatever you’re offering up to the public has to be perfect. Choose what has the most momentum, most meaning, and feels most important to you right now—then trust it will get where it needs to go, become what it needs to be.

Stylized image of the Libra symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


Expect more: Opportunities to travel, explore, and expand your horizons. Jupiter in Gemini wants you to be ready for adventure, to keep a bag packed with snacks and a passport and make sure you’ve got someone to water your plants. If you can’t travel this month, it’s an excellent time to take a class, learn a language, or pick up that thick book you’ve been meaning to finish. The most restorative thing you can do right now is remember there’s more to life than what you already know of it.

Queer horoscopes: Stylized image of the Scorpio symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


Expect more: Depth of connection, emotional honesty, and opportunities to let go of shit you’ve been carrying around too long. Jupiter moving to Gemini means you’re more aware of that part of your nature that will suffer no fools—you’re ready to go deep or go home and you should expect friends, lovers, and colleagues to treat you with the honesty and respect we all deserve. As you unburden yourself from old patterns, old habits, and old pain you’ll be opening up to much better experiences in the future. Don’t be afraid to let go of something that’s dragging out or dragging you down—there’s more joy to be had by saying goodbye (even if it’s just to some clothes that don’t fit you anymore).

Queer horoscopes: Stylized image of the Sagittarius symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


Expect more: Intimacy, big shared life plans, saying yes. With Jupiter’s move to Gemini you’re experiencing expansion and growth in your most important relationships—your ride-or-die BFF, your platonic life partner, your stable poly triad, your bandmate, your queer land collective—all the people you rely on and who rely on you. You may feel more ready now to commit, to take on responsibilities, and to trust that your beloved/s are going to have your back, too. Notice what feels possible now, celebrate the love you have, and remember you don’t have to move too fast.

Stylized image of the Capricorn symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


Expect more: Joy in daily pleasures and routines, feeling able to meet the day’s demands, and rekindling of interest in a worthwhile act of service. As Jupiter moves to Gemini it’s lighting up the part of you that knows how to move through time with skill and attention instead of just feeling buried under a mountain of to-do lists. You’ll be better attuned to what actually needs doing, what isn’t your responsibility, and how to enjoy all the small moments. There’s also a good chance you’ll reconnect to something—a cause, an idea, a creative project, a healing modality—that you’ve always loved and now feel ready to deepen into.

Stylized image of the Aquarius symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


Expect more: Creativity, flirtation, and time to explore both. It can be easy to discount “fun” as frivolous while there is so much crisis in the world, and I’m not telling you to stop pursuing justice or struggling with the harder ethics and issues of our times. But while you’re in that for the long haul, this month would like to offer you a little treat—like some oranges and a cookie from the snack and hydration station along a marathon. Jupiter in your fifth house stimulates the desire to feel passionately about what you’re doing, and to make room for pleasure, play, and possibly some romance along the way.

Queer horoscopes: Stylized image of the Pisces symbol over an abstract freeform purple shape


Expect more: Coziness, shoes-off-slippers-on, texting “sorry I’m staying in for the night” at 6pm. This month offers you glorious reconnection to your inner world—the places in your mind and body that make you happy to be here. Let yourself slow down a little, knowing there’s still urgency in the world worth showing up for. Remember that you get to inhabit these moments in your life fully. Come back home to yourself.

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Corina Dross

Corina Dross is an astrologer, artist, and writer who spends as much time as possible in libraries or under trees. They offer astrological consultations, intuitive guidance, and creative coaching to clients worldwide. Corina is also one-half of a sibling art collaboration, Abacus Corvus. You can learn about their current work and offerings at www.flaxandgold.com.

Corina has written 106 articles for us.

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