We’re happy to announce that we’re throwing our Second Annual Rodeo Disco Pride Party in New York City! Did you come last year? We had one last year, DJ Lady Starlight (of Lady Gaga‘s Starlight Revue) DJ’ed along with DJ Carlytron and DJ Boom Boom and this year it’ll be same time, same place, but better! Like 50 times better.
Also, your ticket purchase benefits the likelihood of our future. Ikr? Who thought we’d still be saying this a year later. The economy has not been kind to start-up media companies my friends. DAMN THE MAN CLICK HERE TO BUY TICKETS.
Ok cool, got it? Let’s discuss:
Hosted by MTV’s Rachel Robinson
Rachel Robinson first blew your little queer mind on Road Rules: Campus Crawl (which aired in the summer of 2002) and then continued to do so many subsequent Real World/Road Rules challenges thereafter, including “Battle of the Sexes,” “The Gauntlet,” “Battle of the Sexes 2,” “The Inferno II,” and “The Island”. Just talking about it makes us super nostalgic for the MTV reality challenges/shows of the early 00s. Rachel was among a batch of young, sexy, fierce, and out lesbians first brought to us by MTV’s original shows. These days Rachel has her own fitness company in Miami and is joining us as emcee for this years Rodeo Disco. We’re very excited to have her!
Also you can follow Rachel on twitter.
DJ Saratonin:
Saratonin is a resident DJ for “Club Skirts” Dinah Shore weekend and the very famous girl-party in West Hollywood “Truck Stop”. Her newest venture is a an all-female production company, PYT Productions, whose unique weekly theme parties in Hollywood are highly sought-after for LA’s A-list lesbians. We check out any and all Saratonin gigs when we make our one or two trips a year to Los Angeles and we’re happy to have her on the east coast to make you dance at the Rodeo Disco (and you will. Promise.)
The Spangles:
The Spangles is an 80s tribute dance company, we saw them at a Candy Slice Show and have been obsessed ever since. We love the 80s and we think you’ll love them too. Catch ’em on this season of America’s Got Talent and also at our Rodeo Disco.
CandySlice Comedy:
Hey remember when we had a fun and awesome photoshoot/interview with the funny girls of CandySlice Comedy? And then they modeled for us and were in this video and had all these videos go viral and do shows every month and YEAH catch them at the Rodeo Disco!

Autostraddle.com… have you heard of it?
So there’s this website. It’s called Autostraddle.com. I don’t know, people seem to like it and stuff. I hear it’s like a full-time job for approximately five different people, and a part-time job for about 30 more people, and we can hardly pay our bills and buy real food. This recession happened, bad timing, and bla bla bla, and yadda yadda anyhow listen, this isn’t an infomercial starring Sally Struthers or anything but seriously: if you come to this party, you are monetarily supporting us for this summer and we are forever grateful to you and will keep working diligently to keep bringing you executive lesbian realness.

Anyone But Me
Anyone But Me is the award-winning funny, edgy, smart, witty, webseries totally taking the internet and lesbian media by storm. Their second season takes it to a whole new level.
We love this show and it’s cast and creators so we invited them to come hang out at the Rodeo Disco (come say hi to the cast members!) and you can get your hands on ABM goods like the DVD from Season One and prepare to touch Rachael’s hair by watching the show online.
You can meet the two leading (and awesome) ladies Rachel and Nicole when we did a photoshoot and interview with them last August and check out Nicole Pacent, Autostraddle’s Miss June.

GO Magazine:
GO! Magazine is the first thing you read when you’re going gay in the city — they have the most reliable nightlife listings, and you can pick one up on the streetcorner without having to interact with a bookstore clerk who’s gonna tell your Mom that you’re gay. It rewards, enhances and enables NYC lesbian nightlife and so we are kinda thrilled that they’re working with us. And you should too.
Oh also, GO! is redesigning their website and it’s going to be amazing so keep your eyeballs peeled! (Whatever that actually means.)
Guess what? T-SHIRTS.
Hey remember when Alex hand-made these “AUTO / STRADDLE THIS” t-shirts for the team to wear when we went to Dinah Shore and everyone loved them so much that Taylor had two stolen right off her back? Well we decided to produce them FOR REALS to sell here on Autostraddle.
UPDATE: Emphasize-ation on “selling here on Autostraddle” — we made these shirts to sell via the internet to our readers around the world. It just happens that the first day they will actually be available for purchase will be at the party on the 27th. After that (if we don’t sell out!) you will be able to get them here. We would never deny you the opportunity to spend your money on us!
If you’re going to the party, you’ll be able to get them right then and there cause that’s when these babies are making their debut! We’re very excited about that and just thought we should let you know.
Let’s reminisce about last year:
Rodeo Disco ’09

