Galaxy G Acrylic G-Spot Dildo Review

This week we have a g-spot toy from Good Vibrations.

Galaxy G Acrylic G-Spot Dildo

+ Size: 9 ½” x 1 3/8″ (24.13cm x 3.49cm)
+ Material: Acrylic
+ Price: $22.

Description: Discover the galactic greatness of the Galaxy G-spot stimulator. Designed for solo or partner play, either end can be used to stroke the G-spot with varying degrees of pressure. Made of easy-to-clean acrylic, the Galaxy includes pleasure balls for out-of-this-world sensation.

Review: If you want a toy that simulates your G-spot in a very particular way and costs about $20 while doing it, then the Galaxy G is probably for you. As it turns out, it wasn’t for me, so let’s talk about that.

Good Vibrations has the following to say about the G-spot:

“The G-spot is located just inside the vagina on the front wall of the vaginal barrel (about one to two inches inside, toward the bellybutton). To find the G-spot, apply a water-based lube to your fingers and insert them, making a “come hither” motion with your fingers. The G-spot may be easier to find when a woman is aroused by sex toys, foreplay, or a steamy adult movie because then it swells and becomes firm to the touch. Although every woman has a G-spot, not all women respond the same way to G-spot stimulation. Women who enjoy having their G-spot stimulated say that their orgasms can be “mind-blowing,” and some even ejaculate a prostatic-like fluid upon orgasm. Some women may find that this type of stimulation produces a feeling of discomfort, and some women say that G-spot stimulation feels no different than stimulation of other parts of the vaginal barrel.”

Additionally, [anonymous] has the following to say about the G-spot:

Q. Are g-spot orgasms real? i think i’m unable to cum just with vaginal stimulation, am i seriously missing something?

A. They are real, yes. but you’re not ‘seriously missing’ anything. worrying about g-spot orgasms is like me losing sleep over whether or not a volvo has a tight turning radius. I don’t have a volvo. I have a nissan.

Additionally, I’m pretty sure this is the best metaphor I’ve ever come up with.

So, that’s what we’re working with.

If, like me, you have not had a lot of receiving penetrative sex of the strap-on- and/or penis-based variety, the toy might hurt like a motherfucker, and you will wish your girlfriend would stop trying to help you write anonymous online sex toy reviews and would instead just fuck you the usual way.

While the description says it’s “for solo or partner play,” I suspect that it’s better alone for two reasons: first, it is harder to reach your G-spot with your own fingers than it is to reach it with someone else’s, and second, if you attempt to use it with a partner who likes combined penetration and clit action, and you try to deliver said clit action with your tongue, you wind up with the toy (which, to hit Reviewer 2’s G-spot, was only about half-way inside) punching you in the throat every time you do something right.

Reviewer 2: If you have had a lot of penetrative sex, then it feels good in the way that having something inside you when you’re aroused feels good, but a more classically shaped dildo might have felt better.

In solo play, I came away unconvinced that this toy was for me, in that I have had more success giving myself a G-spot orgasm with my own fingers. Further, while the toy feels okay going in, the bulbs make it difficult to pull OUT – your muscles up there naturally clench, and there might come a brief time when you think, “Oh shit! Is this thing gonna come out? But I used lots of lube! Oh. Okay, ow.” Overall, the solo experience might leave you wondering whether you’ve done something wrong, as what was shaping up to be some fun personal time does a swan dive of death while you attempt to stimulate your G-spot with something that is infinitely less sensitive than your fingers and which does not provide team assistance by vibrating. Then you might, after an initial struggle, pull the thing out and fuck yourself the usual way, with a big sigh of relief.

Disclaimer: All of the photographs on NSFW Sundays are taken from various tumblrs and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the tumblrs and photographers who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email our tech director at cee [at] autostraddle dot com and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.

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  1. Thank you so much for the curly hair gallery. It took me a long time to accept the fact that alt. life hairstyles just would not work for me due to my curly locks (at least not without at least an hour of intensive flat ironing). It’s awesome to see some representation.


  2. (also i’m probably going to be searching for cutie number two for the rest of my life. sigh.)

  3. I definitely blame my very curly hair for my lack of ability to pull off an alt-lifestyle haircut, meaning I must resort to other ways to let my fellow homogays know “HEY I’M QUEER AND I’D LIKE TO MAKE OUT.”

