The Comment Awards Are 69% Secure

A small, brown and white dog peeking over their laptop screen, with a caption that says "Hey did you see that comment?!"

Friends! Pals! Fireflies! You did it! You freaking did it! You raised over $100k for Autostraddle, and you did it ahead of schedule! You! Are! Amazing!

This week, the Speakeasy had a FANTASTIC conversation about the usage and nuances of the acronym BIPOC.

Did you fall in love with The Half of It? Me too! Casey’s got some YA novel recommendations for you.

In this weeks’ Top 10 Television Characters, Kayla’s got mommi issues and oh, boy do I miss Kalinda.

Jen Richards is engayged and she met her partner on Lex, love is not a lie!

Attachment styles keep coming up in my life this week! Did you take the quiz? My results were wildly different than I would have guessed!

I loved this piece from Adrian so, so much: Future Present: Perfectionism Is a Trap; Embracing Messiness Lets Us Be Whole.

And then there were your comments!

On What Songs From Gay TV Episodes Make You Cry in Public?

The Universal Award to Slay:

I am now belting Goodbye to You. I guess this is cheating because the songs are the plot, but uhhhhhh “Do It For Her

On No Filter: Janelle Monáe Is the Mermaid of Your Dreams:

The Sea Star Award to Kristana:

Maybe if they had had Janelle Monae on “Siren”, they would have renewed it.

And the Hat Romance Award to thatottergirl and cleo:

thatottergirl: I have a (faux) fur hat like that named Natasha, and she would very much like to ask Hayley’s hat out if they are interested. Cleo: hat romance! thatottergirl: Yes! Sometimes a glove lunch is elevated to hat romance. –thatottergirl’s theory of millinery entanglements

On Is That a Secure Attachment or Are You Just Happy to See Me: All About Our Attachment Styles:

The Need to Succeed Award to Sally:

I got 77% secure indicating that I am strongly attached to scoring highly in tests

And the 69 Award to :):

Confident that I owe my 69% secure attachment score to my current partner. Pretty sure I entered this relationship on the dismissive-avoidant side of things.

And on Happy 2nd Annual “It’s Great to Be Gay” Day — We Sure Do Love Being Gay, And We Also Love You!

The Obviously Award to Kate:

Happy gay day!! what a time to be alive My favourite thing is definitely how growing up gay is an education in questioning. In realising some of the things society has told you are a lie, and in the process uncovering all the other lies about how we ‘should’ exist, work, suffer, whatever. It’s casting those expectations aside and finding the beauty in the other ways of being, on the other side / Kate, again: Oh, and the sex, obviously

And the Life, Uh, Finds A Way Award to Deli Twotone:

Every day is a glorious day to be Gay, to be a dyke (in my case), to smile in puzzlement at the str8s who just don’t get it, to see ourselves in this awesome Sargasso Sea and call out to each other like the glorious deliciously dangerous sirens that we are. With our teeth we bite through shame and illusion and with our sex-powered sweat and tears we purify life itself. We are the pinnacle of evolution, Nature’s most perfect gift to Itself.

See a comment that needs to be here? Let me know! Tag me [at] queergirl.

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Darcy, a.k.a. Queer Girl, is your number one fan. They're a fat feminist from California who doodles hearts in the corners of their Gay Agenda. They're living through a pandemic, they're on Twitter, and they think you should drink more water! They also wanna make you laugh.

Darcy has written 376 articles for us.


    • I don’t know much about Sirens but let me tell you Kristana, the lyric “I wanna be where the people are” from the little mermaid sure hits differently these days!

  1. Just so I’m clear, we are back to “Love is not a lie”? So hard to keep up…. Did Stef sign off on this?

    • lol! ftr I have always been at ‘love is not a lie’ but like sometimes love is a dog or your family or your chosen family or a community of queers on the internet

      (and also sometimes it’s a partner i mean it COULD happen, like theoretically, i hear that earthlings sometimes do find other earthlings they choose to marry!)

  2. Thank you Queer Girl !

    Wow, those pics of Janelle-as-a-mermaid sure made an impact on my subconscious. So glad Autostraddle rules my psyche !

  3. Yaay thank you QG and Cleo! I will pass the good news on to Natasha (and the rest of my hats, which I have also named, because why not?). I will let you know if Hayley’s hat texts her back.

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