Guys, Passover starts tonight — have you binge-eaten enough bread this week? Passover is a holiday based around tradition; there are things we do each year because our religion specifically instructs us to (like drinking the wine in a reclining position), and there are things we do because it’s just the way our family has always done it (like watching “Rugrats Passover”). No matter how you choose to commemorate the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt, it’s awfully likely that you will be consuming a Manischewitz product of some kind in the coming week or so. In the interest of science, I have taken it upon myself to review all of the products listed on Manischewitz’s website, and rank them in order of importance, deliciousness, and general necessity. L’chaim!
* I couldn’t find all of the products listed on Manischewitz’s website at my local Hasidic grocery store, so I opted to cast judgement on them anyway. My judgey Jewish ancestors would be proud of this decision.
** Also I skipped a couple of things, like canned corn and tahini, which are probably fine. Sorry.
1. Macaroons
Passover is one of the most important holidays on the Jewish calendar — a time we celebrate by eating absolutely disgusting dessert foods. The only Passover-appropriate food that is so delicious I’d actually eat it any other time of the year is macaroons, those gorgeous coconutty cake bites full of magic and rainbows. I haven’t eaten anything with eggs in over a decade, but I admit to still drooling a little when I think about these macaroons. Manischewitz boast fifteen different kinds of macaroons (all gluten-free), including pistachio orange, red velvet, rocky road and cappuccino chip, but the obvious winner is the classic chocolate.
2. Mandlen
Obviously we are going to be talking a lot about matzo ball soup and the elements within here, but let’s take a minute to talk about mandlen, Passover’s version of soup nuts. They’re basically the best. Obviously you’re eating matzo ball soup for the matzo balls, but the mandlen absorb the broth perfectly while still maintaining their chewy integrity. During the festive meal, I admit to keeping a small amount of these on hand to eat dry, because they don’t even need soup. The soup needs them.
3. Matzo Meal / Matzo ball Soup Mixes / Chicken Broth
As a young vegetarian, I would break once a year for my grandma’s matzoball soup, and to this day I regret nothing. Matzo ball soup is a perfect food, easily veganized, and apparently now available gluten-free. I don’t know what a gluten-free matzo ball is (maybe just a sphere of air?) but I’m glad Passover is making an effort to be more inclusive, I guess.
4. Falafel
Falafel is delicious, in case you were unaware. If I’m being honest, I prefer to keep the Trader Joe’s pre-made ones in the freezer and heat them up at will, but hey — if you’re willing to make your own from scratch or a mix, I respect you for your obvious commitment. Somehow, despite being made of chickpeas and matzo meal, these dudes still aren’t kosher for Passover, which makes no sense. LET ME LIVE.
5. Dried Fruit
There is really nothing bad I can say about dried apricots, and your grandparents are probably pretty stoked about dried prunes.
6. Matzo

via Shutterstock
Did anybody else go to a Hebrew school that made them sing a song that went, “I like matzo, matzo, munchy crunchy matzo, I like lotsa lotsa lotsa… matzo” or was that just me? Matzo is a really fun novelty the first or second night of Passover, and then by the end of the holiday your insides have dried up and stopped working and you feel like you’ve been living on wallpaper paste. Passover hasn’t started yet, so I have only rosy, positive feelings about this particular product. Manischewitz offers several varieties, including gluten-free, spelt and organic matzo. Despite all of these innovations, all of your sandwiches will break in the wrong places and your PBJ will probably spill jelly down the front of your shirt.
7. Chocolate Seder Plate
I was actually super pissed when I couldn’t find this at my local Hasidic grocery store, because it’s a fucking seder plate made out of chocolate. Every year I try to convince my friends or family to do something really weird for this year’s seder, like making everybody dress up as different items off the seder plate (I want to be the bitter herb), but this is even better. I don’t even care that it’s weird Manischewitz chocolate — this rules.
8. Gelt
Coins made out of chocolate. No complaints. A little worried about this Star of David-headed pirate(?!?!) grinning at me from the box though.
