Vogue Evolution of (America’s Best) Dance (Crew) & Ellen at the Teen Choice Awards


We just had this really important week where you all shared your feelings in the “When Did You Know? Reader Edition.” And we all shared our feelings in When Did You Know Part 1: Riese & Laneia, When Did You Know Part 2: Carly, Stef, Tinkerbell, Robin & interns, and When Did You Know Part 3: Brooke, Alex, Crystal, and interns!

And! There was a contest for best #wheniknew tweet and an independent unnamed Team Member selected @brendogs’s At the Reba McEntire concert (94ish) when she was crying over him and I was crying because she was crying over him #wheniknew as the winning tweet, and Riese’s roommate drew Kelsey & Leah from a Cubbies hat out of all the longer When Did You Know stories we received. Email alex [at] autostraddle [dot] com with your addresses & t-shirt sizes and prizes will go out later this week!


Arts & Culture


Vogue Evolution

AMERICA’S BEST DANCE CREW featured its first all-gay/transgender (Leiomy Maldonado is an MTF) dance crew, “Vogue Evolutionon Sunday night’s premeire episode. Lil’ Mama revealed her secret awareness of the Voguing Ball Competition underground (history sidenote; rent Paris is Burning asap, kids, holler) and all the judges agreed that America is ready. JC didn’t blink and Shane Sparks said, “Y’all just ripped the stage … it’s about time for this style to be exposed. It’s been underground for so long … thank you.” We’re sure there’ll be backlash about tonkenising and stereotypes … but this style of dance — which yes, does embody some typical gay male stereotypes — is RIDICULOUSLY SIGNIFICANT and it IS about time this “underground style comes into the mainstream” (quote AC Slater) and the “feminine” style/attitude is an intrinsic element of the ballroom scene. Members of the group have coregoraphed for Mariah Carey and they work as HIV/AIDS educators in the city. Also? Holler to the not-skinny guy Malechi up there in the white, it’s about time we see a little bit of THAT, too! Here’s the episode, they come in at about the 46:42 minute mark. So vote!

THE TEEN CHOICE AWARDS were filmed last night and will air tonight on Fox. Guests included Ellen DeGeneres & Portia De Rossi, Meghan Fox obviously, Jordana Brewster, Kristen Stewart and Britney Spears. Twilight Won a bajillion Teen Choice Awards per ushe.

Ellen & Portia at the Nickelodian Kid's Choice Awards

Ellen & Portia at the Nickelodian Kid's Choice Awards

BOOKS: The Extra Man: Jonathan Ames Extra-Bisexual Book Will be a Movie: Jonathan Ames’ brilliant, offbeat and very queer novel has been made into a movie starring Kevin Kline, Katie Holmes, John C. Reilly, Patti D’Arbanville, Cathy Moriarity and Paul Dano.” (@examiner)

THE LYNCH: The Summer of Jane Lynch: ”Julie & Julia opens today, which means we’ve officially reached the peak of The Summer of Jane Lynch.” (@afterellen)

HIP-HOP: Queerty delivers 5 Black Homo-Hop Artists You Need to Know About.

MUSIC: Women Rock out at Lollapalooza: ”Several high-profile female singers, songwriters, and female-fronted bands (yes, even Leann Rimes, apparently) performed at Lollapalooza in Chicago this weekend; let’s take a photo field trip and catch up with a few of them, shall we?” (@jezebel)

Everyone Wants a Piece of Britney Spears

Everyone Wants a Piece of Britney Spears at the Teen Choice Awards

News & Politics

ISRAEL: Thousands March in Tel Aviv Gay Solidarity Rally – ”Saturday night’s rally also was a show of support for the victims of last week’s shooting at a Tel Aviv community center for gay and lesbian youth in which two were killed and a dozen wounded.” (@jewish telegraphic agency)

GAY RIGHTTT? Gay America, get your priorities straight: “Drafting legislation to help out small special interest groups should be at the bottom of the pile until plans to help the vast majority of struggling Americans are put in place.” (@nydailynews)

MONEY: This is so not surprising: Banks make a record 38 billion in overdraft fees this year. (@financial times)

RUSSIA: Two men arrested in Gay Club Raid in Moscow this Friday. Former media tycoon Oleg Mitvol told the press, ““I think that such clubs which, in line with casinos, lead to moral degradation of citizens and become the source of trouble should be closed.” (@onthetop)

EX-GAY: Kinsey would roll over in his grave to see how this clear proponent of the ex-gay movement re-explains the Follow Up Study of Exodus Participants (@crosswalk)

SEX CHANGE: What a Rational Discussion About Healthcare Reform and ‘Sex Change Operations’ Actually Looks like. (@pam’s house blend)


Auto-Straddler of the Day

Jorel Rios Auto-Straddles His Crew

Jorel Rios Auto-Straddles His Crew


The Alternative to Air Conditioning Award goes to Hot Outside from Chicago’s w4w seeking women:

Since it is hot out side I know it is at least 1 female out there that would love to come over and allow me to cool you down, get you wet and then let me satisify you intensely from the licking, sucking,grinding and then using toys on you if want them.

The Maybe It’s Time To Let Go Award goes to I See You on Facebook” from NYC’s w4w missed connections:

Seven years later, you don’t know how much I want to send you a message to ask you, “What the hell were you thinking?” I still cannot believe what you did to me. The shock lingers. People know that you tried to hurt me. You tried to make me look like the biggest idiot of all but everything you did came back on you. It always does. I stood my ground through the face of humility. I would like to say, “I won!” but I didn’t. We both lost. Yes, we had something unbelievable! You know we did and so do I! We have had this soul connection since the days of our youth! Why would you destroy this! Fear. I know the answer. The prison of your soul.


alex-iconfrom Alex:
What a lovely collection of unusual fonts. I’m not a fan of the ‘hairvetica’, but ‘soil type’ for sure tickles my pickle.


crystal-iconfrom Crystal:
Even if you’re not Australian, you might like to take a gander at this visual representation of the history of the Australian web.. It gave me flashbacks to simpler days of Netscape and ICQ.

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3298 articles for us.


        • I went to ‘Ask Jeeves’ the other day as well, just to see if Jeeves was still alive. It seems they phased him out back in 06, sadly.

          I think I’d like the ICQ ‘uh oh’ message alert as my text message alert. That noise never got old.

  1. i want the answer to every question ever to be “the prison of your soul”

    “dear roommate, where is the egg whisk”
    “…in the prison of your soul”

    such potential

  2. Pingback: Dance All Days Long | All Days Long

  3. hey I remember that Extra Man movie filming in nyc a few months ago.
    The picture of Ellen&Portia is at the teen choice awards right? not kids choice?

    Seeing “The Lynch” next to that picture leads me to the question,has Jane Lynch ever been on Ellen? If not, I feel as though that awesomeness is bound to come while promoting Glee, or at least I hope.

  4. I have a couple of honest to god questions re: that britney picture– how much do good weaves cost? are they crazy expensive? where is britney’s hairdresser? do anti-psychotic meds make it impossible for hair to grow back? WHY IS NO ONE HELPING THIS GIRL?!

    • I just had the exact same thought at seeing that pic! Every other celeb with fake hair has great hair! What is her deal? Where is Ken Paves?

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