DJ Carlytron

Carlytron & Starlight

The future Miss April and Miss January! Sarah & Jennifer
Facebook Event Page for Rodeo Disco 2
Wanna promote the Rodeo Disco or just wanna put this on your page/blog/tumblr cause it’s pretty?
Here’s the official flier with all the info:
Feel free to use this wherever and however you want. And thank you!
Don’t let my presence prevent you all from going!
Oh, and first! Ha ha! <3
oh, grace. :)
I can’t go, because I am on the other side of the world and need a visa, but I did forward the details to my friend who’s travelling to US tomorrow and may be in town for this party (she’s in your Hot 100 list).
yes yes and triple yes! i don’t even have words to explain my excitement so: squeeeeeeee!
ha. yes indeed! although I was a bit worried when we got to the reminisce part. :)
I wouldn’t do that to youuuu asherrrrrrrrrr
If I didn;t have a gripping fear of New York and I didn;t live 1500 miles away I would SO be there!!
I hate that I can’t go to these awesome events.Living in Germany really has it’s disadvantages. If somebody wants to marry me and give me a green card,I’m all for it and I promise to take you to homosexy events!
I’m prepared to make the 26-hour flight from Australia for one of those t-shirts alone. See you there.
Damn, I’m gonna miss it by a week :(
i have this irrational fear that i won’t get a t-shirt omg
The horror, the horror.
awe, sad. 2 weeks later i am living in montreal. the day of i still live in the philippines. so like i could be there if this were 2 weeks later and that would be so cool cause of the $4 beer from 7 – 8 and other things. next year again? that’d be neat.
An 8 hr flight over an ocean. That’s how much I want to be there. And I will.
Damnit, the dog is chewing on my flashdrive again.
Jealous, can’t quite make it that far due to work and low fund-age. Looks amazing.
You should sell the t-shirts via the website though (as if you guys didn’t already have about a million other things to do!).
never have I ever wanted to be 21 more than now. :( can I still buy a shirt? I’d love to think that I at least helped keep such a spiffy website afloat…
Gah, ikr?
The first 40 seconds say it all:
Owing to being a poor student from Australia, no party for me, but could we donate to you online? This site is amazing on so many levels and it’d be nice to be able to support it in some small way.
right here, dee!
Oh. Right. I’m slow on the uptake hey.
Thank you :)
You guys, the t-shirts will absolutely be sold online through Autostraddle. This will happen pretty much right after that weekend of the party
Good! :) We want to help you guys with buying food and stuff.
I can’t even handle the amount of desire I have to go to this. Should I do it? I’m so poor. Should I? I really want to. Fuck.
I’m right there with you! I feel like I’m going to be the only Autostraddle ’employee’ that isn’t going to be in attendance this year. I’m trying to figure out if I can manage a flight there and if I can sleep on floors/couches for free again! It’s improbable and a bad idea on my part, but I’m still considering…
wasteunit i will buy you a drink. not kidding. come find me there, i’ll be the drunk one.
One of my court cases just got bumped back to the day after the Rodeo Disco (my day off…grumble) at 9:00 AM. I had decided that I’d be there, and now I can’t go. SO SAD. I’m going to take out all my frustrations on the asshole who decided to come to my park and slam his girlfriend in the car door 3 times in front of their kids. Douche.
Rain check on the drink?
obvs yes. also do me a favor and ruin that guy’s shit please
Do want, so much. Weekend after my 21st, too omg, do want. Ugh I’m so poor though, but ughhhh waaaant.
this. sounds. amazing.
any autostraddlers with a severe lack of 21+ queer girl friends located in nyc this summer want to awkwardly team up and go together? haha ;)
it’s the weekend after my 21st too! :o
Even if you can’t find any friends to come with you, you should still come! I made new friends last year and riese spilled a drink on one of my friends and that was the beginning of our friendship. haha. So if no one is talking to you just spill your drink on someone. Maybe I am not the best person to be giving out social advice. But I usually talk to people if they say hi and so do most of the people I know. So come say hi and we will talk to you.
