Target Is “Neutral” On Gay Marriage But Its Shareholders and Shoppers Aren’t

The vote on marriage equality in Minnesota this year is quickly becoming one of the most gripping current gay issues in the news. The fact that the unity and authenticity of so many families could be put up to a popular vote is of course bound to draw attention from both the media and individuals; what’s more surprising is that it’s putting the focus back on an older news story, that of Target’s involvement in gay issues.


At an annual meeting of shareholders this week, Target CEO Gregg Steinhafel made the announcement that Target as a corporation would “remain neutral” on the vote on marriage in Minnesota, where its headquarters are located. “Our position at this particular time is that we are going to be neutral on that particular issue, as we would be on other social issues that have polarizing points of view,” Steinhafel said.” Perhaps it’s surprising that the corporation had to make a statement on the issue at all; after all, how much do shareholders at an annual meeting really care about a multinational corporation’s stance on one vote in one state? Well apparently, when it comes to gay issues, they care a lot.

Despite what Steinhafel stated this week, Target has never really been “neutral” on the “polarizing social issue” of gay rights. It’s noted that “Target has a long record of supporting gay and lesbian causes, from offering domestic partner benefits, to being a major donor to Project 515, a group working to see that gay couples are treated the same as straight couples under Minnesota law.”

But then again, last year they also made a $150,000 donation to Minnesota Forward, an extremist anti-gay organization who was working to elect a pro-business but anti-gay governor. While there was an attempt at a boycott by gay activists, there was a question as to whether there would the backlash would make the company sit up and take notice, or whether it would go relatively unnoticed. But it seems like even if gay activists haven’t managed to bring the company to its knees, its shareholders are still taking its stance on gay issues very seriously, especially in light of the impending marriage vote.

Steinhafel apologized last summer for that contribution, and today he was asked about it repeatedly during Target’s annual meeting in Pittsburgh. After six shareholder questions on the topic, Steinhafel said, “Does anybody have a question relating to our business that’s unrelated to political giving? I’d love to hear any question related to something else.” No such luck. Steinhafel got a seventh question, and an eighth, then a ninth. He explained that Target has revised its donation policy since last fall, adding more oversight to the process and more input from employee groups. But he said Target would remain involved in making political contributions.

Combined with the fact that, according to the Wall Street Journal, Target may be losing its footing in the market in general, this doesn’t look good for the retail giant. Now that a dramatic backdrop of families fighting for legal recognition right next to their own headquarters is in place, Target’s donation history may finally be coming home to roost.

Slightly ironically, Target’s history of interaction with the gay community is largely positive; “Target has in the past been a major sponsor of Twin Cities LGBT Pride, where Target temporary tattoos and tchotchkes are ubiquitous. And the retailer will again be one of the prime sponsors of the monthlong series of events.” Steinhafel drives home that Target’s corporate policy has always been one of inclusiveness; but experts agree that its donation to MN Forward was a deviation from that policy, and it appears to have had consequences, even if its actions didn’t stem from active homophobia. Thomas Waters, advocacy chair of the Delta Foundation, an LGBT group in Pennsylvania, says:

“They acted in a way that was not aligned with their corporate values. That doesn’t make them homophobes, but it does call into question their value system,” he said. “Is their support for the LGBT community real? More likely, it is real, but there is a problem in the way the corporation acts and makes decisions regarding how they will use profits.”

It looks like Target is suffering from backlash about its injury to the gay community, betrayal of its corporate culture, and also a level of corporate involvement in politics and policy that many don’t appreciate. (That being said, Wal-Mart is considered a “Heavy Hitter” — which means they donate “overwhelming amounts of money in hope of influencing the political process”)

Mike Dean, executive director of Common Cause Minnesota, says “Target should stick to business and stop meddling in our democracy,” he said. “Target Corporation has failed to learn from the controversy last year by continuing to make corporate political donations.” It certainly seems like Target is failing to learn something. Finally aggravated at the shareholder meeting after continued insistent questioning on Target’s donations, Steinhafel snapped “I think we’ve sufficiently addressed that topic.” But it doesn’t look like anyone else is going to let it go.

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


  1. 1. Do not mess with the angry (gay?) chameleon.

    2. Target makes tchotchkes? Is there a section? I would like some queer tchotchkes.

    • i know what that is, but it sounds like candy to me.

      mmmmm tchotchkes.

      also it almost says crotch in it.

      mmmmm crotch….

  2. Although we don’t hear nearly as much about it Best Buy also donated to the same group. I’ve been boycotting both ever since.

  3. shouldn’t even buy from big corporations in order to fix the economy and slow down big corporations from interfering in our political system you should buy local as much as possible.

  4. i have to say, this whole target thing is pissing me off because they (target) make these really good jerk chicken chips and also their soft pretzels. oh my god.

  5. Ok so…should I feel like a bad homo for working for Target or not? I don’t know what’s going on anymore. Helpmeouthere.

    • no, we’re in a jobjam (high # of unemployed looking for jobs). because our economy is starting to rise again and jobs are growing steadily, people are getting exited about finding employment. so now there’s this surge in people going out to find jobs and we just can’t pump out enough jobs (with job creating bills being blocked) to accommodate the bigger crowd .

      In other words no don’t worry it’s hard to get a job out there right now.

    • I feel like homo’s working at places where gays are discriminated against gets em back

      like they donate money to jerkholes that dont want us to get married, but when they pay you, it’s kinda like they’re donating money directly to homos. so be gay as possible with it!

    • It’s possible that I only make trips to Target to check out all the homo ladies and wonder why Target is always full of homo ladies AND ALSO to be grateful for all the homo ladies at my Targets.

      So basically I support your working at Target.

    • Right there with you friend. There are so many gay people working at my store, and we’re all pissed and can’t do jack about it. My lesbian boss had to kick protesters out of the store and the protesters made a youtube video of them being asked to leave. In the comments for the video people called her a homophobe, etc. My LESBIAN boss. It broke my heart.

      But this pays my student loans. This economy sucks.

  6. I am all for voting with my wallet but the Target situation does not upset me. Sorry if that makes me a bad queer. Yes, they donated to a really bad organization, but I truly believe it had nothing to do with the organizations anti-gay beliefs. I think it was strictly their pro-business stance and Target is a business. They are doing what is in their best interests. That is what corporations do. If Target didn’t have a positive history with the gay community I would be more inclined to be up in arms about this but I just feel like my anger is best focused elsewhere.

  7. Thanks for the report on the shareholder’s meeting. Interesting stuff. I’m from the Twin Cities and I have so many feelings about the donation to MN Forward in light of Target sponsoring MY VERY OWN TWIN CITIES PRIDE. I know that that’s what you get with big corporations, but it’s oddly difficult to understand Target as a massive corporation when I grew up with the “local” side of Target that’s all RAHRAH WE’RE NEIGHBORS LET’S BE BEST FRIENDS and they sponsor all the things. You know? Major brand conflict for me.

  8. The thing that really interests me here is the line about how Target is “betraying corporate culture.” There’s a culture to corporations, other than squeezing out as much money as possible regardless of cost to others?

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