9. Apple Sauce
There’s not a damn thing wrong with apple sauce, but I’m not sure I trust Manischewitz to even get this one right. Has anybody had it? Is it full of secret matzo crumbles or what?
10. Potato Starch
I’m not saying I’d eat a heaping spoonful of it by myself, but potato starch is a solid substitute for cornstarch or even egg. Good for you, potato starch.
11. Candles
I mean, there’s nothing bad you can really say about candles? Burn responsibly. This is probably the closest I’ll get to neutral about anything on this list; it’s all downhill from here.
12. Soup Mixes
To be honest, if you’re going to make soup from a mix like this, you might as well just make soup from scratch, you know? This is halfway between prepping your own ingredients and opening a can. All of these flavors sound like things your grandparents would be enthusiastic about, like “lima bean and barley.”
13. Egg Noodles
They’re noodles. They go in soup. Why do they have to have egg in them? Nobody knows. They made them without gluten, why can’t they make them without egg? They do come in alphabet shapes, though, if you’d like to make your soup slightly more educational.
14. Biscotti
If you’re trying to eat kosher-for-Passover biscotti, you’re doing it all wrong.
15. Frolic Bears
They’re just creepy-shaped lollipop bears made out of chocolate, but something seems a little off about these dudes. The name is the most unsettling part. I wouldn’t want to run into any of these guys in a dark alley, but they’re not as gross as say, honeycake.
16. Chocolate Matzo
You can’t fool me, chocolate matzo. I know there’s matzo under there. Would you dip a slice of bread in chocolate and call it dessert? What makes you think you can get away with such nonsense?! You should be ashamed of yourself.
17. Marshmallows
I don’t want to rain on your parade, but I may as well tell you that these marshmallows are made with kosher gelatin, which comes from fish. You’re eating fish marshmallows. Have a nice day.
18. Farfel
The only farfel I really have experience with is the matzo kind, which seems to just be matzo crumbs thrown haphazardly into soup. I’m not sure this counts as a separate food, and I’m not about it.
19. Borscht
Borscht: It’s Not For Everyone.
20. Couscous
I didn’t know Manischewitz even made this, but it turns out they even make sauces for it! You can’t eat this for Passover, but you could probably buy a box and wait for a night when you feel the need to eat your feelings, and inhale a whole box of couscous while crying alone in the dark. I mean, this looks tasty. What?
21. Potato Pancake Mix
Latkes are delicious, but this is the wrong holiday. Strangely, they are listed as Kosher for passover anyway, and come in bougie flavors like garlic and rosemary. I dunno, serve these at your seder I guess? Go nuts.
22. Stuffing
I don’t like stuffing. Maybe you do. This kind is matzo farfel-based, so you know it’s extra flavorless. You could stuff your matzo with this stuffing and make an incredibly bland turducken.
23. Mandel Cuts
My sweet great aunt Gert used to periodically make mandel bread or mandelbrodt, basically an almond biscotti for Eastern European Jews. They were incredible, and although she was happy to share her recipe, nobody in my family has ever been able to replicate them perfectly. Manischewitz tried to make them, and theirs are made with matzo meal and cashews instead of almonds. Fail.
24. Potato Kugel Mix
As if you weren’t already eating enough super-dense, impossible-to-digest food at the seder, here’s a solid block of matzo meal and potato. You’re welcome.
25. Cake Mixes
At last we’ve arrived at honeycake. Passover desserts are an especially foul novelty. You know how gravity is really different on other planets, like how your weight is 2.54 times your normal weight on Jupiter? That’s what eating honeycake feels like.
26. Horseradish
They made it in a wasabi flavor and I still won’t eat it.
27. Chanukah House
You guys know that Chanukah isn’t even a gift-giving holiday, right? Like it’s incredibly not a big deal on the Jewish calendar, and we’ve been dressing it up as an alternative to Christmas for far too long. This is just one step closer — gingerbread houses, but made out of vanilla cookies. Have some self respect.
