Would You Give Heterosexuality A Try? It’s For Science.

DON’T KNOCK IT: I Did it For Science: Heterosexuality – One lifetime gay man who’s never done The Sex with a woman decides it’s only fair that he give that whole man-on-woman sex thing a try himself in nerve’s kickass “I did it for science” series. See, he’s constantly wondering why the straight men he lusts for won’t give a little romp in the homo-hay a try themselves : Once again I found that boobs only served to confuse me. I knew that they were supposed to be star players in this whole sex-with-a-woman thing, but I was on top of her. How could I touch them without doing the sexual equivalent of a one-handed push up?” Oh, sigh. We could teach you a thing or two here.  (@nerve) For all ye hets and homos who haven’t already tried the other side, do you think it would be a valuable experience to swing the other way for just one night?

DOUCHE: Apparently some women still use douches even though we all know know all they’re good for calling somebody one: The truth, simply, is that the vagina is the original self-cleaning oven. It needs no help. (@alternet)

DEEP THOUGHTS: I don’t know why I love these, but I do. I am also afraid to read all of them, as so many already reminds me of things I have or eventually will say out loud: Random Thoughts from Generation Y (it’s from August, but maybe I missed this sucker the first time). Some are predictably familiar (“Sometimes I have a hard time telling the difference between boredom and hunger”), but some are kind of amazing:

+ Lol has gone from meaning, “laugh out loud” to “I have nothing else to say”.
+ Shirts get dirty. Underwear gets dirty. Pants? Pants never get dirty, and you can wear them forever.
+ There is a great need for sarcasm font.
+ I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t at least kind of tired.
+ MapQuest really needs to start their directions on #5. Pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood.
+ It really pisses me off when I want to read a story on CNN.com and the link takes me to a video instead of text.
+ If Carmen San Diego and Waldo ever got together, their offspring would probably just be completely invisible.
+ Was learning cursive really necessary?
+ Whenever someone says “I’m not book smart, but I’m street smart”, all I hear is “I’m not real smart, but I’m imaginary smart”.

HETS: Somebody’s gotta say it – I’m heterosexual and it’s just freakin’ fantastic. (@dailykos)

BIKER CHICKS: How bike-friendly is a city? Just count the women riding.: In the U.S., men’s cycling trips surpass women’s by at least 2:1. This ratio stands in marked contrast to cycling in European countries, where urban biking is a way of life and draws about as many women as men—sometimes more. (@scientific american)

SLUTS: Good mothers and outcast sluts: (@sociological images) [it’s all about what you read, girls]

MAD MEN: The Federal Trade Commission has set up new rules for bloggers designed to encourage fair product reviews online, specifically enforcing those who receive pay-days from advertisers to clearly state just how much they are earning from the product placement. We would like this opportunity to tell you that much to my consistent dismay, no one has ever payed us for product placement. In fact, we love recommending things just ’cause we love them. But they should look at a magazine, those makeup and beauty tips on the best mascaras and face lotions aren’t out of the goodness of Glamour‘s heart.  (@guardianuk)

CENSORSHIP: Turkey’s two largest gay and lesbian Internet communities, hadigayri.com and gabile.com, have been shut down by the Telecommunication Directorate, or TİB. (@hurriyetdailynews)

DRESSING UP: A cross-dressing teen in Georgia was given an ultimatum last week: the 16-year-old says an assistant principal at North Cobb High School told him last week he needed to dress more ‘manly’ for school, or consider being home-schooled. He had only been a student at the school for three days. (@towleroad)

NEW SMOKING ADS WARN TEENS “IT’S GAY TO SMOKE”: A parody from The Onion says that the best way to get kids not to smoke is to tell them how gay it is.Check out the video on their website because it’s funny. (@theonion)

DAILY SHOW: This probably belongs in the news & politics fix, but we love John Stewart too much to ever leave him out of our day, especially when DADT is being discussed:

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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3255 articles for us.


  1. do you think it would be a valuable experience to swing the other way for just one night?

    Um…no. I don’t have to beat a puppy to death with a kitten to know that I would not enjoy that.

      • well not to see if you like it or not, I mean you already know you won’t prefer it. just because experience is the bread of life. or rather i guess the phrase is “experience is the bread of a writer.” I’ve done a lot of weird thin

  2. “I’m heterosexual and it’s just freakin’ fantastic”. – This line made me cringe and feel uncomfortable/confused. I think I’m a heterophobe :/

    • Aww please don’t be a heterophobe we are not all prejudice asses. I read that article. Even though I enjoy the rights he was talking about it made me uncomfortable upset and embarrassed for/ as a heterosexuals.

      • I think the point was to make heterosexuals embarassed because the way the world has treated gays and lesbians IS kind of embarassing.

          • Yeah, I’m pretty sure it was all tongue in cheek- a straight guy pointing out all the stuff he has going for him, that all straights have going for them, that they take for granted. And how absurd it is to say that we, the LGBT community don’t need the same rights. He is on our side :D

          • oh okay. Me too! You never know these days some of these anti-gay stuff is ridiculous and embarrassing, ie. the gay storm…

          • I didn’t mean it like that at all! I know he was being tongue-in-cheek :-) I just meant it in a ‘the thought of finding heterosexuality fantastic is odd to me’ way… If that makes sense. And MsNJS, you’re straight? That is a real loss. :-(

  3. Also I think i is a valuable experience to experiment. I plan too! lol. Hopefully, Maybe, We’ll see

  4. Hmm, doing something I know I won’t enjoy just for the sake of the experience. I think I’d sooner go to Burning Man. Or Times Square on New Year’s Eve.

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