“Batwoman” Episode 311 Recap: “Are You Feeling it Too?”

Hello and welcome to our Batwoman recap of episode 311 aka The One Camrus Directed aka The One Where WILDMOORE DID THAT. Anyway we have a lot to cover so letā€™s dive in, shall we?

The ā€œpreviously on” starts with the Wildmoore kiss, so you already know we are IN. FOR. IT. Weā€™re also reminded that Poison Mary killed a guy and Marquis is awake.

As Batwoman speeds through Gotham in the Batmobile, we hear Vesper Fairchild telling her listeners that Batwoman is responsible for the recent resurgence of Batman villains. Luke radios in to tell Ryan that the sewers are backed up and flooding the clinic. He also refers to The Hold Up as the ā€œBatbar” and I remain delighted by every addition of ā€œbat” as a prefix to perfectly normal and existing words.

Ryan and Mary (yay!! Mary is helping the team again!) survey the scene at the clinic and instead of finding a desiccated Marquis in one of the beds, they are greeted by the creepiest doll Iā€™ve ever seen. Marquis programmed the doll to threaten everyone Ryan cares about. Again, dolls are inherently creepy; you didnā€™t need to GIVE THIS ONE MOVING EYES AND A VOICE BOX.

Ryan dressed as Batwoman, with Mary, as they both stare at a creepy doll

Third week in a row that something on this show reminds me of Pretty Little Liars

As Ryan considers their next move, Mary explains why she blames herself for everything thatā€™s happened. She killed a whole man, she gave up Ryanā€™s identity; homegirl is STRUGGLING. She looks like our old Mary on the outside, but this Mary is carrying new wounds and trauma from a situation she only sort of had control over. Rather than acknowledging the complexities of Maryā€™s struggle, Ryan doubles down on blaming the infection. And I really do get this impulse to hide behind Ivy as the reason for what happened, especially considering Mary is standing there looking so destroyed. I just wish the jump to ā€œForget about it! It wasnā€™t you!” wasnā€™t so swift.

At the Batbar, Ryan, Luke, and Sophie examine the joy buzzer and unfortunately, its damage is too extensive for even Luke to fix. (Real quick ā€“ Sophieā€™s high pony though?!) Luke asks about his dadā€™s A.I. and poor Mary admits that she gave it to Marquis at the party. WILL SOMEONE HUG HER, PLEASE?! Never one to be left out of Batdecisions, Alice pops in and suggests they go to the person who made the buzzer in the first place: Kiki Roulette aka Jokerā€™s toymaker. They find someone matching Kikiā€™s description (and glasses prescription) at a halfway house, so Mary volunteers to check it out. Ryan suggests that Alice goes with her since Marquis still thinks theyā€™re Batenemies and most likely wonā€™t hurt them.

Sophie, Luke, and Ryan standing side-by-side looking at the joy buzzer

“Really? Two lesbians standing here and neither of us makes a ‘joy buzzer’ joke?”

As Ryan walks away, Sophie follows her upstairs to the loft. She is determined to get Ryan to talk about whatā€™s going on between them, even asking if she should tell Marquis that Ryan pushed her away after their kiss so he thinks theyā€™re on the outs too. Ryan counters that she didnā€™t push Sophie away, so Soph uses that as her opening to find out what exactly is happening in Ryanā€™s head. Ryan starts to open up, but immediately shuts down her feelings like sheā€™s in the Book of Mormon, and focuses on their need to keep the city safe. I donā€™t think you get to be a queer couple on television unless youā€™re constantly being interrupted, and Luke obliges in this moment, sharing that Marquis is holding a press conference.

Ryan and Sophie stand next to each other in the loft

“We don’t talk about feelings, no, no no.”

Outside Arkham Asylum, Marquis speaks to a bevy of reporters and threatens to reveal Batwomanā€™s identity. No shade, but whoā€™s left that doesnā€™t know that Ryan is Batwoman? Like, in this momentā€¦Jada? But by the end of the episode?? Itā€™s low-key hilarious compared to, I donā€™t know, Supergirl, for example. Marquis doesnā€™t out Ryan though, instead he and his admittedly impressive Joke smile vow to restore sanity to Gotham by pouring millions into improving Arkham.

Ryan watching Marquis' press conference

Something isn’t right here…

Back at the loft, the team debriefs about what Marquis might have planned for the city. Ryan doesnā€™t understand why he wouldnā€™t just give her up, but then she realizes that itā€™s because Jada must have something on him.

