Pop Culture Fix: Stephanie Beatriz and Daphne Rubin-Vega are Confirmed Girlfriends in “In The Heights”

Okay so my co-workers have spent the last three days explaining the concept of the show Marriage or Mortgage to me AND I CANNOT BELIEVE IT! I actually thought Shelli was making it up when she first mentioned the gay couple on it, like some kind of flash fiction about how dramatic lesbians are — but no! It’s a real show where people choose to have a wedding or a literal HOUSE. Do y’all know about it? I’m going to make the entire team write about it as soon as the fundraiser is over, so stand by for that. In the meantime, here’s a Monday Pop Culture Fix for you!

+ The full trailer for In The Heights is here, and both Carmen and Drew want you to all caps know that Daphne Rubin-Vega and Stephanie Beatriz are confirmed girlfriends. 

+ Also the intrepid sleuthing of our TV Team never fails to delight me.

+ Stephanie Beatriz on introducing queer elements to In The Heights with two fan-favorite characters.

+ The 63rd Annual Grammy Awards turned out to be the queerest in years!

+ Beyonce became the most awarded woman ever at the Grammys.

+ Here’s your full list of 2021 Oscar nominations.

+ Lilly Wachowski teams with OTV Studio to amplify marginalized voices.

+ The Wilds’ Mia Healey calls on Hollywood to make more LGBTQ+ inclusive projects.

+ Get yourself a boa like Harry Styles at the Grammys.

+ Russian Doll is coming back for season two, now with 100% more Annie Murphy.

+ Cynthia Erivo did a mini-concert at the Genius: Aretha drive-in premiere.

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Heather Hogan

Heather Hogan is an Autostraddle senior editor who lives in New York City with her wife, Stacy, and their cackle of rescued pets. She's a member of the Television Critics Association, GALECA: The Society of LGBTQ Entertainment Critics, and a Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer critic. You can also find her on Twitter and Instagram.

Heather has written 1718 articles for us.


  1. Ok, so I just read into what Marriage or Mortgage is actually about for the first time. Because reality shows are so wild, I assumed that the concept was that the producers were supplying them with either a dream wedding or a dream house. And I was thinking, “Why would anyone choose the wedding?! Get a free house and get married later!” But apparently it’s just a show about couples deciding which expensive thing to spend their limited funds on.

    That just sounds depressing.

    But I’d still choose the house.

    • I agree, I’d rather have the house. If one has a friends or family with a nicer house, that could be used for the wedding.

      • I would also rather have the house. A wedding is one day and then it’s over; a house is necessary and can potentially last your entire life! This show sounds dumb but also like I would just spend the whole show yelling at my TV at the people who choose the wedding. (Does anyone choose the wedding? If so, they’re dumb.)

  2. Apparently “Legends of Tomorrow” shot a goodbye scene between Zari 1.0 and Charlie where Zari decides to go for it and kisses Charlie. But then they chickened out and left it on the cutting room floor.

  3. They can put gays in marriage or mortgage but that doesn’t make it better that netflix invested in that instead of more ODAAT.

  4. wow did i need something to look fwd to! cannnnot wait to see In The Heights! I won’t have my vaccine yet tho . . . . can it stay in theaters all year???? I wanna see it in a theater!

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