Pandemic Dating

A 4 panel comic about dating during the pandemic. Panel 1: Titled First Base. Two smart phones with two people on a FaceTime date, each saying hey to the other. Panel 2: Titled Second Base. The same two people are on a social distance date in the park. Both are wearing masks and sitting six feet apart. One is with a cute dog holding a ball in its mouth. Panel 3: Titled Third Base. The same two people are sitting on a blanket together in the park. They are not wearing masks but they are smiling and talking. The cute dog sleeps peacefully next to its person. Panel 4: A smartphone shows a text message conversation that goes like this: Person 1: I asked my housemates if you could come over… Person 2: Nervous face emoji. Person 1: They said yes! Final text reads: You’re Married Now!

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Sarah Mirk

Sarah Mirk is a multimedia journalist and somewhat obsessive zine maker.

Sarah has written 1 article for us.


  1. Thank you, found this delightful. Also, according to this I’ve been to second base, except no dogs were invovled sadly.

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