Sophie frowning

Sophie just remembered she used to be married to a man.

I canā€™t believe Iā€™m about to say this, but Marquis is making some POINTS with the guard walking him through Arkham. Joker 2.0 wants to institute his version of a work release program, which will probably involve some evil deeds, but he does question whether locking up these criminals like animals is actually helping anything. I donā€™t agree with whatā€™s about to happen, but Marquis is a prison abolitionist, is all Iā€™m saying. He makes his way to Victor Zsaszā€™s cell (remember him?!) and recruits him for what Iā€™m sure will be a totally chill assignment.

Meanwhile, Mary and Alice pull up to the halfway house and Mary is still in her head about her time as Poison Mary. She asks Alice if living with the wrongs youā€™ve caused ever gets easier, which leads Alice to infer that the Bat teamā€™s been saying none of it was Maryā€™s fault when the truth is, it was. And then Alice gives Mary some advice from the Lena Luthor School of Tiny Boxes. Stuff all those feelings down, she says. Pretend they donā€™t exist. But Mary doesnā€™t want to shut the feelings off; she doesnā€™t want to be a sociopath. And the look on Aliceā€™s face when Mary says that, seems to imply that maybe she doesnā€™t want that for herself either.

Alice and Mary in a car; Alice leaning over to talk to Mary

“Hey, being a sociopath has its perks!”

The two go up to the house and ask the woman who greets them about Kathleen. She claims that Kathleen left them a while ago and they were just glad to see her go. Alice doesnā€™t buy it though, and she holds her butterfly knife to the womanā€™s neck until she admits that she is in fact, Kathleen aka Kiki.

Alice holds a knife up to Kiki's throat

“Okay, but tell me what it was like being on Scrubs. Could you save yourself if I slit your throat right now?”

At the loft, Luke is preparing to break into Wayne Tower to find the A.I. and he tries to sideline Sophie. Soph tries to play off the kiss as ā€œnot important” and not even she believes her own bullshit. The speed with which she switches from ā€œdoesnā€™t matter” to ā€œlet me list every way Iā€™m qualified to help yā€™all and every way Ryan has blown me off” is HILARIOUS. Luke listens, relents, and gives Sophie the line launcher.

Sophie looking up at Luke

Pretty sure this image is next to “sunshine” in the dictionary.

There are several ways this show proves its love for us, and right now, itā€™s in the wardrobe choice for Ryan as she struts into Jadaā€™s office. The hair?! The blazer?! The pants?! *chefā€™s kiss* And honestlyā€¦Jada too. The mother/daughter power blazer combo is an inspired choice. Sorry, thereā€™s actual plot happening here. Ryan is here to get whatever it is Jada has on Marquis and beg her to stop protecting him. Before they can have an actual discussion, Victor Zsasz shows up, shoots a guard, threatens Jada, and gives Ryan a cordial hello.

Ryan struts into Jada Jets office

It’s giving 1980s Whitney and I AM LIVING.

I forgot how fun Zsasz is to have in a scene. I mean, for another bald white male comic villain, anyway. Jada gives Zsasz the tape of Marquis which he promptly destroys. Nothing Jada offers will change Victorā€™s mind. Marquis hired him to kill Jada, and thatā€™s what heā€™s going to do. In the midst of their negotiating, Jada reveals that Ryan is her daughter and Zsasz hilariously goes into ā€œhot goss” mode. Aw, remember when he was all about Ryan and Angelique? Heā€™s gonna be thrilled to find out about Wildmoore. Anyway, he gives them one chance to escape, that is, if Batwoman comes to save them within the hour.

Ryan and Jada stand next to each other in Jada's office.

The blazers be blazing.

Back at the halfway house, Mary tries to convince Kathleen that they want to use the buzzer to help Marquis, not hurt more people. Kiki tells them that yes, in theory, another jolt would work, and as she says this, you can see a plan formulating in Aliceā€™s head. Kiki is being very contrite, but Alice claims she can see through it despite Kiki insisting that she just wants to make up for all the damage she caused.

Mary sitting in a chair and Alice standing next to her.

Imagine sitting across from these two?!