I totally introduced you to riese
or to the table and friend who she spilled on that is :)
Oh and lastly, Freddie..you should absolutely come and introduce yourself and then everyone becomes your friend..for real
drink spilling. got it ;)
julia and nicole are both lying, i would never spill a drink on anyone.
or let nicole introduce me to someone
Does water count as a drink? ;)
i love everything that all of you just said.
Okay, I’m part of the “HAAAALP-I-DON’T-HAVE-LESBIAN-FRIENDS-TO-DRAG-ALONG-WITH-ME” demographic, so uh, can someone adopt me as well? :[
I’ll bring you a free lollipop, I promise.
we could adopt each other and wander around [not] spilling drinks on people ;)
Yay! Rodeo Disco wanderlusting minus spilling drinks on people, I’m there. Now, if we can adopt more than Brangelina’s child army…
Ooh, here here! Left all my queer friends back at school in the Midwest. :(
I’m going. Yep, I’ll see all of you guys there. I’ll be the awkward looking bespectacled gaymo lurking in the corner.
you’re going to have to be more specific. i have a feeling there will be a lot of those.
I am so upset I will miss this, but if I buy 2 tickets (for me and my gf) can I donate them to someone? You could give them as a prize or something in the coming weeks!
sweet idea!
Is this the only time the shirt would be available? I really want that shirt.
nobody spill a drink on me please. just come dance or say hi or most importantly buy me a drink. promise we will be fast friends.
I second that.
i’m going to spill drinks on both of you and then touch you inappropriately
Of course you will. I did not expect anything less. This made me laugh.
thankfully my unemployment leaves my schedule wide open for this
This sucks I would so go but that is the SF Pride weekend and I am already going there. I so wanted one of those shirts!
If one were to buy a ticket could they still get a shirt?
I added an update to the post to answer everyone’s questions about the t-shirts availability!
I’ll be there with bells on. well, not actual bells. you know what i mean.
Pingback: Sometimes Mondays don’t suck – Jersey Shore preview, Lady Gaga’s “Alejandro” Video, New iPhone and Autostraddle’s Pride Party!
Autostraddle: If you’re in serious financial trouble, why not put up a donate button and start asking readers for contributions? This is a real community space and I for one would definitely be willing to throw down a few bucks to keep it alive. I’m sure that others feel the same way.
here’s our Support Autostraddle page:
:) thanks jj!
I have a request to whichever DJ this may concern. Please play Dragonette- Gone Too Far. I will know if you do and it will be like I was there. Please and Thank You.
I am SO there!!
OK, where are the damn flyers? They were so pretty and I wanted to post them on FFAF and FB and whatnot, to help promote that shit, but I CANNOT FIND THEM. Help me help YOU.
Do you think it’ll sell out? I’m leery of buying a ticket to a big ole’ dance party since I’m very rarely in the mood, but if I get in a pride-y way and feel like it, this would be the only party I’d want to go to, and would totally pay the extra $8 to be indecisive about it.
FYI kids, I had the pleasure of hearing Saratonin spin last weekend when I was in LA and she is AMAZING. Y’all are in for such a treat.
yamo be there.
I’ll most likey be going!
(If someone accipurpodentally spills a drink on me I’m more likely to go.)
So I’m going to pretend I didn’t have to google accipurpodentally. Not sure how to say it… but I like it.
And I think I’ve decided I’m most likely going too :)
too bad – no money – no passport – but passed this on to my friends who live in the area.
hope you make lots of moola!
Pingback: Pride, baby, pride! Where I’ll be in NY Pride. Where I’ve been. And where YOU should be.
f*ck! i was there & meant to buy a shirt then i got drunk & forgot. it was pretty sweet party tho until i just got home & realized i was ‘auto-straddle this’ shirt-less.
i did hear cher’s “if i could turn back time” enough times today tho that i feel it is possible to still get a tshirt, guess i’ll be okay after all
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