Feature image by Zanele Muholi. All of the photographs on NSFW Sundays are taken from various tumblrs and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the tumblrs and photographers who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email bren [at] autostraddle dot com and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.
Welcome to NSFW Sunday!

@sayhellojess_ in Harlow and Fox lingerie, shot by @jarvdesign at @14lsq for @bundressed
+ Nipple piercings are (fun and) getting more popular:
“Today, the trend is seeing a seemingly out-of-nowhere rise in popularity, according to local piercing shops. Adam Block, the general manager and senior piercer at Brooklyn’s The End is Near, says he’s seen a huge increase in the number of nipple piercing in the past year for women between the ages of 18 and 25. On the day he spoke with Broadly, Block had done four by the shop’s close, though he says it’s not unusual to do eight in a day. He estimates 80 percent of those are for women.
As to why the holes in our nipples are piquing our interest again, the reasons likely mimic those from the Victorian age: aesthetics, cultural status, and sexual arousal.”
+ Also #freethenipple.

Loreta, part of a portrait series of women reaching orgasm by photographer Albert Pocej via dangerous minds
+ The lingerie industry has a problem with skin-toned underwear:
“[T]there’s no denying that the fashion and beauty industries have a ‘nude’ problem. For years companies have upheld whiteness as the norm by shelling out ‘nude’ or ‘flesh-colored’ products like pantyhose and bras exclusively in pale tones of beige and tan. […]
Cora Harrington, the woman behind the inclusive lingerie blog The Lingerie Addict, said that although there have been some gains in lingerie, it’s still far behind other industries today.
‘The good news is the lingerie industry has made more progress in the last 18 months than in the previous six years combined,’ says Harrington. ‘The bad news is the lingerie industry is still so conservative, homogenous, and hard to break into that they’re lagging behind the beauty and fashion industries in terms of representation at nearly every level — from designers to models to bloggers.’”

via Nubian Skin via Racked
+ Why is winking sexy?:
“Eyes are the medium through which you appreciate the physicality of the object of your sexual attraction, and they respond in both voluntary and involuntary ways when someone or something is turning you on. In the 1960s and 70s, biopsychologist Eckhard Hess founded pupillometry, or the measurement of pupil diameter in psychology, upon discovering that your pupils dilate when looking at something sexually attractive. In Love Signals: A Practical Field Guide to the Body Language of Courtship, Dr. David Givens, director of the Center for Nonverbal Studies, writes that ‘rapid eyeblink (or ‘eyelash flutter’) means you’ve raised the blinker’s level of psychological arousal,’ so “faster blinking may reflect sexual excitement.” And the longer you look into those dilated, fast-blinking eyes, the better your chance of laying the foundation for a passionate, trusting relationship.”

Ashley Graham via lasmujeresrealestienencurvas
+ Wondering how to date a trans woman? At Out, Autostraddle’s Mey Rude has some tips.
+ Porn stars side-hustle.
+ Adult sites could become more secure.

via deviant femme
+ At Oh Joy Sex Toy, Erika Moen reviewed Uberlube, a silicone lube basically the same as any other silicone lube but slightly more expensive because of its packaging.
+ Lesbian sex is so confusing right?!? It definitely must be a result of “a vapor which, condensed, generates in the labia heat and an itch which only dissolve and become cold through friction and orgasm” (or these other historical theories).

@anthem_annie via rodeohs
I used to have a nipple piercing, and sometimes I miss it, but it had a horrible tendency to get caught on cross-body purse straps and lacy bras.
I used to have my nipples pierced and mine got caught on things a lot, too. One time, I’d lost a lot of weight, so my bras didn’t fit quite right anymore and had a tendency to gap in the cups and slide around a lot. I bent over and my bra shifted all around and when I stood up again, the edge of the cup snagged up under the end of barbel in my left nipple and ripped it a bit. Screaming and dry heaving at the same time was an interesting experience.
I currently have both. This is a nightmare.
I’m choking a little just reading that. Were yours vertical? Mine was, and I think it was part of the problem.
Hooray! For Mey! And her contribution of helpful advice about possibly dating a transfemale lesbian. Good advice. And I would like her to also give us translesbians advice about how to think and act when possibly dating a cis lesbian! Thanks Mey!
article on why winking is sexy made me think of this (because of course it did)
Ye she needs nipple piercing like theese https://www.etsy.com/listing/465480576/nipple-jewelry-opal-glitter-centered?ref=shop_home_active_9