Meanwhile, the clock is still ticking over at Jeturian and Jada isnā€™t convinced Batwoman will even show up because they have bad blood between them. Which is funny, because Batwoman literally IS her bloodā€¦get it? Anyway, Jada reveals that she didnā€™t actually abandon Ryan; the $2M was supposed to be for the family who adopted her. It was a different time, and she hoped this would give Ryan the life she deserved. She didnā€™t know the doctor took the money until Ryan found her. She tried to push Ryan away in an effort to protect her from Marquis. While Zsasz is touched by this impromptu therapy session, the time is up and he gives Ryan the chance to share last words with Jada. So she does. She calls her ā€œMom” before telling her to duck, throwing a letter opener right at Victor. The two fight as Jada cowers in the corner, slowly realizing that her daughter and Batwoman are one and the same.

Ryan staring at Jada with tear-filled eyes.

Huh. Didn’t see that coming.

Jada backed against the wall looking shocked at Ryan

When the daughter you gave up comes back to find you and you make her life miserable and then you find out she’s Batwoman.

Kikiā€™s got her glasses back on and leads Mary and Alice down to her former workshop where dust collects on a plethora of Jokerā€™s playthings. Itā€™s a comic fanā€™s wet dream. Alice is taking her own trip down memory while Mary asks Kiki how she moves on from all the bad sheā€™s done.

Kiki admits that you donā€™t move on; you live with it every day. A little thing she learned from her therapist. See, I told yā€™all the Bat team could benefit from therapy! Kikiā€™s incredibly smart therapist also told her that the first thing she needed to do was accept responsibility for her actions.

Alice leaning down next to mary as they both stare at kiki

“Therapy, you say?”

Sophie is apparently out to challenge Ryanā€™s ā€œbest superhero landing” title, because she uses the line launcher and lands perfectly on Wayne Tower. Even Luke comments that Ryan would be impressed, but Sophie uses it as an opportunity to reiterate just how hard Ryan is to read. Sophie Moore woke up this morning determined to process her feelings no matter who itā€™s with or what situation theyā€™re in and honestly, I respect it.

Sophie looks back at Luke with an attitude.


Luke tries to read Sophie by saying itā€™s clear she has a type, but Sophie is like ā€œnah, I was into Ryan before I knew she was Batwoman.” Um, EXCUSE ME?! How long have you been into Ryan, Sophie? HOW LONG?! Was it before or after you insisted it wouldnā€™t even be an ā€œenemies to lovers maybeā€?? Youā€™ve been running your mouth about her ALL DAY and NOW you want to clam up?! Itā€™s rude, and I wonā€™t stand for it. (Iā€™m kidding, youā€™re perfect, I love you.)

Anyway, Sophie finds Lukeā€™s dadā€™s A.I. and itā€™s still working! Before they leave, they spot Marquisā€™ laptop on the desk and decide to hack it because why not, I guess.

Back at Jeturian, Zsasz is taken out by guards and Jada asks Ryan where they go from here. Ryan is understandably still salty and assumes Jada will reveal her secrets to the world. And finally, Ryan gets to tell Jada every single way sheā€™s hurt her since theyā€™ve been reunited. Sheā€™s hurt her as Ryan and as Batwoman. She tells her everything she wanted in a mother; itā€™s the same list that Ryan told Sophie at the beginning of the season. Jada does that thing where she tries to justify what she did because look how good Ryan turned out and look at the havoc Marquis is wreaking on Gotham. Whatever you need to tell yourself, Jada.

Ryan staring at Jada with emotions all over her face

“You’re right about one thing. I did turn out great.”

Itā€™s not lost on me that Ryan stands in her vulnerability twice in this episode. Itā€™s terrifying for her to bare her soul to Jada, the woman who sheā€™s wanted nothing but love and acceptance from. But she does it anyway, and she does it while literally standing over her mother. Itā€™s such a beautifully acted scene by both Javicia and Robin. Before they can continue, Sophie calls Ryan to warn her about Marquisā€™ plan to use Arkham inmates, including Zsasz, as his personal security. And she knows this because she hacked the laptop and oh yeah, also broke into Wayne Tower. Ryan is livid because she asked Sophie to lay low, but Sophie is done being told to stand down. They soon realize that Marquis has been in contact with one, Kiki Roulette.

And speaking of Kiki, sheā€™s just about fixed the joy buzzer and informs Alice and Mary that thereā€™s only one buzz left. Also Marquis doesnā€™t actually leave them alive. You see, sheā€™s been working with him this whole time. Alice tries to shoot Kiki, but the gun she grabs is the infamous ā€œBANG!” gun!! Theyā€™re then joined by the aforementioned Arkham inmates, all equipped with actual guns.

Alice standing holding the "bang" gun in disappointment

Oh, they will, don’t worry.

