• Butch Please: Butch and Boundaries

    Why is it that time and time again, people act like they can’t make me uncomfortable? That as a butch — as well as a queer person, a top, someone who likes to flirt and be sexual just like most human beings — it’s impossible to sexually harass me?

  • Butch Please: Broken-Hearted Butch

    “That’s what you wish you could tell her when you’re staring at your shoes or finishing that drink or pretending there’s nothing else to say.”

  • Butch Please: Butch Buys A Drink

    “If I wear my heart on my sleeve – and I do these days, much to the shock and dismay of a butch gone prematurely tender – then the sleeve itself is my masculinity.”

  • Superstars of Butch Voices LA 2010: Nine or Ten We’d Like to “Know” For Sure

    Butch Voices is this super awesome conference happening in LA this weekend, and Autostraddle thinks you should go. It’s all about unifying and discussing all the various rainbow of butch identities. Plus, there will be some super awesome people there. Seriously. Go.

  • Policing Female Masculinity: Much Ado About Rachel Maddow’s Yearbook Photo!

    Rachel Maddow had long hair once. That’s right. You’ve seen the yearbook photo — she used to look like a Real Woman! (so says Senator Vitter). I’d tap that! (So says Buzzfeed). Whoa, y’all have some serious gender trouble going on. (Says us).

  • What Does a Lesbian Look Like?: The Autostraddle Roundtable

    What does a lesbian look like? Until a few years ago, mainstream culture was pretty sure they knew the answer to that question, even though they didn’t. The Autostraddle Roundtable tackles passing, why people can’t understand that lesbians can have long hair, and the relationship between gender, style, and sexuality.