NSFW Sunday Likes Lace and Fishnets

Welcome to NSFW Sunday! Let’s begin with 50 pictures of girls in lace and fishnets.


+ The Duet is a vibrator with 16 GB of memory. I don’t know whether this is a geeky thing or a sexy thing or a loving hidden storage thing, but it’s also USB powered and runs silently for four hours, so.

+ If you’re having or worry you’re having bad sex, there’s a way to fix that. And if you’re feeling insecure in your relationship, you can/should fix that, too.

+ Or maybe you just need new vanilla ideas for when your bedroom / backseat / bathroom stall at a lesbian bar includes you and a naked lady. Replace penis with strap-on in #11, of course.

via queerbrownxx

+ “It’s really sad when you look up “fat sex how to” or “bbw sex guide” it only takes about 5 entries before you get to either degrading porn or weight loss tips. Ugh. And then, of course, there’s all the body-negative bullshit to wade through. Way to remove sexual agency from fat people!

Well, fat people have sex too, I’m here to tell you, and it can be as varied and exciting as it is for everyone else. Here’s some tips and tricks to explore sex whether you’re chubby, thick, zaftig, plus-sized, or just plain fat.”

Read the rest of KittyStryker’s “F*ck Me, I’m Fat: A Hot Guide to Fat Sex” at BlogHer. You can / should also check out Tasha Fierce’s archived columns at Bitch. And I will also take any opportunity ever to link to Queer Fat Femme.

+ Under the category of hope for the/your/my future, a study published in the Journal of the American Geriatric Society found that 67% of women between ages 60-69 were moderately to very satisfied with their sex lives. So did 60% of 70-79 year olds and 61% of 80-89 year olds: “Contrary to our earlier hypothesis, sexual satisfaction was not significantly associated with age. Although the levels of sexual activity and functioning did vary significantly, depending on the woman’s age, their perceived quality of life, successful aging and sexual satisfaction remained positive.”

+ Storm Moon Press is dedicating three erotic romance anthologies to trans*-positive fiction in 2012. Maybe you would like to submit to one.

via lesbiantemptations.tumblr.com

Disclaimer: All of the photographs on NSFW Sundays are taken from various tumblrs and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the tumblrs and photographers who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email our tech director at cee [at] autostraddle dot com and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.

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  1. Autostraddle! How did you make something so relevant to my interests? Lesbians + lingerie are two of my favorite things (both together and apart)– hence my tumblr: thelingerielesbian.tumblr.com.

    Now I will be adding some of these photos (although I already have most of them).

  2. Thanks, Autostraddle, for always making me feel sexy. I really never felt sexy until I started visiting this site. You’ve taught me that not only can I be a sexually confident lesbian in a heteronormative world, but more importantly to my own sense of identity, a sexually confident fat woman in a thin girl’s world. Pictures of absolutely fucking smoking women are always included in articles/NSFW Sunday posts, and it really makes a difference for me!

    Thanks, I dunno what I’d do without you guys.

  3. I was very turned on by all the pics. I love them. SO much. Still turned on. However, the very final pic in the post just makes me…so happy. It’s so serene, beautiful, and lovely. Happy tears.

  4. I feel like Autostraddle dropped the ball. All these beautiful, sexy, alluring ladies and not ONE is plus size? Even though there’s a plus-plug at the bottom of the post? Boo.

  5. Maybe by the “Size 12 rule.” I suppose I was hoping for some more tangible fleshiness. A little or, ya know, big roll here or there. Perhaps a size 20, 22 in an intimate and lacy embrace.

  6. So glad I’m not the only one left wanting more of that last picture.

    I, too, am not a lesbian, but adore the female form. Still exploring that side…

    Seriously enjoyed everything I read here though. Will be checking out NSFW Sundays from now on.

  7. Loving the fat sex tips section, NSFW Sunday!

    And thanks for this! “And I will also take any opportunity ever to link to Queer Fat Femme.”

    I’ve got a couple of sexy posts up my sleeve coming soon.

  8. ohhh my goodness someone MUST tell me where I can get panties like in the fourth picture so i can buy them for my girlfriend!! Please help me find those, somebody! anybody! haha..but seriously.

  9. Oh Autostraddle, why do you have to ruin my NSFW Sunday with hetero-normative fetishes?
    It’s not that I don’t appreciate lacey knickers on a sexy girl, and not that I haven’t been tracking down a pair of those Agent Provocateur undies for months ( thank you Sweet! ) but there’s something I find deeply depressing about the fetish for suspenders and stockings.
    They don’t sit nicely under slinky clothes, they have a tendency to come undone at awkward moments and they’re uncomfortable to sit on.
    Someone please explain the attraction?

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