While this is happening, Marquis catches Sophie and Luke at Wayne. He calls Kiki who tells him about the one buzz. Remember when Kiki said she went to therapy to learn how to live with her past? Well! Her therapist was the one and only Harleen Quinzel. Reader, when I tell you I SCREAMED. Anyway, Batwoman shows up at the workshop so Kiki puts Marquis on speaker with his sister. He continues to threaten to out Ryan, but Ry knows he wonā€™t do it. So instead, he threatens to hurt Luke and Sophie (by height order, if he has toā€¦LOL).

Sophie staring daggers into Marquis.

“Yeah, I’m tall. AND?!”

Sophie reminds Ryan that she can in fact take care of herself, and she and Batwing fight off their attackers while Alice, Mary, and Ryan take down theirs. In all the hubbub, Kiki runs off with the joy buzzer.

Mary, Ryan, and Alice standing over the bodies of inmates

“Good morning, Charlie.”

Back at Jeturian, Jada is waiting on the roof for Ryan. Ryan apologizes for letting Marquis get away with the joy buzzer, and Jada takes responsibility for failing both of her kids. She did and does love Ryan, but she buried those feelings deep down. Turns out, Jada puts up walls when she doesnā€™t want to get hurt. She implores Ryan not to let that be her life; to let herself feel and feel deeply.

Ryan wearing the batsuit minus the helmet, listening to Jada.

“I need to talk to Sophie.”

Luke is back talking to his ā€œdad” about figuring out that he didnā€™t need the suit to actually be a hero. Lucius tells Luke that heā€™s proud of him, and the smile on Lukeā€™s face is everything.

Down at Jokerā€™s workshop, Marquis is surveying the scene and cackling away when he meets up with Kiki. They decide to team up and hopefully answer the question of who will get that last buzz.

I was so confused about why Alice was down in the sewers again, forgetting that sheā€™s a whole ass fugitive. Mary finds her sister and tells her she wants to do the hard work of making amends with the people sheā€™s hurt so she doesnā€™t end up like Kiki. The bag she has with her is for Alice so she can get as far away from Gotham as possible. But Alice isnā€™t ready to go. (Okay legit, their faces were SO CLOSE, I thought they were going to kiss. I know theyā€™re really playing up the sister thing, but !!!) She doesnā€™t want to be a sociopath anymore and wants Maryā€™s help to fix herā€¦by using the joy buzzer on herself instead of Marquis. Low blow using the sister card there, Alice.

Alice pleading with Mary

It’s so hard not to ship them when Rachel has chemistry with EVERYONE.

We end up back at The Hold Up, but this time Ryan is calmly pouring two drinks (while looking FOINE, I might add) as Sophie huffs in ready for another lecture about staying safe. Everything about Ryanā€™s energy says thatā€™s not what this is, though. She calmly looks Sophie in the eye, hands her a drink, and FINALLY decides to get real with Ms. Moore.

Sophie and Ryan sitting at the bar at the hold up, facing each other, a pride flag in the background directly between them

This framing with the Pride flag in the background is BEAUTIFUL.

Ryan says out loud what her actions have been saying for weeks: sheā€™s scared. Sheā€™s scared of loving and losing; sheā€™s scared of caring and getting her heart broken; sheā€™s scared that the moment she lowers her walls everything good that has come into her life will disappear. Itā€™s what sheā€™s used to right? When something that has protected us for so long is suddenly no longer serving us, itā€™s terrifying to consider letting it go. For Ryan, that something is the wall sheā€™s had up since she was in the foster system. For Sophie, it was being a Crow. For Alice, itā€™s being a sociopath. For Mary, itā€™s hiding behind the infection. For Luke, itā€™s the idea that heā€™s not a hero. For me, itā€™s the idea of being undeserving. For you, it could be literally anything else. The power comes in identifying it, naming it, and trusting that taking steps to move beyond it will bring you peace.

Ryan looking lovingly at Sophie

“Are you feeling it too?”

Whatā€™s so beautiful is that Sophie listens to Ryan and immediately says she wonā€™t keep pushing her into something she isnā€™t ready for or comfortable with. But Ryanā€™s face goes soft, she figuratively and literally leans into her peace, tells Sophie she wonā€™t have to push, and pulls her in for a kiss. (I did chuckle at the fact that she needed to stand so that she was standing over Sophie for once.) The music in this scene is UNMATCHED, whew!

