High Court Keeps US Gay Military Ban Intact: Life Without DADT Was “Fun” While It Lasted

From The Associated Press:

The Supreme Court on Friday allowed the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy on gays in the military to remain in place while a federal appeals court considers the issue.

The policy, which prohibits gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military, was lifted for eight days in October after U.S. District Judge Virginia Phillips ruled that it is unconstitutional. The Obama administration asked the appeals court to reinstate the ban until it could hear arguments on the broader constitutional issues next year.

Just so you know. Also, Cindy McCain is not impressed with all this:

Cindy McCain, the wife of 2008 Republican presidential nominee John McCain, is speaking out against the ban on gays serving openly in the military while her husband is working to maintain it.

In a celebrity-filled anti-bullying video, Mrs. McCain says “government treats the (gay) community like second-class citizens” and gives permission to bullies by continuing policies that discriminate. Mrs. McCain says religious and political leaders tell young gays and lesbians “that they have no future.”

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  1. I wanna move to canada, maybe adopt an asian baby and eat pancakes for every meal every day. With loads of syrup, maple syrup that is.

  2. i’ve been practicing the canadian national anthem.

    also, maybe cindy mccain will withhold sex. don’t do it for the gays!

    • Okay, I know that theoretically I am not supposed to be grossed out by the thought of old people having sex. I know that’s not the mature thing to do. Old people can have sex too. That’s fine.

      … but OMFG the mental picture of the mccains having sexytime is just like.. ASDKL;JFASASDF;KLJ

  3. Still struggling with how every other military in the developed world doesn’t have a problem with homosexuality and yet the US military does. Why is the US military so special?

  4. It’s already been said but you all need to come to Canada. We have Ellen Page. How’s that for the best bribery?

  5. DADT will end on your watch, right Obama? Well, before you know it, you’re gonna need a time machine to keep that promise, you loser.

  6. Pingback: World Spinner

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