    I have fond hopes that somedays I will date a badass girl who likes my curly hair.

  4. I flatiron my hair and then sometimes a girl likes my hair curly and I am always surprised. But this gallery makes me feel pretty good about my very eastern european curls. :)

    • I wish I knew where my curls were from! I am a Euro-mutt…thus far I have only been able to narrow it down to the side of the family that’s English/FrancoGerman but no more specific than that.

      • Nothing wrong with Euromutt curls, though prolly specific ethnic hair advice isn’t very useful to you.

        When in doubt, blame the French.

        • Oh yeah, I just wish I knew specifically. Haha maybe I will blame the French, who knows. People always ask me if I am random ethnicities though- I’ve gotten Greek, Italian, and Spanish frequently (because of my very dark brown, very curly hair). None of which are in my background lol.

      • “Euro-mutt” makes you sound so adorable that I want to take you home and feed you croissants and perogies and vino and have conversations in French and German and Italian.

        So basically my point is that the you I just invented in my head has really great hair, so I assume you do, too.

  5. I can’t even express how much I love girls with curly hair. Cute girls with curly hair are just completely fucking mesmerizing. Also, I love you, Autostraddle.

  6. YES, YES, YES. I LOVE girls with curls. I think it’s the whole wanting want you don’t have thing but whatever it is curls are so fucking sexy.

    Also, that volvo illustration is one of the best I’ve ever heard. Which confirms why I should keep reading formspring.

  7. Ah, curly hair. If you can’t change it, rock it. That’s how I accepted being unable to sport hairstyles.

  8. Feeling n°1 : the curly hair gallery is relevant to my interest. Autostraddle I love you.
    Feeling n°2 : gosh that dildo looks scary! I commend the reviewers for their bravery.
    Feeling n°3 : the bunny story totally ruined my sexy mood, it’s so wrong on so many levels. Now I’ll have to intensely study the gallery once again to try to make it better. Wait, is this all a carefully crafted plan??

  9. Awwww yeah curly hair.

    It took me until I was 18 to get past my white-envy/hair-straightening stage. Now I work my African heritage every day. Black pride, worldwide, and all that :)

    Now my biggest conundrum is deciding whether shave my head or grow out my afro…

    • Grow out your afro, trust me you’ll love it! I have a fro now (I need to change my profile pic lol.) and the curls are really cute plus the girls can not keep their hands out of it.

      I think natural hair has become the “alternative” hair-style for black girls. Or that may be my wishful thinking seeing as how the girl with dreads who works at my local whole foods is straight. Unfortunately.

  10. F**k yeah, curly hair! Not me, I’ve only got a messy wave, but most of the girls I’ve dated/had an interest in had some sort of gorgeous curly hair.

    Curls = decidedly sexy.

  11. Curls, curls, curls they are so sexy! Nearly every girl I crush on has curls in some form, fashion, or way.

    And that dildo looks…uncomfortable.

  12. As a butch with (very closely cropped) Jew curls who is dating a femme with (not closely cropped) Jew curls, I just have to say that there are quite a few girls in these pics who look more like they have wavy or straight hair that has been curled. And where are the masculine-of-center curly-haired dykes? I feel super left out.

  13. yessss! this grrrl with unmanageable curls is so appreciative of all the love for curls!

  14. Repping the curly hair since ’93 (Y) and that dildo does indeed look painful, also the description ‘the vaginal barrel’ …really? Barrel? If someone referred to mine as a barrel I think i’d slap them

  15. Yay! I love the galleries on NSFW Sunday! And super hot curly-haired girls FTW!

    Also, I don’t have a g-spot, I have a Subaru.

    • I totally have that cut! It looks trés cute(If I do say so myself). I also left enough hair so that I can fold some back and cover the shaved section, when I need to look more “respectable.” I wish I had an easy way to post pics of my cut.

      Curly hair rocks

  16. Oh good, now Alice can bring nipple clamps in her carry on. But does an oversized strap on count as a club-like object? So confusing!!

    • That is a good theory. But do gay men has inherently less masculine faces? I guess I should read if this study involved looking at men’s faces or interacting with them in some other way (which could provide more clues and signals to their masculinity).

