What We Love and Hate About Dating Virgos

For those who believe in it, astrology can be a powerful tool for introspection and self-knowledge — or you can use it to talk shit about your ex and obsess over your crush. Journey with us as we do both, and then head to the comments to live your truth.

Vanessa Friedman, Community Editor

I hated the idea of dating Virgos for a long time because my shittiest ex is a Virgo, but I eventually realized that I have a lot of wonderful Virgos in my life and my ex is actually just a shitty person, not a shitty Virgo. An important distinction to remember when making broad sweeping judgements about our romantic partners using astrology!

Archie Bongiovanni, Cartoonist

I only have positive things about dating Virgos! I think because the relationship always went smoothly, everyone communicated the best that they could, and we all remain really good pals to this day! Virgos are creative and driven and everyone I know who is a virgo pushes me to work harder and they are THE BEST COLLABORATORS. They’re great to collaborate on projects and relationships with. Also–Virgos don’t hold onto drama. If something I did was shitty in the relationship back then, it’s a really good story they use to embarrass me at the bar now.

Stef Schwartz, Vapid Fluff Editor

I LOVE Virgos. In my heart of hearts, I want to be topped by organization. I want someone to make a plan. I want someone to tell me what to do with my life since I have absolutely no idea. I want someone else to do the dishes because I like making a mess in the kitchen but hate doing dishes. My mom is a Virgo so this is probably Freudian in some way, but I have always found Virgos very charming and easy to get along with. Evan Rachel Wood is a Virgo. Case closed.

Ryan Yates, Writer

I’ve never dated another Virgo, but I’ve noticed that the image of obsessive nitpicker caretakers is simplistic and also maybe possibly slightly somewhat correct. If you want to catch the attention of a Virgo in your life, you might find the following phrases to be useful: “What if we get up early and clean your bathroom?,” “I need your advice,” and “Will you edit this for me?” (The advice, like that in the present paragraph, will just as often be unsolicited.)

Rachel Kincaid, Former Managing Editor

My first (secret, unlabeled) girlfriend was a Virgo, and I’ll never know if it was because of that or because of, you know, the secret high school girlfriend thing that everything was always gestured at instead of said outright. We never talked about what we were doing; instead she cooked me meals, made me little gifts, sent me links to grants or opportunities she thought I should apply for without much commentary. From the vantage point of the present, with my own Virgo rising and a lot of Tegan and Sara albums to work from (they’re Virgos), I can see clearly that ~acts of service~ are a very Virgo way of showing love — which I can really appreciate, and find very moving! It’s also just, you know, sometimes you’d like someone to just… say it, you know? Earth signs can be difficult to read and come off as more indifferent than they really are; I love Virgos and their devotion is so sweet but that doesn’t mean you still can’t walk away from something real with them thinking “do you even like me?”

Positive: Very straight forward, communicative, nurturing in their own ways, they always smell nice and their house too, LOVE them

Negative: literally stop being so fucking stiff about everything, also not every fucking action needs a system, like chill

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  1. I’ve never dated a virgo, but two of my closest friends are, and let me just say… I love them, but I’d have a hard time dating them.

    And one of them literally works as a process manager, making sure there are plans and processes and systems set for every eventual outcome, so… I guess it helps that he’s a virgo

  2. I’ve never dated a Virgo, but my sister is one and she’s great! I’m an Aries with a lot of Capricorn in my chart and I feel like that makes me relate to Virgo personalities a lot. (Can anyone who knows astrology better than I do tell me if that’s a thing or not?)

  3. This article is Chaos Virgo ™ erasure and I’ve prepared a haphazard yet thorough presentation to tell you why

    • tbh I love all Virgos fiercely, but Chaos Virgo is the ultimate form and must be included, please present <3

  4. I love my virgo friends except that I’ve never met one who didn’t need twenty minutes of every party to be sad or worry about something.

    I’ve also never met one who denied this fact when I presented it to them, though, so.

  5. I…I have even gone over to my best friend’s house and cleaned his bathroom. And I make my girlfriend clean her bathroom. And sometimes, I invite my mom to visit for the weekend, and then we clean my bathroom together.

    And where did your friend get a job as a process manager? I didn’t know that was a job it sounds fun!

    • On my suggestion my wife and I had a few cleaning dates which I loved, though she was not so impressed.

      I’m a Taurus but identified with a lot in this article!

  6. I’ve been with a patently Virgo Virgo for 11 damn years and everything said here is so true. Maybe my least favorite part is the constant “suggestions for improvement” but there are many good parts about this pleasant smelling, no-detail-missed, careful person.

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