Ryan kisses Sophie

“Got me feeling like I’m infinite”

Neither Sophie nor I can believe what is happening, but in the pause between kisses, the two make eye contact and everything else melts away. Itā€™s just them. They stumble into the loft, kissing the whole way, and their joy is so palpable yā€™all. Thatā€™s honestly what stood out to me most in this scene; they seemed excited and relieved to finally be in each otherā€™s arms. So excited that Sophie accidentally knocks over Ryanā€™s lamp in her attempt to remove her shirt. So excited that Ryan canā€™t even undo Sophieā€™s belt. (No I will NOT be ignoring Sophieā€™s TOP BEHAVIOR, are you KIDDING?! She FLIPPED THEM. Ahem.) Itā€™s adorable and real and awkward and I loved everything about it.

Ryan standing, Sophie sitting, they stare into each other's eyes.

“Who’s the top, now?”

Super romantic and sexy love scenes have their place, donā€™t get me wrong, but thereā€™s a different kind of intimacy that comes with seeing two people enjoying each other while also fumbling through the experience. Itā€™s perfect in its imperfections. And have I mentioned their joy?? Yā€™all, they are so happy. THEY ARE HAPPY. They GET to be happy.

Ryan and Sophie in bed, hugging each other and smiling

It’s blurry but their joy sure is not!

Ryan smiling at Sophie

“Girl, you’re sexy as hell, but this damn belt!”

One of my favorite things about this is that it didnā€™t feel rushed or like it came out of nowhere. We have spent almost two full seasons (three for Soph) getting to know Ryan and Sophie individually as fully fleshed out characters, while also watching their relationship (platonic and romantic) grow. Ryan has dipped her toe in the pool of vulnerability with Sophie multiple times, but when it got scary, she retreated back to what felt familiar. Her conversation with Jada finally gave her permission she didnā€™t even realize she needed (a thing Carmen said to me as we debriefed) to start to lower those walls for Sophie.

Ryan on her back in bed in her bra


Sophie looking down at Ryan and smiling

“I thought you’d never ask.”

I cannot imagine how difficult it must be to write, direct, or participate in a sex scene, but every single person involved with this knocked it out of the park. On directing the scene, Camrus told TVLine, ā€œIā€™m just so incredibly blessed and happy that everyone trusted me so much to do the scene because this is the most pivotal moment of the season, and of the series in many ways.ā€ I could feel the weight of what we were watching, and itā€™s beautiful to know that Cam took that weight seriously and treated it with such care. I honestly donā€™t think Iā€™ve fully processed what this show has given us. This is one of the longest on-screen sex scenes between two Black women on non-cable television. ON THE CW. ON A SUPERHERO SHOW. They DID THAT. Whew, ngl, Iā€™m tearing up as Iā€™m writing this because this Black nerd who loves women and comics and stories and television is overwhelmed by the reality of what they did.

Ryan breathless as sophie starts to go down on her

From ankle rubbing on PLL to THIS. We are truly blessed.

My wish is for every other show to treat Black queer women the way Batwoman has. Thank you Camrus for your care in directing a moment that you knew would mean so much to the fandom. Thank you Javicia and Meagan for your gorgeous portrayals of these women. Thank you writers for giving us fully formed characters to root for and fall in love with.

Weā€™ve got two more episodes left this season, yā€™all, and while I know this is preaching to the proverbial choirā€¦ RENEW BATWOMAN!! We need it and we deserve it.

Before I go, please enjoy my unfiltered live reactions to The Scene(tm).

See yā€™all back here in a few weeks!

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Nic is a Senior Product Manager at a major Publisher and lives in Astoria, NY. She is way too attached to queer fictional characters and maintains that buying books and reading books are two very different hobbies. When she's not consuming every form of fiction, you can find her dropping it low on the dance floor. You can find Nic on twitter and instagram.

Nic has written 85 articles for us.


  1. This was my favorite episode so far. I loved Robin Givens and Javivia’s scene. I wish we saw more of that.

    Ryan and Sophie are so perfect for each other. That final scene was so sweet

    • This by far was my favotite show been a fan since day 1 i love everything mom and daughter truth of bonding and Ryan and Sophie moment of passion well done Batwoman is here to stay yayyyyyy

  2. This was an amazing recap, as per usual. I don’t think I’ve quite processed it all myself, but you made me tear up as well while reading this.

    Also, thank you for the vindication because I too said that Ryan was serving 80’s Whitney in Jada’s office. My coworker didn’t see it, but he has no taste lol.