28. Potato Chips
Were you worried about having BBQ kettle chips that were certified kosher for Passover? Manischewitz’s got you, boo. At press time, there appeared to be no matzo involved in the creation of these chips.
29. Tam Tams
Yeah, I read Tim Tams at first too, and got really excited. Australia has these delicious textured chocolate biscuit things, and finally the Jews have them too — oh wait, no, they’re just little crackers. They’re not kosher for Passover though, so Manischewitz also came up with “Passover crackers,” which — let’s be serious — are just tiny matzos.
30. Cotton Candy
You and I both know that pre-packaged cotton candy is always weird and kind of flat. You may as well just buy yourself a cotton candy maker and have at it. You’ll be a hit at parties.
31. Pancake Mix
Who are you people trying to make kosher for Passover pancakes? Get the hell out of here.
32. Rice Cakes
I didn’t know Manischewitz even made rice cakes, but here we are. They’re made out of kosher for Passover rice, which seems sort of impossible — there are only five grains technically allowed on Passover, because they can be made into matzo (wheat, spelt, oats, rye and barley). There’s plenty of debate about whether or not rice is OK to eat during Pesach, but face it — you’re already eating a whole lot of tasteless, crunchy carbs this week. I can’t say I’d be terribly excited to see a rice cake by day 4 or 5.
33. Peanut Butter
The ingredients on this peanut butter are just peanuts and sugar. Isn’t there supposed to be an oil? Is this real?
34. Cereal
This cereal is straight-up terrifying:
First of all, our Star of David-headed friend is back, but now he’s a magician? And this is clearly some sort of Kosher ripoff of Cookie Crunch or something like that, but these just look like tiny discs of flavorless garbage, covered in ants. A quick glance at the ingredients confirms that the flakes are mostly tapioca starch and potato starch, with a little sugar and cocoa powder thrown in — a tiny bit of fiber, but barely any vitamins to speak of. Also available in Froot Loops ripoff, or chocolate Froot Loops ripoff.
35. Jell Bars, Truffles, Lollycones, Caramel Cashew Patties, Peppermint Patties, etc.
I’m looping all the chocolate confections in here: truffles, lollycones, caramel cashew patties, peppermint patties, but most of all those absolutely fucking inedible raspberry jell bars. First of all, the name drives me nuts — is it a play on The Bell Jar? In theory, they should be delicious, a splash of chewy raspberry-flavored goo inside a crisp chocolate exterior, but once you bite into it, everything goes wrong. It’s like biting into a decorative soap. Whoever decided this was an acceptable form of dessert was a sadist of the highest order. If anyone ever offers you one of these items, escape immediately; this person is trying to kill you.
36. Fruit Slices
Nobody likes these. Whoever came up with these sugary globs of pure misery went to a whole lot of trouble to get out of just eating a slice of a real fucking orange.
37. Gefilte Fish
When I was a kid, I read a book in my Hebrew School library called “The Carp in the Bathtub.” It’s about a bunch of kids in a Brooklyn tenament whose mom buys a carp with the intent of turning it into gefilte fish; since the markets are almost always out of carp by the time Passover rolls around, she buys this one early and keeps him in the bathtub. The kids end up growing really attached to the fish, and beg their parents to let them keep it. I don’t actually remember how the book ends, but I would way rather have a carp in my bathtub than a slimy ball of gelatinous goo. I recognize this is an unpopular opinion; my brother seriously eats gefilte fish all year long, but clearly my brother is gross.
38. Wine

via modern farmer
Manischewitz boast six different flavors of traditional kosher wine (elderberry, cherry, blackberry, extra heavy malaga, concord grape and medium dry concord), all listed on their website with boastful descriptions filled with phrases like “bursting with flavor” and “generous mouthfeel.” I was probably about 15 or so when my parents decided it was OK for me to sample the wine at our family’s seder, and I barely made it through one sip before spitting it all out and reverting back to sweet, sweet Kedem grape juice for the rest of the foreseeable future. Don’t ever do this to yourself if you don’t have to.
