Put These 13 Days of A+ Discord Events on Your Gay Agendas

For the unitiated, the 13 Days of A+ is our annual celebration of our A+ members without whom we wouldn’t be here. The 13 Days is just what it sounds like — thirteen consecutive days of A+ content and virtual events. Why do this? Because Autostraddle is reader-supported indie queer media. That means that we can make editorial decisions not just based on what will sell ads or get clicks, but on what you, our community want and need. Reader support — in other words, the support of A+ members — is the whole reason we can keep it weird! And we’re incredibly grateful for you!

This year, for the first time ever, for the 13 Days of A+ of 2022, we’re going to run one of our pop-up Discord servers FOR THE WHOLE THIRTEEN DAYS. This means the server will go live on December 13th, and it will go “poof” into the snowy night on December 26th. It’s beautiful in its ephemerality, so don’t wait for it to pass you by. It’s a chance for everyone to come together at once, to chat, to share their holigay celebrations, to meet each other, and then, we say goodbye until we meet again.

AND this time, we’re going to have not one, not two, but FOUR events happening on the server. Maybe one or all of them will appeal to you! I hope to see you at as many as your heart and schedule lead you to attend.

Ye Olde 13 Days of A+ Pop-Up Discord Events Schedule

December 13th: The A+ Pop-Up Discord Opens!
10am PST / 1pm EST / 6pm GMT / 7pm CET / 2am (next day) HKT / 4:30am (next day) ACDT

Directions for logging in will appear in an A+ post on this site and in an email sent to A+ members.

December 13th: A+ Read a Fucking Book Club with Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya
5pm PST / 8pm EST

We’re reading Helen House, we’re talking with our own managing editor about her writing and we’re keeping the spirit of spooky season alive as we move forward into winter. Read more about the event here! Don’t worry if you can’t make it. You’ll be able to read back in the chat as long as the discord is open and we’ll be publishing the transcript in the A+ vertical on the site, too!

December 15th: Snow Globe Making Workshop with Laneia and Kayla
2pm PST / 5pm EST

Bring your hot cocoa and your craft supplies. We’re going to dive head first into the glittering, magical, snowy world of Discord Voice channels in which Laneia and Kayla will stream their snow globe making workshop live (with generated captions). Keep an eye out for Laneia’s post all about this and a list of supplies to get ahead of time, publishing tomorrow! We’ll be recording this, too, in case you can’t make it live.

December 16th: The L Word Gen Q Episode 5 Watch-Along With the Cast of To L and Back: Generation Q
6pm PST / 9pm EST

That’s right. We’re all going to get on Discord, press play at the same time, and watch episode 5 of the latest season of The L Word together with Analyssa, Drew and Riese — not to mention that other members of the team will likely be there, too! (At least Heather and me for two.) When Leisha Hailey and Kate Moennig said on the Pants Podcast that The L Word was best watched communally, they were right, and that is JUST what we’re going to do. Why episode 5? It just happened to fall within the 13 Days and there is no further logic beyond that. So buckle your seatbelts (especially if you’re driving to see your new girlfriend while thinking about your ex wife) and get ready for some talking, laughing, loving, breathing, fighting, fucking, crying, drinking, riding, winning, losing, cheating, kissing, thinking, dreaming — but together, as a community.

AND WE DID NOT FORGET ABOUT OUR FRIENDS ACROSS THE POND! This watch-along was timed with our members in different GMT and CET in mind, thought up by the incomparable Sally.

December 22nd: A+ Watchalong: Lost & Delirious, hosted by Sally Neate
11am PST / 2pm EST / 7pm GMT / 8pm CET

As we nestle cozily into the holigays, what better way to celebrate than with a watchalong to a 20-year-old lesbian classic that is not in any way seasonally adjacent?

There is no good reason why Lost & Delirious is so embedded in queer culture, yet somehow it is. We’ve talked about it, we’ve emulated it, so why not watch the damn thing…together!

I’ll be looking for your most chaotic conversation contributions on the A+ Discord as we attempt to solve such mysteries as “whatever happened to Mischa Barton’s career?” and “Why does Riese insist on excluding this film on her list of dead TV lesbians?”

What’s more, for the first time, this Autostraddle watchalong will be during UK and Europe evening time! Obviously, folks in the US are also welcome to join during their morning/early afternoon – what better way to eat your lunch than to the sound of a shrieking raptor? – Sally

In the UK, this film available for rental through Amazon Prime for the grand sum of 99p (there are two listings for some reason, here’s the cheaper one), or via Google/Apple for £2.49.

Not yet an A+ member? There is no better time to join! A+ starts at just $4 a month or $30 for a whole freaking year, and honestly, with all the cool shit you get plus the fact that you’re supporting indie queer media, we basically cannot think of a better deal in existence. You should be a member. That’s all I’m saying!

Lastly, while this is NOT happening on the A+ Pop-Up Discord, we will be hosting a live generative writing workshop for A+ members with Autostraddle writer shea wesley martin on December 21st. Since you have your calendar out, I thought I would let you know! Spots will be limited, but there will be a separate DIY module for those who cannot make the workshop. More info in a separate post coming soon!

Alright, wishing each and every A+ member the happiest of holigays — or at the very least, wishing you a heck of a lot of strength as we cling collectively to the side of this cliff we appear to be on. Regardless, let’s take some time to celebrate being together. On December 13th at 10am PST, 1pm EST, the discord will be made available to you via a post on this site and in an email going out to members and it won’t close until December 26th at 12 pm PST.

See you so soon my friends!

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

Join AF+!


Nico Hall is a Team Writer for Autostraddle (formerly Autostraddle's A+ and Fundraising Director and For Them's Membership and Editorial Ops person.) They write nonfiction both creative — and the more straightforward variety, too, as well as fiction. They are currently at work on a secret longform project. Nico is also haunted. You can find them on Twitter and Instagram. Here's their website, too.

Nico has written 234 articles for us.


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