  3. this was truly one of my favorite episodes of Batwoman – this season & all time. the plot was stellar and the whole thing was so well-paced and flowed well. Camrus truly did a wonderful job with directing it.
    and lemme just say, i screamed multiple times during this episode. the harley quin namedrop, the confession that Sophie’s been crushing for a While, the whole last part (OBVS). i actually found the awkwardness & joy of their sex scene extra romantic, y’know? it felt truer to life. consummating a relationship that started the way theirs did, it makes sense that things would be a little silly and fun. romantic doesn’t need to be serious, so it’s nice to see that play out here. also, i appreciate that Javicia & Meagan both commented how Camrus made them feel comfortable with the whole scene. u can tell in their chemistry in that scene. šŸ˜­šŸ˜© anyway, a lovely episode all around.

    aside – there’s been a theory that Jada Jet is Catwoman, and it’s not be lost on me that rachel maddow mentioned “catty” when talking about her. i’m like… the clues continue apace!!

  4. Love your recaps and I love the whole Batwoman fandom. This last scene was everything like you said ā€œthis is one of the longest on-screen sex scenes between two Black women on non-cable television. ON THE CW. ON A SUPERHERO SHOWā€ that is HUGE!! The Batwoman writers really have been killing it all season and this was one of my favorite episodes since Season 2 ā€œCluemasterā€. The fumbling, the joy, laughter between Ryan and Sophie (Javicia and Meagan) made the scene 100 times better. Iā€™m so looking forward to seeing the aftermath.

  5. This episode was awesome! Of course the Wildmoore scene was the best

    Also, I want Alice to have a girlfriend next season! Please writers, Alice has chemistry with everyone and it will be so unfair, if she hasn’t a relationship with a woman (or a fling at least!)

  6. The face on the doll is the Joker’s bank robbery mask from The Dark Knight.
    Thank whoever for Alice. Just as I was retching from all this not your fault rubbish and wishing that sometime in Hollywood someone would say “yes it is “, Alice granted my wish. Alice as truth-teller is my favorite part of the show.
    Luke needs a boyfriend ASAP so he can stop acting like a little rabbit foraging around the women.

  7. I was at work and realize my twitter blow up about Wildmore. What! To have two black women representing the queer community. When I tell you I was all in! That scene and yes their joy. That black joy and that love scene cause I really donā€™t wanna call it a sex scene. You just felt the energy of just pure bliss and mind you that was 2:25 long. I smile the whole way through. I guess enemies to lovers was always in their future. Haha

  8. Iā€™ve been banging the “I want 2 queer black women loving and sexing each other on my tv screen” bass drum forever so one would think that when I saw that Wildmoore was going there, I would be glued to the screen, but I only made it as far as Ryan taking off Sophieā€™s shirt before I turned off my tv. Yes ma’am, off. Do you remember that one time when you opened a gift and it was exactly what you’ve been wanting forever but you immediately closed the box because it didn’t seem real? It took several whole minutes to process what I’d seen and what I was about to see, and the feeling of getting exactly what I wanted on a show that I actually like. What a great way to start off Black History Month.

    Btw…this recap was the hilarity, sincerity, and relatability that I needed. Thank you!

  9. Okay, this recap had convinced me to finally start watching season 3 on the cw instead of just waiting. So ready for wildmoore


    This felt sooooo long in coming but they finally gave it to us! Ugh, how are they so perfect together. This felt just like a fanfic in the best way!

    I loved the amount of emotional processing that was in this episode too. Everyone has been through so much – Ryan, Jada, Mary, Alice, Sophie – and it felt like some shit needed to be said! And it was!

    Thank you for sharing your reaction, Nic, you are a gift!

  11. I cannot overstate how much I loved this episode or this recap. Camrus and the writers did an incredible job making sure everyone was doing some lesbian processing. Alice has always had incredible comedic presence, but Iā€™ve been loving Sophie getting the opportunity to make faces and jokes and be just as funny as she is intense. I also adore when Ryan pulls out some top energy (until Sophieā€™s tops it), finds higher ground, and makes a move.

    Could not agree more with the hope that all Black queer women get this kind of loving treatment.

    Also, Iā€™m so worried about Alice when this batteam ends up choosing marquis over her. I just want her to be chosen and hugged.

  12. I loved that episode and I loved your recap! I just hope it’s getting renewed, cause currently it’s the highlight of my week!

  13. Omgosh, you are so cute and funny. Thanks for sharing your insight. At first I thought the scene was awkward but your perspective helped put it in context.

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