  17. I’ve always liked the idea of an alt haircut but quite honestly I love my long curly mane. If I cut it I’d have to actually work n style it. Also the I have a Subaru not a g spot comment had me cracking up. Lol

  18. curly hair is GREAT for alt life hairstyles! You can cut it short and leave a teeny tiny bit around your ears a bit longer so that they make this cute single little curl. I’ve seen girls with shaved heads do this and there is just that one curl and it’s so cute! Or you could have an undercut, or have it be asymmetrical which is what I have, see:

    that’s the short side and I tried to do the little curls next to the ear but my hair doesn’t work for that

    and here’s the other side:

    if you want a certain haircut, don’t be afraid just get it because it will grow back anyway if you don’t like it.

  19. On the gaydar/ovulation thing, ovulation is crazy. Studies suggest that the closer a woman is to ovulation (i.e., the closer she is to peak fertility), the more attractive she is. Comparing pictures of a woman ovulating to when she isn’t, people pick the one of when she’s ovulating as being more attractive. Another funny thing about ovulating: makes you horny as hell. Am I right, ladies?!

    • So true on the ovulation/horny correlation. I didn’t know ovulation LITERALLY made you look more attractive! That’s a trip, I thought it had to do more with pheromones and how she acts etc…

      But ovulation is kind of mysterious, almost magical. Which about sums up my feelings about women in general.

    • You’re right but that still doesn’t stop me from wanting to rip my uterus out with my bare hands every month. alskfjd;skfjs;l

  20. Hooray curly haired girls! My hair is terribly curly and so it is wonderful to see some representation.

  21. YES! Thanks for the curly hair love. I’m feelin’ it.

    Is that ’cause I’m ovulating? ;-)

  22. I am a twin, I have curly hair and my sister’s is straight, Whilst growing up, we referred to the difference by being ‘Curly Kirsty’ and ‘Straight Anna’ Oh the irony…

      • You used words to express something other than their literal meaning so, yes, I would say it’s like rain on your wedding day.

        • But rain on your wedding day isn’t ironic. It’s just unlucky. Unless you’re getting married to Helios, the Greek sun god. That’d be ironic.

          • Not really. Are you talking about weddings now or curly hair? Neither are really ironic.

          • I feel like I could explain it to you but I also feel we would both be really tired by the end. On a mostly unrelated note, I think I like your hair. I can’t tell. It might be in a hood.

          • I felt like we would be really tired too, even though etymology/semantics is really interesting. And thank you, it is in a hood. Calms down the curls, heh.

  23. You guys! I have super curly hair which I thought could never be shaped into alternative lifestyle haircute but today I went to the hairdresser and told her to do what she wanted to it. Got home to my (lesbian) roommate who greeted me with, “whoah, you have a dyke cut”. It seems I have an accidental queermo haircut! This is the best!

  24. The curly hair gallery made my day/week/life. MY HAIR IS SO CURLY AND IT FEELS UNDER-APPRECIATED.

  25. Cute girls AND curly hair? This post is doubly relevant to my interests!
    wrt curly hair and alt lifestyle haircuts – can this be done? I recently cut my curly hair into a bob. I think it looks pretty crazy most days anyways, so I just pretend like it is alternative and totally supposed to be that way. But it sure would be nice to have some suggestions for an actually on purpose curly alt haircut.

  26. YES to curly alt lifestyle haircuts – seriously, asymmetry, shaving, any of that shit looks amazing with curly hair. I’ve seen it many times, it works. I have straight hair and have had curly hair envy forever. Y’ALL ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!

    Unrelated note: what’s up with the upper lip size study? primarily Scottish women? I don’t want to assume that those primarily scottish women were not women of color, but…I have doubts, and would like to friendly remind people that studies connecting physical attributes to sexual prowess, desirability, orgasm-capabilities etc., are often crap, to put it nicely. Ok I’m done.

  27. Shit son. I wish my hair did that. SO CUTE.
    And I don’t want that dildo anywhere near my vaginal barrel. Sheesh.

  28. Thank goodness for this post. I have obscenely curly hair and always wondered how people would be able to tell I was a lesbian since I don’t have a typical lesbian haircut. Oh well! Curly hair is hot.

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