Gay Marriage in New York: Not Happening Tonight, Maybe Tomorrow (UPDATED)

UPDATE 1:50 PM EST Thursday: New York Magazine Says:

Republican Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos just told reporters that there would be a ‘lengthy” GOP conference on the marriage equality bill today, during which they’d consider the religious exemption amendments. (For the past couple of days the bill was set aside in conference in favor of other issues). He also said that the caucus as a group will decide whether to put it to a vote in the middle of the night tonight, on Friday, or not at all.

UPDATE 9:33 PM EST: According to the Associated Press, there will be no vote on same-sex marriage tonight:

“A spokesman said a slew of more mundane but critical bills pushed consideration of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s same-sex marriage bill into Thursday at the earliest.”


As of 7:00 PM EST,  The Wall Street Journal has reported that New York state legislators agreed today “conceptually” on more protections for religious groups in the gay marriage bill which will ease its passage. However, “negotiations dragged on, making it highly unlikely there would final action before Thursday.”

However, The Box Turtle Bulletin wrote a story based off information in the Wall Street Journal story with the headline “New York Marriage Equality Likely Tonight.”

The State Senate has added same-sex marriage to the agenda for the day.

The KnickLedger reported that a 32nd vote has been secured but they aren’t saying who it is:

A name has not yet been released, but sources close to those with the New York State Republican Conference have confirmed a thirty-second vote has been “secured” for the passage of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s Marriage Equality Act.

As the Senate goes through what is being called “the big ugly” – property cap reform, tuition for public colleges, and rent control regulation – the vote for marriage equality may not be until the wee hours on Thursday.

As of 8:30 PM EST, there haven’t been any new reports since 7 EST. Towleroad has a comprehensive collection of today’s same-sex marriage coverage.

We’ll let you know if something exciting happens!

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  1. Oh my God, now I’m nervous and excited. And biting my nails with worry too. :-S If this happens, it would be such a huge step towards equality…

    • yes please Michigan next!
      Except, with all the conservative money in Grand Rapids, I’m afraid it will never happen

  2. I’m so nervous for everyone in New York and so annoyed that they keep putting the vote off

  3. Yay, my home state! Makes me excited to move back in two years, though I guess finding someone to marry first would make it even better.
    Go NY!

    • Don’t get strung out by the lack of vote,
      don’t judge the Republicans by their party
      It’s not much of a
      But tomorrow night
      Will be the night for LGBTQ lovers!

  4. i’ll be marching and posting some seriously cool signage in albany tomorrow if anyone wants to join! this could be a ridiculously historical and awesome day, THE day for a lot of us, and i don’t want anyone to miss out on being present. let me know if you need a ride/sign materials/anything and i can bring it along. send me a message via facebook:

    • i will also have vegan mexican hot chocolate cookies, gluten-free brownies, water, sun tea, extra signs, lawn chairs, blankets, and umbrellas for the rain.

      basically i will be running a gay general store out of the back of my honda accord. i will likely paint that onto the side so you can recognize it. let’s do this, new york.

      • Best. Idea. Ever. Can we be best friends? You should bring your gay general store on the road for every marriage equality fight.

  5. I’m so nervous about this. So, people who know more about the legislative process than me… what happens after the Senate votes? If (when) they pass it, is that it? It’s a done deal after that? It’s times like these I wish I’d paid more attention in government class in high school.

    • Once they pass it, it’s a done deal, since it already passed the Assembly and Gov. Cuomo confirmed that he will sign it.

  6. I’m hoping that all of the stalling and back and forth is really just an elaborate strategy to announce a deal right before Pride weekend.

  7. omg the cats!!!
    and omg new yorkkk.. get it done alreadyyy.. im sitting on the edge of my seat all day

    • i know right those homosexuals are all going to hell, they are sinnaaaaaarsssss

      • For some reason I imagined this in an Oprah voice… You get a sin! You get a sin! Everybody gets a siiiinnnnnn!

  8. Oh my goodness, please let it be legalized. If New York legalizes same-sex marriage, it will be a huge step in gaining gay rights and will hopefully lead to other states to legalize it as well!

  9. Okay, if those dancing cats don’t push them over the edge to pass this, then I don’t know what will.

  10. Does anyone feel like this is a lot like the scenes at the end of Iron-Jawed Angels in terms of “and now we have X number of votes…”

  11. I am convincing myself that they keep postponing because they no that no one had enough booze to celebrate when it finally happens.

    I actually believed myself for like a minute, too.

    Fuck, maybe they’re waiting for us to adopt a few more cats for our displaced emotions about the bill.

  12. 32nd vote…32 vote… 33, 34, 35… C’mon republicans, this is about equality under law. You cannot stem the change anymore than you could about civil rights and women’s rights. We are evolving as a society, so get with it!

  13. Arghhhhh pleeeeeeease just VOTE ALREADY.
    I don’t even live in New York and the suspense is killing me, I can’t imagine what it’s like for residents! :(

  14. Hey guys I think they’re getting it done tonight! Jose Peralta was supposed to talk at my graduation tonight but he didn’t make it because he was “voting on something” so I think that means that they’re voting tonight!

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