Oh my God, I got so excited for the Tam Tams! Whoever did that is cruel, cruel, cruel!
Noo, gefilte fish is delicious! Made fresh, with a grinder and actual fish? Amazing. I even love the stuff in the jar, but honestly, the stuff in the jar is one of my less-bad memories of growing up Orthodox, so my perceptions might be dubious…
Manischewitz wine is just a hangover in a bottle. Instant hangover, with no “drunk” on the way to make it worth it.
Gefilte fish exists as a vehicle for horseradish!
I’m not a full-on, balls-to-the-wall Jew (the fro says otherwise, and my mother’s Italian Catholic guilt has rubbed off on me and that says something else), so I might not be the “higher authority” for discussing this list, but…Gurl, those fruit slices need to be WAY HIGHER.
no they’re the worst for sure, fruit slices are the actual worst
you gotta be kidding me. FRUIT SLICES ARE THE BOMB DOT COM. i would eat those babies year round.
also i’ve never had the jell bars, but the jell rings are kind of great?
basically i don’t know why stef hates goodness.
I am also one of the few who like fruit slices. But the best dessert is this flourless chocolate torte we make that’s basically just a step away from fudge. In general, it’s best to keep away from the prepackaged dessert options…
I know that they’re just gelatin, sugar, and red dye #radioactive death, but I gotta have me my fruit slices or it just isn’t Pesach for me.
Oh, no. No, no, no. Macaroons are the devil. You peel off the aluminum-like top and are immediately hit with what smells like the women’s restroom at Applebee’s. You bite in and taste off-brand bulk candy. Because they’re roughly the density of the Oxford English Dictionary (Unabridged) your brain tricks you into thinking they’ll be really moist, so you’re both surprised and betrayed when you try to swallow and it feels like a mixture of sawdust and gravel. I would drink a whole bottle of Manischewitz wine before I so much as touched a macaroon.
CONTROVERSY! i like it. is it an aversion to coconut products in general or just these guys?
I love a homemade macaroon. These taste like Bubbie’s sock drawer & are about as moist as the desert. Maybe it’s symbolic. However, I would not subject myself to the bottle of Shewitz like Aaron above me. That’s so far beyond last resort I have no words. Even the smell gives me a migraine.
well these do come in chocolate, orange, and pistachio flavors too.
Agreed. The boxed macaroons are the worst. But the homemade are good. And so easy.
surprise! peanuts come with oil inside them!
It still doesn’t explain why they thought adding sugar was a good idea.
I admit, I have a soft spot for the wine because it comes around in the little cups at synagogue and it was like doing shots before I ever did shots with real alcohol. Tradition.
There is a lot of stuff on here that is not food, some of which I have not eaten, some of which I have eaten and regret.
Is it weird that I finally created an account to sing the praises of jelly fruit slices? Other than family, homemade macaroons, and matzah ball soup, the fruit slices are on the top of my Passover love. And no one else likes them, so I get them ALL! Also, gefilte fish!
Chag sameach.
Yes! I, too, love those. Let’s start a club!
I once spent hours (well like two) making a honey cake to discover that is just tastes like wet dense graham crackers.
every year i hunt for the chocolate seder plate, and every year i am disappointed. it’s like a microcosm of our people’s history, but with edible dishware instead of (inedible) eternal wandering!
how do you think our ancestors kept it from melting in the desert??
I have never seen the chocolate seder plate, but I think it may have to become my favorite of Maneshewitz’s offerings…
Im a little converned for absolutely LOVING the fruit slices. Haven’t has them since childhood, but I’m pretty sure they were my favorite part of passover.
Oof, my phone produces serious typos. Apologies. Concerned, had, I swear I’m not drunk.
I would like you to start reviewing all product lines of food, please. Even ones you’ve never tasted, like those British chips with the weird flavors like “Pickles & Shrimp.”
this is my destiny.
This post is just excellent and full of smiles.
Are you sure about the fish gelatin in the marshmallows? Because, it has pareve on it, which means it’s dairy free and meat free. Usually, in my experience if it has fish based product in it, there would be the word fish next to the OU or an F.
I see the macaroons, but no review of the chocolate or pistachio flavors(my family would always get the one chocolate, one pistachio, and one coconut)? I also noticed they make a brownie cake and a carrot cake, yes! Also, does anyone remember those Passover jello mix? They always tasted a bit off, but everywhere I went I’d always see it on the table.
Fish is parve. I’ve never seen a hekhsher with an F.
Oh, well I’ve seen F and fish on Worchester sauce.
yeah, here’s the ingredient list for the marshmallows:
soooo pretty straightforwards.
Ah thank you for posting that. I guess that’s another thing I will be avoiding.
passover is my least favorite holiday food wise because tbh the food at passover fucking sucks. like charoset is delicious and matzo is much improved with tons of butter, but like it’s really all inedible crap. thank you for this beautiful review.
charoset is goddamn delicious, fact.
Is it weird for a non-Jewish girl to be in love with some of these things? Those macaroons are heaven in a can, my non-Jewish fiancee loves her some raspberry jell rings, and I made a chocolate toffee matzo once that was damn fine.
Passover food highlights:
> Matzo, charoset, and horseradish sandwich
> Parsley dipped in salt water
> Cheesecake (with matzo-meal crust)
Both the fruit slices and macaroons are disgusting
god this is such a polarizing topic. is this what it feels like to be @b?
Possibly. Will hop in to say macaroons are gross.
I stopped in for the repeated macaroon mentions because “macaroon” is multiple cookies* however I usually assume people mean “macarons” which are saddest grossest cookies that aren’t some newfangled ridiculous attempt at making cookies savory. Macarons parisien are sugar gone evil the not fun the way.
Which macaroons are Passover/Manischewitz macaroons? I wondered.
I guessed it’s the scary looking coconut ones because that seems appropriately godly and consumerist.
And wouldn’t ya know it I was right.
*Acibadem kurabiyesi is called a macaroon and it’s basically like amaretto cookies just as an example
stef this is such a good article but now i must know: if i came to your dress-up seder where we all dressed up as items in the seder WHAT ITEM WOULD I BE
GIIIIIRRRLLL you’d be the paschal lamb because you’re a fucking leo and have to be the big goddamn deal. <3
Gefilte fish below lentil soup mix? Please…
Another vote for the fruit slices and jell bars! And chocolate-covered matzah 4ever!
I’m so glad someone else read “The Carp In The Bathtub” as a kid! (spoiler alert: the end is pretty heartbreaking). Also, I love jelly fruit slices a LOT. I bought a whole box for myself this year because I’m an adult like that.
Why, WHY, is wine LAST? This is unacceptable. Manischewitz wine should be first on this list, before anything else. Yes, it tastes a little like grape juice with grain alcohol and a cup of extra sugar added, and yes, your hangover is going to absolutely killer. But it’s so delicious. It’s not meant to be like regular wine, okay, it’s its own thing.
Mmm, Manischewitz wine. So many fond memories of sneaking way too much of it to get through sedar when it got boring, then sneaking into the kitchen to drink more, until all of a sudden you’re singing HAD GAD YOOOOOL, HAD GAD YOL a little too boisterously and mom is somehow frowning at you and smiling at every one else simultaneously. I for real used to bring manischewitz to parties, and all the goys would be so confused, and then I’d share it and they’d be all THIS IS AMAZEBALLS, JEWS GET TO DRINK THIS ALL THE TIME? That, my friend, is how you make converts!
But word up on those fucking rasperry jell bars. Fuck them. But the truly worst manischewitz item was not on this list, and that is their GOD DAMN FRUIT SLICES. Found here:–Pareve-8-oz_p_3796.html
They are hell.